After 12 Weeks....CTG Playoff Committee Projections...

If the top 4 win out, it's tough to see any changes isn't it?

Even with a win at Stanford, tough to imagine ND leapfrogging an undefeated Iowa, and Okla will have a win vs OSU which is as impressive as ND/Stan, so probably not jumping them either.

If MSU beats Iowa with the top 3 winning out, it'll be interesting to see if it's MSU or ND (if they beat Stanford, of course).
TCU won out last year. Didn't help them

Right. Stanford is ranked above Ok St right now though (I read it wrong initially), so I guess it's conceivable they jump Okla. Can't see them jumping an undefeated Iowa team, especially with MSU above ND currently in the rankings. It'll be interesting...
Mich St
Really not sold on Mich St yet since most of the CFB world was calling them over rated prior to the Ohio St game, another team they have been calling over rated all season. We will see what Mich St does in the title game.
All I know is Clemson is #1. Beyond that anyone with one loss has an argument for the last three spots and they all are close. Just depends on your bias.
Listening to the radio this AM and they were talking about how important it is to get the best 4 teams in the playoff. I side with Kyle here in that it truly should be the most deserving and not the best 4 teams. Truthfully if Alabama lost to Florida by 3 points I would still think they are the best team in the country but they certainly would not deserve to be in the playoff with two losses. I don't think it's that important to get the best 4 teams in because we are constantly wrong about who the best teams are. So instead of trying to use all subjective data when we know we're wrong about it a lot why don't we actually use objective data such as actual stats and results on the field. End rant
I think with all the factors we're dealing with in this particular sport, it is impossible to have a completely objective qualifying process. So there has to be some level of subjectivity. So you start with teams that are "deserving" and pick what you think are the top 4. I don't have a problem with the way the committee ranked them this week. Not how I would rank it, but I can't argue it. It's not like they are or will be putting 2 loss teams in without a whole bunch of other teams losing. People who are freaking out week to week are still in the poll mindset and the committee has proven that is not the way they operate
Yeah I think you just group them by undefeated, then 1 loss teams, then 2 loss teams and rank those groups subjectively
TCU last year would have whooped upon some teams in the playoff depending on who they played

TCU had 2 problems: 1) their conference didn't name them champions because 2) they lost head to head to another 1loss team in the same conference. Baylor was more deserving than TCU.

I wish we had played TCU than Ohio St. We were a much better matchup there than against Buckeyes
Yeah I think you just group them by undefeated, then 1 loss teams, then 2 loss teams and rank those groups subjectively

That's pretty much what they do. I know the first few there are 1 loss teams above undefeateds, but the last ranking is all that matters
Also referring to the fact of TCU being moved in and then moved out after a win. The weekly polls are dumb anyways. They are hanging their hat on certain teams playing each other and know the rankings will change. This year in CFB seems down though, a lot of good teams but not many dominate teams.
Listening to the radio this AM and they were talking about how important it is to get the best 4 teams in the playoff. I side with Kyle here in that it truly should be the most deserving and not the best 4 teams. Truthfully if Alabama lost to Florida by 3 points I would still think they are the best team in the country but they certainly would not deserve to be in the playoff with two losses. I don't think it's that important to get the best 4 teams in because we are constantly wrong about who the best teams are. So instead of trying to use all subjective data when we know we're wrong about it a lot why don't we actually use objective data such as actual stats and results on the field. End rant

I agree.

A playoff off spot is not a reward and it's not the prize, it is the opportunity to further weed out frauds. If a team doesn't deserve to be there they will be beaten in the first game.