2019 The Open Championship Contest -- Cash Prize

The winner of the CTG 2019 Open Championship Pool is @casual !!

Casual = 150
Teapot9 = 147
Braves2019 = 146
Oakas = 145
PV1Colt = 142

The key here really was the bottom guys....

Casual was the only leader with Matt Fitz and Alex Noren.

Braves2019 needed a 4th golfer bad. The options were G-Mac, Eddie and Rory. He ended up using Rory's 19 points.

Teapot had to use Kuch with 22 points. Tiger and Bryson did him no favors.

Oakas and PV1 did not have Lowery, so they had the most rounded teams but could not make up that extra 20 points he provided the others.

Congrats @casual , I'll be in contact with you.