******2016 CFB In-Game******

I do like how Franklin went out to talk to his hurt guy. So many coaches appear to not give a shit when their guys get hurt.
Todd Fuhrman @ToddFuhrman
<time class="tweet-timestamp js-timestamp txt-mute flex-shrink--0 flex-align-self--flex-end" datetime="2017-01-03T00:57:34.261Z" data-time="1483405054261"> now </time> Bowl results of Pac 12 Top 4: Wash (+12.5) - Lost 24-7 Colorado (-3) - Lost 38-8 Wash St (-8) - Lost 17-12 USC (-7.5) - trying to save face

I had to google it but he said in an interview that he won't hire an assistant until he sees the wife and she must look the part. Whatever that means
his reasoning is if his assistant can't pick a good looking wife, then what does that say about him?
He's a good football coach, I know that. Not sure if he can sustain a program yet but he got Vandy and Penn St out of gutter