2022 Full Season (hopefully) Betting Thread

season: 267-209-13
best bets: 153-103-11

best bets:
Cards first 5 -0.5 -120 $600/$500
Cards -1 -130 $650/$500
Mariners TT over 4.5 -110 $550/$500
Gilbert (Mariners) over 5.5 K’s +100 $500/$500

Cards TT over 4.5 -125 $375/$300
Cards over 4.5 & Cards
win +115 $300/$345
Mariners first 5 -0.5 -115 $345/$300

best bets:
WIN Cards first 5 -0.5 +$500
WIN Cards -1 +$500
LOST Mariners TT over 4.5 -$550
LOST Gilbert (Mariners) over 5.5 K’s -$500

WIN Cards TT over 4.5 +$300
WIN Cards over 4.5 & Cards
win +$345
WIN Mariners first 5 -0.5 +$300

best bets: 2-2

season: 272-211-13
best bets: 155-105-11
season: 272-211-13
best bets: 155-105-11

best bets:
Marlins first 5 +130 $500/$650
Marlins +135 $500/$675
Marlins over 7 -110 $550/$500
Marlins TT over 2.5 -140 $700/$500

Marlins over 2.5 & Marlins win +160 $300/$480
Marlins -1 +220 $300/$660

best bets:
LOST Marlins first 5 -$500
LOST Marlins -$500
LOST Marlins over 7 -$550
LOST Marlins TT over 2.5 -$700

LOST Marlins over 2.5 & Marlins win -$300
LOST Marlins -1 -$300

best bets: 0-4

season: 272-217-13 56%
best bets: 155-109-11 59%

had a rough patch last week
then turned it around
but hit a brick wall today

it’s good to get three days of rest
still a very solid year, just can’t lose my focus
enjoy the break
season: 272-217-13
best bets: 155-109-11

best bet:
Gray (Rangers) over 6.5 K’s +115 $500/$575
Rangers TT over 3.5 +105 $500:$525

Rangers over 3.5 &
Rangers win +165 $300/$495
Rangers +100 $300/$300

the grind continues
I hope to come out hot, let’s see

best bet:
LOST Gray (Rangers) over 6.5 K’s -$500
WIN Rangers TT over 3.5 +$525

WIN Rangers over 3.5 &
Rangers win +$495
WIN Rangers +$300

best bets: 1-1

season: 275-218-14
best bets: 156-110-11

a good start to the second half
season: 275-218-14
best bets: 156-110-11

best bets:
Phillies -130 $650/$500
Phillies -1 +105 $500/$525

Phillies over 4.5 & Phillies win +130 $300/$390

best bets:
LOST Phillies -$650
LOST Phillies -1 -$500

LOST Phillies over 4.5 & Phillies win -$300

best bets: 0-2

season: 275-221-14
best bets: 156-112-11
season: 275-221-14
best bets: 156-112-11

best bets:
Blue Jays first 5 -140 $700/$500
Blue Jays -140 $700/$500

Blue Jays over 4.5 & Blue Jays win +110 $300/$330
Blue Jays -1 -110 $330/$300

best bets:
WIN Blue Jays first 5 +$500
WIN Blue Jays +$500

LOST Blue Jays over 4.5 & Blue Jays win -$300
WIN Blue Jays -1 +$300

best bets: 2-0

season: 278-222-14
best bets: 158-112-11
season: 278-222-14
best bets: 158-112-11

best bets:
Brewers 1st 5 -1/2 -135 $675/$500
Rangers first 5 -1/2 +100 $500/$500
Rangers -135 $675/$500

Brewers -1 -145 $435/$300
Brewers TT over 4.5 -140 $420/$300
Rangers TT over 3.5 -145 $435/$300
Was glad to see you on rangers Ff. Feel like Perez should out pitch Blackburn in a game rangers need to avoid getting swept. Wasn’t so high on milw but I just need kuhl to give me 5.1 innings. Gl bro

best bets:
WIN Brewers 1st 5 -1/2 +$500
WIN Rangers first 5 -1/2 +$500
WIN Rangers +$500

PUSH Brewers -1
WIN Brewers TT over 4.5 +$300
WIN Rangers TT over 3.5 +$300

best bets: 3-0

season: 283-222-15
best bets: 161-112-11

nice way to end the week
season: 283-222-15
best bets: 161-112-11

best bets:
Braves first five -1/2 -125 $625/$500
Braves -1 -150 $750/$500
Rays first five -130 $650/$500

Phillies TT under 3.5 -130 $390/$300
Rays -125 $375/$300
Rays over 4.5 & Rays win +135 $300/$405

series bet:
Mariners -165 $1,320/$800
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

best bets:
LOST Braves first five -1/2 -$625
LOST Braves -1 -$750
LOST Rays first five -$650

