2016 MLB

Have you experimented with runline traps as the "come back bet" to your original dog plays?

Nice job btw.
Sorry guys, out of town until Sunday. Should be starting back up then.

CC, I assume you're suggesting to play the fave RL back and hope to dodge a one-run fave win? If so, no I haven't considered it...just don't really want/need the stress, and the standard 20 cent RL you see with Vegas outs cuts into your edge quite a bit compared to the dime ML splits you get in most instances.
Monday 7/18:

906 CHC -160 (Matz/Lester) - $1600 / $1000
917 TEX +119 (Griffin/Tropeano) - $1000 / $1190
920 SEA +135 (Sale/LeBlanc) - $1000 / $1350
Wednesday 7/20:

905 MIL +145 (Anderson/Locke) - $1000 / $1450
922 NYY -135 (Gallardo/Pineda) - $1350 / $1000
925 TAM +113 (Archer/De La Rosa) - $1000 / $1130
925 TAM +110 (Archer/De La Rosa) - $1000 / $1100
Monday 7/18 Recap:

906 CHC -160 +$1000
905 NYM +142 -$540
905 NYM +140 -$530

917 TEX +119 -$1000
918 LAA -110 +$1040

920 SEA +135 +$1350
919 CHW -135 -$1350

Total: -$30
YTD: +$7544
And just as a reminder, those are true prices, so more like -255/+225 and -125/+115 respectively with juice.
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Wednesday 7/20 Recap:

905 MIL +145 +$1450
906 PIT -155 -$1488

922 NYY -135 +$1000
922 NYY -137 +$1000
921 BAL +210 -$1000
921 BAL +200 -$540

925 TAM +113 +$1130
925 TAM +110 +$1100
926 COL +110 -$2000

Total: +$652
YTD: +$8329
Thursday 7/21 Recap:

951 LAD +180 +$3600
952 WSH -183 -$1830
952 WSH -190 -$1852

YTD: -$82
Total: +$8247

Sort of unfortunate how that game played out; one book in town flashed to -180 real quick before post, I sent to win $2K, got rejected (almost wonder if they moved the wrong way given where market was at)...then my only option after laying the -183 was -190, and I mistakenly bet too much on Nats and needed the Nats more than the Doyers. Whoops.
I'm an idiot; the -$1852 should actually be -$1824. I was confused how I fucked that up. Will just leave it as is since that's what I posted.
Original sides are starting to heat up; I would now be up a whopping +$5100 for the year if I flat bet those and didn't play back the other side.
Saturday 7/23:

964 COL -168 (Wisler/Anderson) - $3360 / $2000
955 ARI -114 (Ray/Sampson) - $1140 / $1000
955 ARI -119 (Ray/Sampson) - $1190 / $1000

Made Ray -138 and Anderson -185, would probably not touch Anderson unless you can get -172 or better.
Held out as long as I could there, no one in town wants to follow Pinny up to their +240 (or even close to that number) despite likely having huge parlay liability on that game. Ugh.
A little more on Ray:

955 ARI -118 - $1180 / $1000

In summary:

964 COL -168 (Wisler/Anderson) - $3360 / $2000
955 ARI -114 (Ray/Sampson) - $1140 / $1000
955 ARI -118 (Ray/Sampson) - $1180 / $1000
955 ARI -119 (Ray/Sampson) - $1190 / $1000
965 SEA +137 (Iwakuma/Dickey) - $1000 / $1370
965 SEA +135 (Iwakuma/Dickey) - $1000 / $1350
I hope those of you tailing are going ahead and taking care of your own scalps and not waiting till I post right before the game goes. If you're having a tough time figuring out what you need to bet on the second number, use this link:


Click on scalps, type the original bet amount and number in, change the commission to 0%, and it'll give you a bet amount for the second side.
Friday 7/22 Recap:

902 PIT -205 -$4100
902 PIT -215 -$2150
901 PHI +220 +$3300
901 PHI +215 +$1806
901 PHI +225 +$1125
901 PHI +240 +$120

911 LAD -101 -$1010
911 LAD -102 -$1020
912 STL +128 +$2240

Total: +$311
YTD: +$8558
Closing ARI:

956 CIN +115 - $1500 / $1725
956 CIN +114 - $1030 / $1174
956 CIN +116 - $500 / $580
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