2016 Euros

  • Thread starter Thread starter KJ
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Just too busy to put much into this today, hell didn't even realize the first matches were happening until they started. So there's this...

Croatia/Spain draw +197 2*
Czech/Turkey draw +225 2*

Oh and the rumor that the Croatian "fans" want to basically kill the ref at the 30 minute mark should be interesting.
Just too busy to put much into this today, hell didn't even realize the first matches were happening until they started. So there's this...

Croatia/Spain draw +197 2*
Czech/Turkey draw +225 2*

Oh and the rumor that the Croatian "fans" want to basically kill the ref at the 30 minute mark should be interesting.

Like the pick :shake:
F'n disaster, not gonna update record til this is over...it's treating me poorly.


Ireland +.25 -110
Sweden +.5 -105
Sweden/Belgium draw +220 .25*
Ibrahimovic anytime goal +200 3*

Show the fuck up
Can't blame you Joseph, looks like one of the easiest bets I've seen in a long while and I could be kicking myself once all's said and done but if Ibra scores, we're good.
That's kind of what my over is counting on. I think Sweden gets a goal here today. And I think that opens it up.
I honestly thought yesterday I'd have a large wager on Belgium and have probably outguessed myself...if so hope it isn't too costly.

The mismatch looks stupid...just hoping for something magical from Zlatan in what could be his final match for country
Let's get this going, rough run to end the groups


Wales +101
Wales tt o1 -130 2*
Croatia tt o1 +100 2*
Croatia to advance -125 4*
It's become abundantly clear to me that the matches I really, really like...well ya know. I know Slovakia are gonna park the bus, don't care.


Germany tt o1.5 -125 3*
Germany -1 -140 2*
Belgium -.75 2*
Belgium tt o1.5 +105


Italy +.5 -130 2*
Spain tt u1 +100
Italy to advance +165 .5*
England tt o1.5 -115 2*

Poland to advance +145 2*
Wales to advance +245
Italy to advance +165
Whoa, Italy to advance. INTERESTING.

With you on Poland, against you with Wales. Well, I haven't decided if I'm betting Belgy or the over. I think we get a goal apiece there.

But surprised to see the Italy play. Mostly just because this game worries me a lot for them. This is the one. If they can get through this one, I think they could win it. The matchup just scares the shit out of me.

Really hope you're right, though. =)
The matchup should scare you, just wanted the +165 in what I could see a close to the vest match.

And just because I took those advances doesn't mean I think all three work out, will likely be on some kind of action on both Wales and Belgium. Again, if either Wales or Italy advance, then adding both is net positive. Don't believe Wales keeps a clean sheet however.
On Poland as well, I believe they should be the slight favorite to qualify here.

Belgium-Wales I tend to think Belgium is going to qualify rather easily. Wales did well in their group qualifying first, but in hindsight was logical since their group consisted of average teams in England, Russia and Slovakia. On the other hand, I believe the initial defeat by Belgium was the best that could have happened to them. Before the tournament they were already hailed as one of the favorites but were comprehensively beaten by Italy. Then Wilmots changed a few things and the team grew stronger and stronger. The last game they won 4-0 vs Hungaria and could have scored a few more easily. All in all, I believe their offense will be way too strong for Wales to handle, and even if Wales scores I think Belgium has enough goals in them to win this with ease.

As for Italy, I have loved them so far in this tournament but I really believe it stops this Saturday for them, Germany having showed to be the best team in this Euro in my opinion. However, it may well be a close game and I understand picking Italy here.

Just giving you my thoughts but of course I wish you good luck in all three games :cheers3:
The matchup should scare you, just wanted the +165 in what I could see a close to the vest match.

And just because I took those advances doesn't mean I think all three work out, will likely be on some kind of action on both Wales and Belgium. Again, if either Wales or Italy advance, then adding both is net positive. Don't believe Wales keeps a clean sheet however.

Right. Good number, though not as far off as the Italy/Spain one was.

Honestly, that's what got me on Poland. I have a general rule in tourney's like this and that is the old saying of, 'When someone shows you who they are, believe them.' Maybe not the first time, but definitely through the group stage.

Teams rarely play like shit for three games then magically turn it on when they get to the group stage. Yet people seem to think, "It's Spain, they'll be fine." That's exactly what I believe is going on with Portugal. I've seen two of their three games and this team is essentially shit.

Yes, they have the talent to put it all together, but that would go against their form in the last three games. At which point, if you're giving me somewhere around +145 on the other team, I'm going to take it.
As to Gunnar's point, Belgium is the team I have a soft spot for in this tourney. I wanted to like them coming in, I've watched all their games—and I'm 3-0 betting on them so how can I not like the Fighting Nainggolans.

Their problem—and their promise—is that they're still not clicking on all cylinders. Which is both frustrating and exciting because if they were to play their best game I'm honestly not sure who I've seen in this tourney that they couldn't beat relatively easily.

What I like about them is from game to game they seem to be improving. And as much as Lakaku frustrates you when it looks like he's taking plays off, his size and strength presents real matchup problems. I like this team a lot, and I have trouble seeing them not score vs. Wales. Which is why I'm looking hard at the over.
Well I highly doubt they can beat Germany or Italy easily, but yeah, they're the trendy fun team to watch. Likely be on a prop or two there as well.

GL with it JosephQP
Agreed. France playing their A-game, Germany playing their A-game, it would be a great match vs. Belgium.

GL right back at you, KJ.

concur, adding

Wales +.5 +103
Wales tt o.5 -135
Belgium/Wales draw +245 .5*
Should be final adds for this one

Bale anytime goal +190 .5*
Bale two or more +1200 .25*
Holding off on some other wagers but we'll let this one fly

Italy/Germany draw +192
Never play these exact score props but let's give one a whirl

Germany/Italy 1-1 +500 .25*
France tt o2 +115

2-0 seems about right so I'll take the plus money if it's not. Don't see them scoring less than 2 and early goal would be phenomenal.


Wales +.5 -130 1.5*
Wales tt o.5 -150
Wales to advance +165 .5*
Bale anytime +175 .5*