LOST Phillies TT under 3.5 -$390
LOST Rays -$375
LOST Rays over 4.5 & Rays win -$300

series bet:
Mariners -165 1-0
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

**two pending series bets**
best bets: 0-3

season: 283-228-15
best bets: 161-115-11

worst losing night of the season
season: 283-228-15
best bets: 161-115-11

pending bets:
series bet:
Mariners -165 $1,320/$800
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

best bets:
Cubs -1 -140 $700/$500
Cubs TT over 4.5 -140 $700/$500

Cubs first 5 TT over 2.5 -120 $360/$300
Cubs over 4.5 & Cubs win +100 $300/$300

best bets:
WIN Cubs -1 +$500
LOSS Cubs TT over 4.5 -$700

WIN Cubs first 5 TT over 2.5 +$300
LOSS Cubs over 4.5 & Cubs win -$300

best bets: 1-1

season: 285-230-15
best bets: 162-116-11
season: 285-230-15
best bets: 162-116-11

pending bets:
series bet:
Mariners -165 $1,320/$800
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

best bets:
Yankees first 5 -115 $575/$500
Yankees 1st 5 TT over 1.5 -145 $725/$500
Yankees -120 $600/$500

Yankees TT over 3.5 -140 $420/$300
Yankees over 7.5 -120 $360/$300
night game recap:

pending bets:
series bet:
WIN Mariners -165 +$800

Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

best bets:
LOST Yankees first 5 -$575
WIN Yankees 1st 5 TT over 1.5 +$500
LOST Yankees -$600

LOST Yankees TT over 3.5 -$420
WIN Yankees over 7.5 +$300

best bets: 1-2

season: 288-233-15
best bets: 163-118-11

pending bet:
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390
season: 288-233-15
best bets: 163-118-11

pending bet:
Mariners correct series score 3-0 +390

best bets:
Gibson (Phillies) under 4.5 K’s +120 $500/$600
Braves TT over 4.5 -125 $625/$500
Braves -1 -135 $675/$500
Padres first 5 -140 $700/$500

Braves TT first 5 over 2.5 -105 $315/$300
Darvish (Padres) over 6.5 K’s -130 $390/$300
Padres -1 -120 $360/$300

pending bet:
WIN Mariners correct series score 3-0 +$1,170

best bets:
WIN Gibson (Phillies) under 4.5 K’s +$600
LOST Braves TT over 4.5 -$625
LOST Braves -1 -$675
WIN Padres first 5 +$500

LOST Braves TT first 5 over 2.5 -$315
WIN Darvish (Padres) over 6.5 K’s +$300
LOST Padres -1 -$360

best bets: 2-2

season: 292-237-15
best bets: 165-120-11
season: 292-237-15
best bets: 165-120-11

best bet:
Mets first 5 -1/2 -135 $675/$500
Mets TT first 5 over 2.5 +115 $500/$575

Scherzer over 7.5 K’s -165 $495/$300
Mets -1 -140 $420/$300
I hated to bet against them but our team is at an all time low right now
it’s time to can Woody & the entire coaching staff

I was really surprised Marco Gonzales shut them down today, I actually bet them Ff, thought for sure they could hit him seeing how good their numbers are vs lhp and how mediocre Gonzales is. Then of course I expected gray to dominate which he pretty much did till later in game. Guess I should be happy they finally got a run in 5th and pushed!

best bet:
WIN Mets first 5 -1/2 +$500
LOST Mets TT first 5 over 2.5 -$500

LOST Scherzer over 7.5 K’s -$495
PUSH Mets -1 -140

best bets: 1-1

season: 293-239-16
best bets: 166-12-11
season: 293-239-16
best bets: 166-12-11

best bet:
Phillies first 5 -1/2 -140 $1,120/$800

Phillies win & over 7.5 +165 $500/$825

series bet:
Angels win 3-1 +220 $300/$660
Last edited:
Friday night Perez vs Detmer is the one we can pull out of this series, perhaps.

What's the price on a 4-0 sweep by the Halo's?

Where are you finding these correct series score lines? Is it a DK or FanDuel deal?
I get the disappointment w rangers and being down on them but im worried you guys giving halo’s too much credit., they have won all of 5 games this month!!
I get the disappointment w rangers and being down on them but im worried you guys giving halo’s too much credit., they have won all of 5 games this month!!
I won't speak for Lefty, but I look at the series as a coin flip that's coming down to intangibles, like manager decisions. Texas is woefully behind in that department, even facing a stand-in like Nevin.
Woodward is finding ways to lose, with considerable help from Ecker. We've got decent talent and once in a while it overpowers the knucklehead moves from the bench, but it's not a sustainable path to a winning record. Players get weary of having to win in spite of their coaches.
Friday night Perez vs Detmer is the one we can pull out of this series, perhaps.

What's the price on a 4-0 sweep by the Halo's?

