AI and Practice

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
Allen Iverson was a no-show at Thanksgiving Day practice making him questionable for Friday's game at Milwaukee.

Iverson won't start, and coach Michael Curry said he will decide during the game whether Iverson will even play. Iverson was said to be "grumbling" after Wednesday's win when Curry announced the team would practice this morning. He will be fined an undisclosed amount, with Rodney Stuckey starting in his place. Nov. 27 - 12:37 pm et
Source: Detroit Free Press
AUBURN HILLS -- All the Detroit Pistons players showed up at practice on Thanksgiving with the exception of - you guessed it - Allen Iverson.
Pistons coach Michael Curry said Iverson will be hit with a "heavy fine" and will not start tomorrow against Milwaukee.
"Whether he plays or not, we'll make that decision internally," Curry said.
Rodney Stuckey, coming off his first career double-double with 13 points and a career-high 11 assists against New York, will get the start.
I'll have more later in Booth Newspapers and on
It's funny, because Iverson was the guy staying after practice the past few days trying to really get a good chemistry with Hamilton and alos doing extra running as well.
I'm sorry but I love Iverson. That's just to funny that he doesn't show up for Thanksgiving practice. I'm probably the only one who finds it funny but whatever.
I find it funny too man.

I can see Curry having a practice when team needs to develop chemistry. I only back that up because they are in middle of a homestand.
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I find it funny too man.

I can see Curry having a practice when team needs to develop chemistry. I only back that up because they are in middle of a homestand.

The thing is they haven't exactly been killed with the schedule lately. They win by 14 (and we know it wasn't that close) last night and they've only played 2 games in the last 6 days. They have three game coming up in the next 8 days so why the need for a Thanksgiving day practice? And just for the record I was probably never a coaches favorite player either. I say if you want chemistry hand out some turkeys as a team this morning. Screw practice.
I agree man.

We'll see how this shakes out.

I applaud Curry for his stance, but at same point whats the point this morning of having practice? But like I said, this team is in a mini-training camp every practice with Iverson being here getting acclimated.

AI knew hed be off his "game" today since its thanksgiving. he was ready for an off day and then this was thrown in his face. so he just decided not to show up. makes perfect sense
This isn't a bad, young team but a winning veteran team so to have practice on Thanksgiving is rediculous. Then again, maybe coach didn't want them watching that Detroit Lion game.
Detroit is done. Don't half-way blow it up like you still have a chance. Blow the team to smitherines and start over.