2017 NBA Finals: Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers Discussion

Most of you guys have beeen around the block, NBA-betting-wise, a few more times than I have in the playoffs. Right now the Cavaliers are +234 to win the championship (at BookMaker). If (as expected) they lose the first game in Oakland, does anybody have a reasonably good guess of what the odds go to for the Cavaliers to win the series?
Most of you guys have beeen around the block, NBA-betting-wise, a few more times than I have in the playoffs. Right now the Cavaliers are +234 to win the championship (at BookMaker). If (as expected) they lose the first game in Oakland, does anybody have a reasonably good guess of what the odds go to for the Cavaliers to win the series?
+350. Just a guess. But I think if they get really blown out (>20 points) it may even go higher.
Thanks cogenman. Right, big blowout vs. close game is going to be a factor. Then, of course, the Warriors could take both of the first 2 games, which on one level would be expected, but would perhaps impact the series odds anyway..
I think Cavs best chance to get one in Oakland is game 1. Not that I think it's a great chance...would expect odds to shift a bit more than that if GSW win.
Most of you guys have beeen around the block, NBA-betting-wise, a few more times than I have in the playoffs. Right now the Cavaliers are +234 to win the championship (at BookMaker). If (as expected) they lose the first game in Oakland, does anybody have a reasonably good guess of what the odds go to for the Cavaliers to win the series?

If they lose by less than 20 or so I'd guess it goes to +260-270. If it's a true blowout maybe +300. Really depends
I can't figure out why this series is going to be close.

All this talk about the Cavs flipping the switch in the playoffs is hocus pocus IMO. Their weakness was on defense. In the playoffs they are about .6% better in defensive eff FG% than the regular season, but considering they played a very average Pacers offense, and two teams who lost by far their best offensive players in Game 2 in TOR and BOS, you have to ask how impressive have they been on defense? I'd argue not at all.

Now they have hit shots at an obscene rate, but they'll play the #1 D here and it's very unlikely that will continue.

The series last year would have been over in 5 if Green wasn't suspended and all that's happened since then is GS has added a Top 3 player.

Warriors throwing KD/Iggy/Draymond at LeBron all series on O and D is really going to add up. Really think we finally see that cyborg start to show all the miles he has on his legs. He can't steal rest like last year the odd possession vs Barnes. Would expect Warriors to have big advantages the deep games and the series goes.

Throw in the motivation, which IMO is a very real edge for GS, and I don't see how this series is remotely close. LeBron is LeBron but he's going to look human in this series and if that happens the Cavs are going to get trucked.
Klay has to get his ass going. He's been shit all playoffs. Patrick McCaw has outplayed him. What I like about McCaw is his willingness to drive to the basket. Klay should do that too if the outside shot isn't dropping.
Klay has to get his ass going. He's been shit all playoffs. Patrick McCaw has outplayed him. What I like about McCaw is his willingness to drive to the basket. Klay should do that too if the outside shot isn't dropping.

Said it before, Klay doesn't get calls when he drives it seems...
Said it before, Klay doesn't get calls when he drives it seems...

Seems this postseason several times he's driven the ball to the basket already intent on passing it. Have seen a few times he's passed up pretty easy buckets, like he wasn't ever intent on shooting it, and most of those passes have resulted in turnovers or pretty poor shot attempts when he could have had a layup. Not sure if he's lost confidence in finishing or what the story is.
Klay gets the least love by the refs of the entire Dubs roster, Dray gets more calls and he is supposedly the dude the refs despise.

It's actually a legit issue and has been for some time.
Watching the presser for Livingston, he really doesn't like Dwill. He made it quite clear on numerous occasions. Should be fun
yeah I'm done with obvious unders with these two, rather take a 5 story dive off a 4 story building
Took Warriors -7 -110 this morning. Will probably add more but I saw it moving to -7.5 so I had to lock it in.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Might be a Big Baby fan now. <a href="https://t.co/zjqmkqjR2p">pic.twitter.com/zjqmkqjR2p</a></p>&mdash; Jordan Ramirez (@JRAM_91) <a href="https://twitter.com/JRAM_91/status/870096281141518336">June 1, 2017</a></blockquote>
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[h=1]Zaza Pachulia | Center/Forward | #27[/h]
[TABLE="width: 320"]
<tbody style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent;">[TR]
[TD="align: left"]Team: [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Golden State Warriors[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Age / DOB: [/TD]
[TD="align: left"](33) / 2/10/1984[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Ht / Wt: [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]6'11' / 270[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]College: [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]None[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Drafted: [/TD]
[TD="align: left"]2003 / Rd. 2 (13) / ORL[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]Contract: [/TD]
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[h=3]LATEST NEWS[/h]
[h=3]RECENT NEWS[/h]

