4-man NCAAB bracket snake

Monger's to lose at this point ... if my remaining possible points math is correct ... here is where we stand ...

Total points remaining - 15

GW - sorry bud, mathematically eliminated (7 remaining possible points would tie Monger who has 16 right now, but Mo has a guaranteed win with Oregon vs Virginia, would give him 17)

Timh - best case scenario would be a tie with Monger (Timh has 5 possible points remaining, and if Mo only got his 1 guaranteed win, would both have 17)

NYG - 10 possible points remaining, could get as high as 21 points, but would need 3 of 4 remaining teams to go to final 4 (2 losses in sweet 16 would be eliminated, need 3 teams in the final four and everything go against Mo)

Monger - 10 possible points remaining, guaranteed winner with 6 more wins (if Va Tech beats Duke, plus his guaranteed win with UVA vs Oregon, would only need 3 additional wins instead of 4)
