2018 2QB Fantasy Football NEED ONE TEAM

I say we vote tip out then. Majority rules.

I mean I’ll kick him out but don’t you guys think that creates more of an issue? He’s been a paying player in the league for years and hasn’t caused an issue in league. Whatever people decide. I just wanna play
Yea he needs to go to the desktop version go to the home page and there should be 2 little tabs you got to click the minus sign to drop them completely from the league. He just removed the teams he didnt drop them. I had the same problem in my other league
Didn’t get to it today at work. Will do tomorrow . I don’t have Venmo. Just PayPal. Or if I get a check before the draft that’s cool
Don’t think I’ve heard from the owner of “fuller house”. Sent him a message but no response. Anyone know him personally or on ctg?
I think I have 7 teams actually confirmed in, but haven’t heard from fuller house or inspekdah. Only a week till draft. The other team is TideHigh but he said he’d only be in if we couldn’t find replacement
Don’t even know if inspekdah or fuller house are in.. they haven’t responded to messages or emails
We could run the league with 8 this year? Still haven’t heard from fuller house or inspekdah
Should i pay the rest of the buy in or is this league gna be dead? I tried to get a friend to join he said he will know by sunday/monday ...