8 team playoffs in each league is here to stay


Chicken Little
I can't even express how dumb this is. Manfred is a complete joke of a commissioner. This season the playoff structure is fine due to the nature of a 60 game season but it needs to end after this season.

Just watching the Brewers play the Cardinals the last few nights thinking that these teams are actually in contention was ridiculous. How much do they want to cheapen the regular season. A great team should not have to win a first round 2 of 3 series against teams like the Brewers, Cardinals, and Mets who can throw Degrom to get them through.

The baseball regular season was the one that always meant something and its infuriating that this commissioner is destroying it.
changing it on the eve of the season when i had locked in an OAK future at 29/1 thinking there would only be five qualifiers was really fun.

Probably going to be the exact same price in a 8-team format even when they win the division
Sixteen teams going forward totally bastardizes the regular season. Having 16 teams in the NBA, or NHL is fine because the superior teams come out on top in a best of seven format more times than not. On the other hand, playing 162 games to finish 10-15 games ahead of an 8th seed, only to have the season boil down to a best of three series is arbitrary at best.
anybody want to guess which team Toronto is counting its magic number against today?

Don't look it up
I thought the CBA expired in 2021 and they’d have to vote on, or pass the expanded playoffs in a new CBA. This isn’t the case?

I was under the impression they were going to try and get a 14 team playoff in the new CBA, and this 16 team format for just for this year.
Seattle actually, who was selling assets all season. That's how bad the playoff teams are this year