3/10 Nba

yeah, just saw injury list...i think bucks win here but will wait til half if at all

u liking pitt or gtown tonite?
Not shizzou I can back da pacers wit O'Neal on tha shelf
Could have some probs on da boards and scorin
Good luck though I hope ya win homey
Basically, anyone can win in Wash. Its an ugly game.

Im watching the Sixers game. Their defense is sub-par tonight. Indy looks really motivated to get their first win in a while. I don't see them blowing this.
I will be back later, maybe for in-game. Lots of paperwork to do. Been a TERRIBLE day in CBB for me. I need this Pacers W. Then I will be ok on the day.
I cannot believe the Sixers are going to do it to me again. Well guys it's been a fun ride. But my days at CTG are over. GL! the rest of the year.

- BeLIEve