After 7 Weeks of College Football---What have we learned??

I also want to say this about the LSU game

Tre White muffed a punt that put FLA on like the 13.....early

also FLA has a pretty good D....and the Tigers put up some points

I look forward to Nov 7

also, I am sure BAR will have a thread, but.......did UM fuck up? I mean what does a coach do there?
lol. this is so typical of trying to debunk a Carolina Guy posting. It's jumped the shark. proof is up above. as if someone elses 105 rating is soooo much better than what I found someone elses SOS rating to be. I declare.

Nothing like referring to yourself in the first person; takes a special person to do that during a discussion. I'm just trying to have a discussion about how worthy Baylor is but your ego is so big, it's not really possible with you. You take everything so personally in anything and everything you discuss when anyone disagrees with you by even the smallest degree; variety of topics with you and nothing different, been there and done that with you previously and seen it with others as well; you just love to argue without any purpose. Your trusted site has Lehigh ranked well ahead of Baylor SOS-wise when it clearly lags far behind. Not sure what else to say but your college football knowledge leaves a lot to be desired if you're trying to pawn off Baylor's schedule at 176. Try reading some legitimate sites instead of just posting random SOS ratings from a site that is obviously clueless (I mean really, who can look at that schedule and conclude Lehigh has a tougher schedule than Baylor unless they have no clue).
I found out why Christian McCaffery may be the fastest RB in college football and runs away from D-back so easily.

He hit the genetic lottery. His side of the family has plenty of athletic genes (his dad played in the NFL for a decade), but it was his mother's side from which he hit the genetic jackpot. His grandfather on his mother's side was one of the greatest sprinters who ever lived--Dave Sime.

Sime set numerous American and world records and during his prime was the fastest man on the planet. He set or tied three world records in a few weeks span in 1956--he ran the 100 yard dash (most track meets still used yards instead of meters in those day) in 9.3, ran the fastest 220 time ever, 20.0, and set the world record in the 220-yard low hurdles. He was injured and could not compete in the '56 Olympics, but came back in 1960 to win silver in the 100 and anchor the American 4x100 relay team to a world and Olympic record.

McCaffery is just hitting his stride and against UCLA he broke the Sanford single game rushing record in three quarters, returned a kickoff 94 yards, and scored 4 touchdowns.
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Nothing like referring to yourself in the first person; takes a special person to do that during a discussion. I'm just trying to have a discussion about how worthy Baylor is but your ego is so big, it's not really possible with you. You take everything so personally in anything and everything you discuss when anyone disagrees with you by even the smallest degree; variety of topics with you and nothing different, been there and done that with you previously and seen it with others as well; you just love to argue without any purpose. Your trusted site has Lehigh ranked well ahead of Baylor SOS-wise when it clearly lags far behind. Not sure what else to say but your college football knowledge leaves a lot to be desired if you're trying to pawn off Baylor's schedule at 176. Try reading some legitimate sites instead of just posting random SOS ratings from a site that is obviously clueless (I mean really, who can look at that schedule and conclude Lehigh has a tougher schedule than Baylor unless they have no clue).

this is a gambling forum where guys don't only talk sports, but put their wagers out for everyone to see in their own threads. all of our ego's are pretty damn big. how bout that for a No Crap the magazine exclusive?! :tiphat: back to the lecture at hand since you want more ... use whatever SOS you want to from any site you choose; Baylor's blows and so does TCU's. The schools in the Big XII prey on shit teams and obviously destroy (most of) them with their PlayStation like offensive stats, but when push comes to shove and they are forced to play someone they didn't hand select to their schedule - they lose. And they will again on Dec 31st if they run the regular season schedule or lose one game and play in one of those BCS type bowl games.

2014 - Michigan State +2' Cotton Bowl LOSS
2013 - Central Florida +16' Fiesta Bowl LOSS
Ohio State w/ Barrett at QB is in the top 2-3 of my PR. With Cardale, might not be top 8
Ohio State w/ Barrett at QB is in the top 2-3 of my PR. With Cardale, might not be top 8

Correct. At this point, Jones may be able to throw the ball through a concrete wall, and that's about all he brings to the table. (Assuming he can hit the wall.) He's a borderline liability on offense.

With JTB, Ohio State has a decent chance to win another title.

I assume Urban's gotten it, by now.
Tubs punted down two scores with four minutes to go. I am just letting you know that he quits. It is important to know.

Then again, I once went to an Ole Miss game when Tuberville was HC. SMU led 41-19 and had the ball with less than 8 minutes to play. Ole Miss came back and won 48-41. I had Ole Miss -5.5.

And you never know what might happen after you punt the ball.
Me too twink but who in any conference is more a media darling than Michigan this year?
MSU does have 2 pretty good wins under their belt. Oregon is clearly a better team when Vernon Adams is playing. Not an amazing team by any stretch...but better.

OSU/MSU will be an elimination game so no need to worry.
Horses, you beat me to it, and found a much better example of the unreliability of the RPI.
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maybe on CTG or in B10 chat rooms

but then again, I live below the MD line:tiphat:

Yeah, but if a school's first president was William Tecumseh Sherman, it might be a Yankee school no matter how far south it is.
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also, these things will work out of course kj

what Michigan did on defense was nice for a few weeks......seems the train ran out

Jimmy has done some nice things in year 1
Well most have LSU in top 6 but Clemson win over Notre Dame, who I think is elite this year, is one of the best wins among all the top teams
I have always disliked ND, but the team speed this year is incredible. They should have beaten Clemson, but scoreboard wins in CFB.

Most impressed I've ever been with that program.
they have 2 losses this early. great season, but you expect them to make the playoff?

that is the train that ran out.
Well if that is what u meant you said something totally different above
I'm sure 99.9% of us thought u meant their play on defense when u said "looks like their train ran out"