Where are you finding these correct series score lines? Is it a DK or FanDuel deal?
they are on DK Sportsbook then click on game parlays
+900 for a Angels sweep
I won't speak for Lefty, but I look at the series as a coin flip that's coming down to intangibles, like manager decisions. Texas is woefully behind in that department, even facing a stand-in like Nevin.
Woodward is finding ways to lose, with considerable help from Ecker. We've got decent talent and once in a while it overpowers the knucklehead moves from the bench, but it's not a sustainable path to a winning record. Players get weary of having to win in spite of their coaches.
great analysis and to throw in one more point our pen is in complete shambles
as long as our pen pitches 4,5 innings per night we will continue to lose even to the the angels

Halo’s pen not very good either tho, Is it?? I mean tonight I would think ohtani blows them away and Howard hasn’t been good at all. I dunno what rest the series pitching matchups look like? I just know after ohtani it pretty slim pickings in laa rotation also. I don’t like the way laa been trying to put that team together for years and the results always the same, I understand all your gripes bout tex, just not sure laa any better??

Since I got ya here I was meaning to you guys bout Spencer howard, have you been watching his starts? I was confused as shit cause fangraphs grades several his pitches and him overall really well,, like above a bunch of pitchers I think really good. His numbers don’t reflect those grades at all tho! I havnt seen him pitch in years so just wondering wtf going on there? Is fangraphs just off their rocker with those favorable grades or does he really have plus stuff and potential?
Halo’s pen not very good either tho, Is it?? I mean tonight I would think ohtani blows them away and Howard hasn’t been good at all. I dunno what rest the series pitching matchups look like? I just know after ohtani it pretty slim pickings in laa rotation also. I don’t like the way laa been trying to put that team together for years and the results always the same, I understand all your gripes bout tex, just not sure laa any better??

Since I got ya here I was meaning to you guys bout Spencer howard, have you been watching his starts? I was confused as shit cause fangraphs grades several his pitches and him overall really well,, like above a bunch of pitchers I think really good. His numbers don’t reflect those grades at all tho! I havnt seen him pitch in years so just wondering wtf going on there? Is fangraphs just off their rocker with those favorable grades or does he really have plus stuff and potential?
IMO if we had a legitimate #4 and #5 starter
he’d been in our pen or in the minors
I don’t see him being a valuable player with this team ever
IMO if we had a legitimate #4 and #5 starter
he’d been in our pen or in the minors
I don’t see him being a valuable player with this team ever

His numbers sure the hell don’t support the grades fangraphs has on him, made me wonder if I was missing something or they just retarded!! I often disagree w them so no surprise, I just like to actually see a guy before doing so.

best bet:
WIN Phillies first 5 -1/2 +$800

WIN Phillies win & over 7.5 +$825

series bet:
Angels win 3-1 +220 $300/$660

best bet: 1-0

season: 295-239-16
best bets: 167-12-11

pending bet:
series bet:
Angels win 3-1 +220 $300/$660
Ohtani gonna fly past his 8.5 k number tonight!! I’d say he could approach wood’s 20k record if he wasn’t already at 45 pitches thru 2 innings, lol.
season: 295-239-16
best bets: 167-12-11

best bet:
Cards first 5 -1/2 -130 $650/$500
Cards -1 -150 $750/$500

Sanchez (Nats) under 4.5 K’s -145 $435/$300

pending bet: 0-1
series bet:
Angels win 3-1 +220 $300/$660

this bet I’m doomed
season: 298-235-16
best bets: 169-121-11

** my total dropped $300 because my series bet on the Rangers lost

best bets:
Rays first 5 -140 $700/$500
Rays TT first 5 over 1.5 -150 $750/$500

Rays -135 $405/$300
Rays TT over 3.5 -140 $420/$300
Plesac (Indians) under 4.5 K’s +115 $300/$345

best bets:
WIN Rays first 5 +$500
WIN Rays TT first 5 over 1.5 +$500

WIN Rays +$300
WIN Rays TT over 3.5 +$300
LOST Plesac (Indians) under 4.5 K’s -$300

best bets: 2-0

season: 302-236-16
best bets: 171-121-11
season: 302-236-16
best bets: 171-121-11

best bets:
D’Backs first 5 +175 $500/$875
D’Backs +195 $500/$975
D’Backs TT over 2.5 -140 $700/$500
Brewers first 5 -1/2 -110 $550/$500
Brewers -1 -115 $575/$500

D’Backs over 2.5 & D’Backs win +210 $300/$630
Brewers over 9.5 -110 $330/$300
Brewers TT first 5 over 2.5 -115 $345/$300
Oh no I came in here to tell you take Red Sox and see you already took Brewers. But you're killing everything so do you. Sox pitcher is supposedly a stud. And like I said in the other thread I'll pull off some shit to end the game if it gets ugly early by streaking