2016-2017 CTG NBA Fantasy League H2H

What happened to adjusting the new pick-up/waiver rules? I see Jon Simmons was picked up today at 9am (good pickup NBAfan). This needs to be changed if Yahoo allows it in the settings. It rewards guys who get to their computer quicker than everyone else.

We were discussing having at least a 24 hour period after someone plays before picking them up. I proposed 48hrs because I know a lot of us are busy, and don't have time to check fantasy every single day. We need to give everyone a fair shot to pick up a hot free agent who goes off on a particular night. As the current system stands, there is no skill involved in this "first-come, first-serve" pick up process. There should be a window to allow everyone to make a bid. Much more skill involved when you have to determine how much to spend on a hot (unknown) free agent rather than simply being the first to click the mouse.

Does everyone agree?
Actually now that I am thinking about it, what you are saying doesn't make sense.... Think about it. This isn't football where there are no games on Tue, Wed.... The purpose of the waivers is to give everyone a fair shot on that day.

Lets use my pickup for example.... when would you like simmons to be able to be picked up? Tomorrow?

It's difficult to explain but what you are saying doesnt make sense
24hrs would be good (even 48hrs). So everyone would have an opportunity to bid on him. Highest bidder wins.

It's similar to NFL. You don't want a system where you can pick up guys on Sunday during games because it rewards people who are at their computers on that day. If I am watching a game live and the starting RB gets carted off, then I can go pick up his back-up. But then my other league mates who might be busy that day don't have a chance to pick up that player.

It shouldn't be about who is able to act the fastest. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to pick up a guy. A 1-2 day window is sufficient. If you aren't checking your league every 2 days, then that's on you.
Let's say I watched Tony Parker tear his ACL last night on live tv. I could've quickly picked up Patty Mills. But maybe my league mates were cooking dinner, or working, etc. They wouldn't have had a chance to pick up Mills because I beat them to it solely based on luck/availability.

I'd rather Mills go to waivers for 24hrs after the game ends. Then that gives all 12 teams 24hrs to make a bid. Then it comes down to skill. Exactly how much $$$ do you want to bid on Mills (if at all)?
I agree Gorg with the jest of your statements, but I don't think you can actually set it to where everybody is on waivers for a 48 hour period.

I do think that once a game begins then all players not rostered of the teams involved should be placed on waivers in case of a scenario like you mentioned Tony Parker tears up his knee and the first guy online picks up Patty Mills. I think everyone should have a chance to bid on Patty Mills that night.

I picked up Alan Crabbe after the Portland game last night as the league settings allowed it. If changed and I think it should be, I will gladly have Crabbe placed back in the free agent pool and take back E. Moore.
I would also recommend we have only 13 roster spots next season...the free agent pool is extremely shallow. I think Yahoo has an Injured Reserve slot capability and it should be utilized so you don't have to cut an important player, and the league should follow Yahoo's ruling as to who is IR eligible as to avoid blaming the commish.
Let's say I watched Tony Parker tear his ACL last night on live tv. I could've quickly picked up Patty Mills. But maybe my league mates were cooking dinner, or working, etc. They wouldn't have had a chance to pick up Mills because I beat them to it solely based on luck/availability.

I'd rather Mills go to waivers for 24hrs after the game ends. Then that gives all 12 teams 24hrs to make a bid. Then it comes down to skill. Exactly how much $$$ do you want to bid on Mills (if at all)?

I don't think you realize how silly what you're saying is.

you want the player to available after 24 hours of what game?? What if there is a b2b? There's a reason why there is a limit of 5 moves a week.

The only thing that makes sense is if you have zero pickups throughout the week. Even that is not feasible
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We do need tit change the rules do players actually go to waivers when a game starts. the other stuff I'm not even sure Yahoo is that advanced....
Pretty sure it is an option but not in our league. Not sure if its fair to add now because knowing if you do or dont have an IR spot affects your willingness to reach a little earlier on an injured player. Plus since we have 5 BN spots, the FA pool is already shallow - strongly against adding IR on top of 5 BN spots.

Think this is something that can be changed for next year, reduce BN spots by 1 or 2 and adding an IR spot.
I'm obviously not in this league, but had a question (and maybe a suggestion) about the waivers. Do you guys set your lineups daily or weekly? I ask because in baseball leagues that I am in, lineups are set weekly, and waivers are done the same way. There is a deadline to get your pickups in by (say Thursday at 9pm), and then it goes in order of the priority list for that week (reverse draft order, then you get knocked to the bottom once you make a move). If you're using a bidding system (we had in the past), it obviously goes to the guy who bid the most for that guy. Once the first round of pickups is done, you can pickup whomever you'd like until the week ends (the moves take place for the following week) and don't lose your priority spot.

Obviously, if you guys set your lineups daily, this suggestion isn't worth a damn and you can certainly ignore it.

Weve always had IR like that I prefer it

Have to decide who is worth keeping and also keeps fa pool a bit more stocked
I would like to suggest
1st 750
2nd 350
3rd 100

I'm fine with this breakdown. I'd just suggest $100 going to the league winner, and no $$ going to 3rd place. This league is a behemoth, and if you finish in first you deserve some cash. The playoffs are all luck after that.
I'm fine with this breakdown. I'd just suggest $100 going to the league winner, and no $$ going to 3rd place. This league is a behemoth, and if you finish in first you deserve some cash. The playoffs are all luck after that.

I like the idea of regular season winner getting paid, but some may disagree now that we are a few weeks in .

I dont really care when all is said and done, but feel as if 1st place should get at least half the pot.
Who would want back in a league if it was re created? I’ll let Smoke run but if not I have a few that can fill the league. Would use LeagueSafe, of course.
I guess? Depends on if we can get a full league but might as well start seeing who's back. Turn around is quick though.
Also, Smoke is not willing to run it this year, but I vote for reNew to be the commish this time around. smoke said that he would transfer commish responsibilities to one of us.
I'm cool with reNew renewing the league.

Have Smoke transfer it to him so we can see who's in and who is out. I can fill out a spot or two. I think the payments should remain in LeagueSafe.
Sounds like at least so far.,,

Inspekdah (me)
White Chocolate (confirmed in, was last year)
J Galt