******2016 CFB In-Game******

first half TD that wasn't a TD and now this. lolololololol

ya, tell me the refs aren't affecting the game.

PSU should be ahead - they've played better. But this is a fucking joke.
ACC losing some good players early to NFL - Miami qb brad Kayla and VT losing QB Evans, WR Ford and TE Hodge
Speaking of kaaya

Any other QBs you know that were not EE's that started day 1 as true freshman coming in?
The P5 is guess I mean?
Those guys have what? How many weeks to come in and play?
Adoree Jackson has a $3 million loss of value insurance policy. Will start to pay out after the first couple picks of the second round.
Not boozing?

Have to work tomorrow and just decided not to drink during Badger game. Was a pretty boring game. I've also gone through 4-5 liters of Sailor Jerrys since 12/24 (more than half done with my 3rd 1.75), along with some beer, and a bit of vodka, and I didn't drink a couple days last week. Need to take a break until Thursday or so.