******2016 CFB In-Game******

They get a keg of flavored sparkling water and play pin the tail on the donkey. Then they have green jello eating contests. Utahns LOVE green jello...it's like the state fucking food or some crazy shit.
This is for real? The jello?

The donkey?

A brief synopsis of Snowden. He a hero, traitor, Piece of shit....

At this time in my life I was foggy......
I am happy we know, unhappy about some of his choices and unclear how we can operate successfully if every time we have a problem between our job with classified materials and our conscious we tellbthe world.
holly rowe is going to explode...she's the only reporter that gains 5+ lbs every season

Lol.....really LOL.

You think they make her be the fat pledge? Like feed her velveta cheese and make mandatory weight gains?
Just so they can say, "SEE, they don't all look like Britt McHenry and Sam Ponder and the dimes!"

Something to think about
So reading the bottom line and it says Jrue Holidays wife is pregnant & has a brain tumor. And is having surgery to remove it. Doesn't that like violate HIPPA?
I mean unless they gave permission I suppose. But seems to personal to air on national TV
Pretty sure they were forthcoming....he will miss sometime apparently, so I'm sure they spoke up