4-man NCAAB bracket snake


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
Would like to run as many of these as possible, so reply if you're interested.

Will do any amount
100 max for me, this stuff is novelty for me. I'm much more in to adjusting round to round than the guesswork
I am good with Monday or Wed night, would prefer avoiding Tuesday if possible but available after 10 p.m. eastern. If someone has teleconference they can set up, it will go a lot faster.
1 per win is the way we've done it in the past and i like that way

I've got a ton of work to do so i'm not sure i can do it tonight @Monger but like the other group i think we just need someone to randomize and we can go whenever it's your turn
sounds good ... are yall okay with VK, Steed or Egg doing the random draft order? I'll just post in the other thread to have one of them do it and post it here ... ???
Just for clarity, because in this 1 pt scenario for all rounds tie is more likely. Tiebreaker should be champion if applicable, if not whoever has most teams left in latest rounds. Does that make sense?
furthest advancing team should be the tiebreaker and then if tied there next furthest advancing team
Ok - I will not be around between 4 eastern and 10 eastern tonight. Back at 10 and fine to finish tonight. Wed I am traveling etc. so would like to have this wrapped if possible.
GW gets the Zags. Monger and NYG you guys know you can jump into any seed at any time? Just making sure.....