4-man March Madness signup thread


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
4 people, snake draft, pick one of each seed

Sign up here, i'll do as many as we can find 3 others for
need two more

entry fee is negotiable, 1 point for each win pretty simple tiebreaker is furthest advancing team
I'm around now. Just texted VK to see if anyone was still doing this but would need the draft to happen within the next 3 hours
lol at these 3 hour windows, looks like we got our 4.

Just need a randomizer from someone for

Haha sorry. Two young kids with constant sports, my tennis matches and at hospital all day. Only home and free from 8-11 each night during the week.
One of us just do it, or else we’ll be waiting 3 hours for it. I trust yall
I’m here. Not sure I can be glued to it but we can make it work. We’ve always been able to finish over a day or so.
I forgot it doesn’t have to go quick. I can do it intermittently all day from my phone tomorrow. First pick
