Absolutely Pathetic Officiating in Hawaii


CTG Partner
For those of you who didn't watch the game this is what happened...

A little fade route to Mike Bess from about the 20 yard line that goes in for a touchdown. He gets hit at the goal line and runs through the back of the end and about 8-10 kids sitting in that section reach over the rail looking for a high five. He slaps hands with the kids, turns around and their were flags on the ground for unsportsmanlike conduct. He didn't jump up and down, didn't do anything with teammates, he simply caught the pass, ran into the end zone and slapped hands with a group of kids who had their hands out.

Okay a 15 yard penalty there was a bit extreme imo. There was no rubbing it in on his part to ASU. What makes it one of the most pathetic calls I have ever seen, and just absolutely pisses me off is he was ejected for his interaction with the fans. He was penalized and kicked out! He made those kids days slapping hands with them and he gets kicked out for that? That is just completely assinine. Each one of those officials who made that call deserve a minimum of a one year suspension. Its just inexcusable. And then the quote the official gave the sideline reporter about the incident saying, "Hey this isn't Green Bay," was just completely wrong. ARGH I'm mad at the stupidity of some people.
I'm guessing CFB rules have a rule stating something about fan interaction. I'm gonna guess this wasn't a judgement call by the refs. Just going by the book on this one...
Also: The reason he was ejected was b/c he got 2 unsportsman-like conducts in 1 game, which is an automatic suspension.

So, I say: Stop being so strict on these celebaration rules, NCAA!
I slept for most of the game and didn't know that it was TWO unsportsmanlike conducts on just him... thought they meant on Hawaii team. I can kind of see that, and if there is something about interaction with fans that is automatic then I'm directing my anger at the NCAA there. There was no reason though he should have been kicked out of the game for what he did.
I agree that the incident was bogus for being flagged...I just can't assume the official would judge that THAT celebration was flag-able. So, my guess is that it's probably stated in the uptight rules.
now that you bring up officiating fondy, what about the bullshit illegal shift call on ASU that changed the entire game?...
pags11 said:
now that you bring up officiating fondy, what about the bullshit illegal shift call on ASU that changed the entire game?...

Being on Hawaii I loved it, it was actually the first play of the game I saw... and I didn't see any replays or anything of it, so I"m not really sure what happened.
Hawaii is a "chipy" team at home. They always talk a ton of smack. I think the officials were trying to keep order. There have been a ton of fights in games on the islands over the years.
That 2nd excessive celebration was a cumulative penalty. Best had been talking shit all game and the refs were tired of it.

The biggest bullshit call was not going for it on 4th and 16, followed by a close 2nd with the illegal shift call.
There was a lot of jawing going back and forth the entire game by both teams from what I saw, so I think it was weak for the refs to throw the flag on something as innocent as high fiving some fans in the crowd. There were a number of times at the end of plays that guys from both teams where talking and pushing and the refs didn't do anything (correct call by the way), but when you flag some things and not others, you lose credibility in my book. I think any games where the refs take the spotlight from the players is a bad deal, and in this game, I think the refs stood out a little too much, and that is almost never a good thing. Just my 2 cents.
I agree about the illegal shift being a bad call by the way. There were a few other calls that they blew in addition to this one. I think the refs let both teams down tonight with their poorly called game. No one wins when the refs kill the flow of the game like those guys did last night.
Koetter in on it?

Well, I didn't think ASU would make it quite as close as it was, but definately a big win for me. I'm still in shock about someone passing for 560 yards and someone with 308 receiving yards. I knew ASU's secondary was dirt, but that's unfathomable.

I'm still trying to comprehend Koetter punting with 3 minutes left in the game. Someone was joking around ASU the last week Koetter laid a big one on Hawaii and was going to split it with the assistants that didn't get retained by Erickson. That was certainly fishy...down 10 at midfield, best case scenario you pin Hawaii and force a 3-and-out, which they hadn't done since the first quarter I believe. That's asking a lot out of a defense that couldn't stop the Hawaii Offense. Down 2 scores with maybe 2:40 left and no timeouts near midfield, why not go for it and try to get the 3-and-out near midfield and save your timeouts.
Yeah, the punt call was great for us Hawaii backers as I was nervous about ASU getting that 4th down and screwing the cover. I was in shock as a Hawaii backer when ASU decided to kick, but I was also very thankful for that early Christmas gift.