Any doubters left? LeBron makes history

BAR said:
Now, back to what is the topic for the last few weeks. I would rather start a "team" with a Dwight Howard. Much easier to build around a dominant bigman than a dominat swingman.

Yep. That's a positional aspect, as nowadays you don't have as many dominant and talented big men who can do what Dwight does. But LeBron taking them to the finals means something as well. And I agree with Killa that Gooden and Z are laughable. They can be good, Gibson also deserved all the praise for the games HE HAD WON (more than LeBron, but it also came as a result of double teaming James, which had Gibson in open positions several times) but overall, these guys are not even good role players, let alone a formidable backbone of a respectable team.

If you ask me, if they (CLE) don't bring in some more talent, I don't see them winning the whole thing.
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I had to get in on this conversation. Long time lurker. In my opinion, no one in the NBA is on par with Lebron. He's too fast and strong. I remember watching a Lakers-Cleveland game and they were showing highlights at half time. Kobe's athleticism is not in the same league as Lebron's. True story. Lebron's dismantling of the Pistons that one game last playoffs is reason enough to say he is the best player in the game. But, the problem is, everyone loses their step. Lebron's, what, 22? He's been in the league for 4 years and has logged in so many minutes. Sounds like somebody else who almost dismantled the Pistons. Ask Tracy McGrady how it felt to carry a team on his back for that long. McGrady is a shell of a player he was before because the wear and tear of being the ONLY point of focus on an NBA team does that to you. The only intangible is that Lebron is built like a running back while guys that have lost a step, McGrady or Kobe, are thinner.

Still, I can't imagine Lebron going as strong as he is in 3-4 years unless he develops a better jumper. Wade's already reeling with injuries. Dwight Howard has the potential to be an enormous talent in the future, just because he won't take as big of a beating as Lebron. I don't buy that crap from Shaq that the only person who gets beat up on more than Shaq is AI. Still, put Dwight on the Cavs right now instead of Lebron and they don't make the playoffs. The Cavs are just a terrible, terrible team.

Also, those stats don't mean jack. Who cares if he scored 39 points and got that many rebounds and assists. There's no reason to say Jason Kidd's triple doubles are any less impressive. Steve Francis as a rookie got 25 points, 17 rebs, 14 dimes. I'm pretty sure he's playing third fiddle to Mike James and Rafer.
yeah good post there, sole numbers don't mean jack, but can be indicative. Also, Francis did that once, LeBron is something else. I would love to see LeBron in a team evolving around 2 or 3 players like Boston or Houston. Get him a real sidekick, that would be interesting.

I agree with the rest, solid reasoning.
By the way, when LeBron took down Detroit last year, he beat a team in a playoff series that had 4 of the 5 best players in the series. Billups, Rip, Prince, and Sheed are ALL better than Cleveland's second best player, I don't think there's a fan in the country that would argue that. Beating a team that has 4 of the 5 best players in the series, I would like to know the last time that occurred. You may have to go way back.
Good stuff guys. I actually feel for Lebron that management did squadoosh to help him out. They actually got worst if that was possible. Lebron needs young guys who can run. They needed Redd a few years ago. If they played up tempo his numbers would be crazy. In a half court set he is a liability PERIOD
Good game by Bron and Howard again.. would like to see Dwight get an assist every now and then
lebron does it again with another monster night, and i had cavs and under. routine. i am on an insane run right now in the nba going 21-4 last 25 plays and ive been betting a decent amount of ML underdogs.
haha good job bud.. how about posting a play every now and then ( I do believe ya by the way)