2017 -- 2qb league

Damn so no draft order today then

Doesn't look that way. I emailed him again. I mean he's been in the league before.

If I don't hear from him I guess I can just include him.. but I don't wanna be responsible for his money if he doesn't pay
Good to go. Will use random order generator to draw order today. Prob around lunch time..
Draft order coming out shortly. Will post here and be emailed to people if there email isn't hidden in yahoo
The following draft order was randomly generated for your league:
1 - TipYerbartender
2 - Thug Nation
3 - Nugzz
4 - Ben There Raped That
5 - HurnsWhen!Pee
6 - Akronites
7 - Tide High
8 - Inspekdah
9 - The Darth Raiders
10 - Gwarner27
You guys are funny. Any draft pick trading would have to be for every pick. Too late to get a vote passed on something more complicated
I'd offer you a qb take, but the competitor in me won't let me do it til after this week since I'm playing you
Good luck everyone. All my fantasy teams.. daily and otherwise are gonna just wait til next week to start playing