2024 Boxing Thread

You watch the whole way? That was insane fight!

Crazy Ugas doesn’t have more KO’s to me.
Cuban style is different and is taught a way but I wish he didn’t ever take time off. He’s a badass

Yeah I bought it just because I saw your post for some late action. Nice hit!
Watching Pac/Morales I on youtube right now, man that was an environment

Still regret turning down face value tickets the day of when I was up quite a bit
It’s HW so never know, but it’s just a matter of HOW fury wins in my estimation.

At Wembley, should be wild there
Yep. Would love to hear thoughts. Valdez is game and I believe can stand and trade with Shakur, but in the end Stevenson’s elusiveness should help him avoid too much damage and get him the win.
Essentially. No one thinks Valdez can box with Shakur, but no one thinks he will stand and trade with Valdez.
I get the whole main event at msg thing

But putting this right before canelo next week woulda been better imo
Or hell just go to Melbourne but June 4th won't be a Saturday no matter where in the world you are
Where is Canelo fighting next week? Not sure I've ever seen him so low at -425
You've been before right?

One of my favorite cities this country has to offer, even more so when there's an even going on
Yea we’ve joked about it before. Wasn’t a great one for me. That’s a really good too to bottom card. The main is sick enough. Bam is wild. That’s a BIG back to back off his last.

Then the unders could be potentially better fights. And it doesn’t break a bank. The smaller weights should be payed more but it helps get top to bottom bangers