Zaza Pachulia is on track to start Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday.
Pachulia has practiced for three days in a row and still has a few more days to get back to full strength. "It’s good that we have one week off," he said. "That way I can prepare myself mentally and physically for this team." Anthony Slater of The Mercury News expects the center to play his normal role of about 15-20 minutes, as the Warriors could use his size to help keep Tristan Thompson off the offensive glass. May 28 - 10:33 AM
After G1

cavs are +460 to win the finals.....

that's what an asswhoopin gets you.... I would say that it's an overreaction but the cavs defense is pathetic.
The ass whoopin also made game 2 line Dubs -9/221.5

A lot of times they'll shade the line towards the team that lost. But the books see a Dubs blowout. Cavs need something from their bench. Their big 3 is all that did anything game 1.
Total got adjusted to how it should at least. Need another good under or two then time for an over.
The ass whoopin also made game 2 line Dubs -9/221.5

A lot of times they'll shade the line towards the team that lost. But the books see a Dubs blowout. Cavs need something from their bench. Their big 3 is all that did anything game 1.

the amount of uncontested dunks was insane. The cavs are not athletic, young or big enough to matchup. Dwill being in the finals is a joke

For the cavs.... the NBA will probably assign tony brothers and/or Scott foster for game 2 lol. Expect Lebron to go 12/18 from the line on Sunday

I wouldn't overreact to G1. It was the first time in 2 months the cavs played a team that actually excels in all areas of the game. A rude awakening.
Some glaring stats that really stood out.

Assists: Dubs 31, Cavs 15

Steals: Dubs 12, Cavs 0

Turnovers: Dubs 4, Cavs20

Like nbafan said though, let's not overreact to Game 1. Lebron isn't the greatest player for no reason. They got a lot left in the tank. Everybody thought the Cavs were done down 3:1 last year. They win the next game, they steal home court and the game 1 blowout is forgotten.

Love the way game 1 played out tho. Need to repeat that game 2. Go dubs!!!
That game was a joke. I dont think GSW played all that great either. Probably Klay's worst game of the playoffs. Green was nonexistant on offense. Cle didn't try to defend the rim and the cavs im not sure ran any kind of offense all game.
GS has 3 defenders that are all NBA defensive 1st team level - Green, Thompson and Andre. Lebron can still get his but it's so much tougher. Same with Kyrie. Love is not a star vs. GS - he beats up on the lessor competition. And I didn't even notice a Tristan Thompson effort play in GM1 which is amazing. I'll probably play CLE in GM3 if they come home down 2-0 as that is almost always an auto play for me (I bet Nashville) in sports. But GS could easily sweep this thing.

GS could win 3 or 4 in a row next few years here if they can keep the core together (likely) and are healthy. Can't see anyone challenging them as currently constructed. I find myself rooting for the Chris Paul to SA coming true. That could make things interesting.
That game was a joke. I dont think GSW played all that great either. Probably Klay's worst game of the playoffs. Green was nonexistant on offense. Cle didn't try to defend the rim and the cavs im not sure ran any kind of offense all game.

Klay has played much worse in these playoffs...odd man out with two Superstars on team and Mr. Everything in Draymond.
Klay has played much worse in these playoffs...odd man out with two Superstars on team and Mr. Everything in Draymond.
Agree with you offensively but he's still great on defense and that is something that gets overlooked. He and Green's offense is almost an afterthought now with Durant on board - and those two seem ok with it. It's amazing really - assuming GS closes this thing out the only thing that will matter going forward is putting together a super team that can compete with them. Nothing else will matter. I think SA adding Paul could be one especially if GS starts to lose a little depth (guys like Livingston, Andre). I think you'll see the get rid of Love talk start up again too - something I agree with. I found GM1 very boring so I hope Cleveland can make a series of it but just not sure they can - defensively GS is so much better.