
1st and 2nd no out @ KC up 2-0.....never easy...come on Riske

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>Career vs. DET</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>38</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>42.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>19</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>10</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>54</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2.11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0.75</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.130</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Experimenting? C'mon.

Bonds is great, Hall-of-Famer clean or dirty, but I think it's pretty safe to say he doesn't sniff Hank's record without a little pharmaceutical assistance.
Dagggggggggggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 3 Run Triple :wacka wacka:
Experimenting? C'mon.

Bonds is great, Hall-of-Famer clean or dirty, but I think it's pretty safe to say he doesn't sniff Hank's record without a little pharmaceutical assistance.

I disagree but I know where u are coming from....thats why he still does it at almost 43 he is a freak...comparing his age to past players is missing the key ingredent ....baseball players today work out which slows down the aging process which didnt happen 25 or more years ago. Forget power hitters how bout pitchers not losing there stuff in there late 30's , early 40's and 40 yr old middle infielders. It's not just him the whole game has slowed down the aging process. Decades ago we didnt have that but today there is better understanding of how to take care of yourself. Thats undeniable. As a kid I remember the old guys as the Niekro's , Tommy John , Gaylord Perry , Charlie Hough , Big Daddy Rick Reuschel all out of shape or gray haired slop throwers....today the list of 35 ++ year old players continues to grow..its just a different world. You cant judge anyone on age alone. Bonds number increased in the hitters ERA. Thanks to expansion ...he didnt get better , he got smarter and through expansion it diluted the game. This guy plays in the best hitters division with ARI and Col which corresponds to the worst pitching. The other is the game is geared to offense and has been for a long time....Its so much more then Steroids...lets say steroids are largely out of the game how has it changed past few seasons...?? It hasnt at all....

Assistance doesnt really exist IMO there is no magical pill cause the legions of minor leaguers suspended every season well they wouldnt be minor leaguers if steroids made you clearly better. Not to say there wasnt benefits of using them but they dont really do what the media implies they do...

Aarons record will fall 5 times in the next 50 years..every generation will have a 700Hr hitter....just look at ARod's stats...era's can not be compared cause the MYTH called level playing field doesnt exist and never did...players from past generations were made out to be heroes and iconalized so its like pissing on there graves if you 'cheated' to surpass them...wow just imagine if Bonds got to face that SP in the 7th inning running out of gas for the 4th time....its all about context and Bonds barely got pitrched to for 5 seasons and missed nearly another.

I wish these problems didnt exist but they do cause they exist in society. Its a reflection of who we are as people that has lead to this problem...Babe Ruth was ahead of his time but could he exist in todays game..?? Bonds could hit in any generation ...
Guys play longer, but they were better when they were younger. Clemens was better 10-15 years ago. So was the Unit. So was Frank Thomas. So was Jim Edmonds. To suggest that Bonds hitting 70+ bombs at around 40 years old when he was basically a 35-HR hitter isn't fishy is laughable. He juiced, he became the hulk, he hit more home runs. It's a fact, ask the grand jury.
Its not fact that taking something makes you better its an opinion...first he wasnt 40 more like 36 going on 37 and there is nothing odd about having a career year at that age..........I guess Ted Williams at 39 hitting nearly . 400(388) must have juiced..?? Or at 41 hitting 316 ...Oldest batting champ in Major League history at 40 in 1958 !! . That season was his highest avg since his 400 season in 1941, so he couldnt have done it fair.... Its impossible to get better numbers at an older age you say well history disagrees. Many great athletes have done incredible things at late ages...George Brett hitting nearly 400 in his late 30's..all the guys can do the samethings now that they did years ago...Difference is at the older age they have more knowledge then talent. Younger stages all talent , older stages a nice combination.

Barry Bonds was not better he was statisically better. Manny had the same numbers in 2005(33 yrs old) as 1998 and I doubt he takes nearly have as good care as someone like Bonds or Clemens...You can answer will 33 isnt old but he seen nearly zero dropoff...You have the vanilla arguement with no substance. Where's Giambi dropoff...??? he would hit 50 Hrs if he didnt have the wrist problem last season...steroids dont make a great player.....you have to learn the game was molded to create gaudy offensive numbers and non athletes dont seem to understand that there is no magic pill to becoming a great athlete...they want to believe these numbers cant be realistic cause there minds arent trained to expect these type numbers

All those hitters you mentioned are laughable in comparing to Bonds. Clemens have you watched him the past few seasons..?? When was the last time he had a sub 2ERA....1985?? Didnt Duquette back in 1996 say he was to old and losing it, seems you follow that same thought process. Jim Edmonds did more as Cardinal then he ever did as an Angel...who the hell is Edmonds anyway...we are talking best players in baseball...so if ARod hit 70 hrs at 36 that would be odd???

Unit , Schilling , FT all these guys have seen little dropoff over a decade of time. Frank Thomas check 1998 vs 2005 then comment.....its not age that hurts these guys its there bodies breaking done. Thomas at 6'6 was freak so his body is more apt to breakdown earlier . At 38 Big Hurt has his best HR per atbat ratio since what 1995....if they stay healthy they can produce...did Paul Molitor see a dropoff or resurgence in his late 30's...Edgar Martinez...its a different world.....

Anyway the perfect example is Moises Alou who slides under the radar...Before 32 years old he once hit above .292 . Since then in Hous hitters paradise 312 , 355 ,331 then ChiC 275 , 280 , 293 and a career high in Hrs at age 38 with 39 knocks , in SF 321 and .301.....so your telling me players cant get statistically better with age? Bonds isnt better its obvious if you watch....his nunbers are better cause the athleticim lost is replaced with knowledge...you know all the vets saying if I know at 25 what I knew at 35....so Bonds doing it in the season he turned 37 is so much stranger...?? If you researched what you had such a strong opinion and saw that at 29 yrs old his first season in SF 1993 he hit 46 bombs in 539 atbats...thats 1 per 11.70...the next season 37 in 390 atbats thats one per 10.50....we have a created a generation of athletes who dont lose as much physical ability and when they reach the golden years with that knowledge of the game it creates what appears to be a super athlete....

Problem is your arguement is to basic. He got bigger so he got better . Nope. The game continued to evolve into what it is today and a great talent like Bonds , Clemens and Unit were able to take advantage of it. Explain the dropoff in Randy Johnson?? Would love to hear that arguement... some the difference in his 1st season in Zona and his last season in Zona at 40 going on 41....??? there is none his last season in Zona was better then his first...did he get better?? Nope but his numbers did...

Stats are nunbers that reflect many things.....smaller parks , different balls , specialization of the game , expansion.....

Its funny how everytime the HR record is questioned the player is made out to be the anti-hero....
Fact: Bonds jumped from averaging 30-some home runs to seventy-fucking-three at the spry age of 37.

Educated opinion: That's pretty fucking fishy.

Fact: Bonds' trainer is sitting in jail. Tell me why.

Opinion: He's been stoking up Bonds for about a decade.

Sport, you're a good guy, but if you don't suspect Bonds is dirty, you're just about the last person in the world to feel that way.

Personally, he will never be my HR champion, and I'll talk baseball history with you until you fall asleep. He's not in the top 10 of MLB power hitters. Not so coincidentally, he'll never be a MLB champion either. It's a team sport. He's a dick. Teammates don't have to love each other, but it always helps when your best player isn't the biggest asshole in the stadium.
One more "opinion". The guy was juicing long before 2001, unless you can tell me how you lift weights, eat right, and expand your fucking head.