2017 -- 2qb league

Still waiting on more than half..How will I know if it's running if people don't pay? If you plan on playing I suggest you pay.. that way I can look elsewhere after tomorrow for players

If it isn't a go I'll just send a refund
Few more have reached out saying they were paying today. We could definitely use one at least if anyone wants in
izzy just said he has one. As soon as we know this is running i'll send the moolah

(broke college student)
My sister wants in. Well it's her and my bro in law gna both run the team if we still need a spot they're interested
You would think 3rd deserves something. But so does most points.

Whatever is clever, though. Thanks.
Idk who he is on ctg but he's been in league before "Mike" from HurnsWhenipee. I've emailed and messaged him