2015 Fantasy Football WR Rankings

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Updated 8/27/2015

WR Tiers

As the NFL has moved to a passing league, more teams are utilizing open systems and therefore more WRs have been productive over the past few seasons. The theme for 2015 is trying to guess which of the young WRs are the real deal. It’s a challenge. I’d much rather make those guesses on my WR2 and WR3 than my WR1. Therefore, I think it’s important to land at least one Tier 1 WR in 2015. If you don’t have a top 5 pick, I’d take a WR without thinking.

I’ve got seven WR’s in Tier 1. All seven are proven and have very high floors. All seven should be considered in round 1 after the top RBs are off the board.

The 2014 WR class may have been the best in NFL history. However, I’d temper expectations for these 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] year WR’s. I wouldn’t want to have a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] year WR as my WR1 because the risk is too high. I’m not avoiding 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] year WR’s completely, but it’s not fair to assume they’ll repeat their rookie season production.

These are PPR rankings. A few guys might get some bumps, but generally the rankings aren’t much different from standard rankings.

Tier 1

[TABLE="width: 64"]
<colgroup><col width="64" style="width:48pt"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]Bryant[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Brown[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Jones[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]D Thomas[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Cobb[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]C Johnson[/TD]

These are safe, stud WRs. Everyone on this list has the potential to go 90-1300-10+, and they all have very high floors because they’ve proven themselves over the past few seasons. These WRs will produce like Tier 1 RBs. Any of these WR’s could be considered beginning with #6 overall. It’s impossible to accurately predict the order of this list, and you can make arguments for any of these guys as the #1 overall WR. I think it’s important to get one of these guys on your team. All seven will be projected for 100 and 1 TD each week, and you never have to take them out of your lineup.

For me, Bryant is the #1 overall WR and it’s not too close. He quietly had 16 TD’s last season despite Murray’s huge year running the ball. With Murray gone, it’s fair to assume that the Dallas run game won’t be as strong as last season. That means Bryant’s reception total should increase. I think the TDs can stay around 15. I’m predicting 100, 1500, and 15. It sounds ridiculous but it’s reasonable because he’s just that good.

I was high on Brown last year as a potential breakout WR, and he hit. However, I do think the TD count may have been a bit exaggerated. I’d expect something closer to 10 this year, which means that he’s not necessarily the #1 overall WR. I think he is the real deal, and he’s a lock for 100+ receptions. I just prefer Bryant because I think Bryant’s TD potential is greater.

Johnson and Green only get bumped down because of QB play. Johnson is actually a buy low candidate. He’s going in the mid-second round right now. For the last few years, he’s been a mid-first round pick. Any drop in production won’t be that large to warrant that big of a drop in value. He’s getting older, but he still should have another good year to two remaining. I owned Green last year and it was frustrating. Dalton really hurts his value. I wouldn’t pass on Green completely, but he’s in the back of Tier 1 because of inconsistent week to week QB play.

Julio Jones may be the biggest breakout candidate out of the whole group because his TD total should increase back up around 10. He’s in a contract year, which is cause to target him. But I think a deal gets done before the season because DT and Bryant have set the market for him. Still, Jones has a very high ceiling who is great value in the middle of round 2.

Tier 2

[TABLE="width: 64"]
<colgroup><col width="64" style="width:48pt"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]Beckham, Jr.[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Hopkins[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Hilton[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Jeffery[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Cooks[/TD]

There’s a much larger dip in risk/reward with Tier 2 compared to Tier 1. These guys will be WR1’s on some rosters, but I’d feel much better if they were WR2’s.

I’m struggling with whether to rank Cobb in Tier 1 or Tier 2. He’s bumped down because I think GB wants to get Adams more involved. I still think Cobb is in line for a big year, but I’m not sure if the TD’s can get above 10 in 2015. Based on camp reports, Cobb may continue to fall. Hopkins, Jeffery, and ODB probably have higher upsides.

Hopkins is in his 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] year and with Andre Johnson gone, it’s a lock that his numbers increase. He’s a perfect WR2, who could put up numbers like the guys in Tier 1. Uncertain QB play is the only concern. It will be worth monitoring who wins the QB job and how the rapport will be with Hopkins.

Jeffery entered last year with a lot of hype as a 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] year breakout WR. Even with Cutler’s terrible year, Jeffery still produced. It’ll be interesting to see how he performs as a true #1 WR with Marshall gone. That risk keeps him in Tier 2.

ODB Jr. may be the most over-hyped player in the history of Fantasy. He’s a great WR, but let someone else reach for him. He’s going in the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] round of many drafts. It’s a big price to pay for a guy who’s only played in 12 NFL games.

I would’ve liked Hilton more had Indy not signed Andre Johnson. Still, Johnson seems pretty washed up, so Hilton should be able to catch 90 passes in this offense. The knock on him is the same as Antonio Brown’s situation going into last season – Can he increase the TD’s to become a true WR1? We saw what Brown did, and while I don’t think he can match Brown’s TD total from last season, it’s not crazy to think Hilton could come closer to 10 this season. If he does, he’s a Tier 1 guy. Big upside play.

So long as Manning stays healthy, it’s hard to see Sanders not finishing in the top 15 WRs. Welker is done. Thomas is gone. Even if Denver runs more in 2015, Sanders is still the clear #2 option in this offense. He might not catch 100 balls this year, but he should catch 80-85 which would put him around 1200 yards. The TDs should remain in the 7-9 range.

Tier 3

[TABLE="width: 64"]
<colgroup><col width="64" style="width:48pt"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="class: xl65, width: 64"]Matthews[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]A Cooper[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]K Allen[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]D Adams[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Sanders[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Evans[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]J Brown[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]C Johnson[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Landry[/TD]
[TD="class: xl65"]Edelman[/TD]

Most of this tier is comprised of second year WRs. There’s a ton of upside in this Tier but a ton of question marks too.

I feel most confident about Benjamin repeating his rookie numbers because he has the size to continue dominating on the outside. Also, there just aren’t many other WR options for Cam. Benjamin should fall into 80 receptions and 8-10 TDs.

I’ll discuss some of the more surprising players on this list. Bryant is an upside play in Pitt’s offense. I’m buying everyone in Pitt. Charles Johnson developed into a go to WR for Bridgewater. It’s still a run first offense with AP, but Johnson is the clear #1 in the pass game. Cooper immediately becomes Carr’s best option in the pass game. He was the rookie I thought was most pro ready in year 1 and now this situation further solidifies that idea. John Brown may be the fastest player in the NFL. Fitzgerald is slowly fading. Floyd had a bust year. It’s conceivable that Brown becomes the #1 target in that offense. And if Palmer stays healthy, look out.

Edelman and Jackson are the 2 veterans in this Tier. The issue for both is QB play.

Tier 4

[TABLE="width: 89"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 89"]
[TD]D Jackson[/TD]
[TD]A Johnson[/TD]
[TD]V Jackson[/TD]
[TD]B Marshall[/TD]
[TD]M Bryant[/TD]
[TD]T Smith[/TD]
[TD]M Wallace[/TD]
[TD]A Robinson[/TD]
[TD]D Parker[/TD]
[TD]S Johnson[/TD]
[TD]R Randle[/TD]

Once you’re in Tier 4 it’s all about finding upside. By now, you really need to have two or even three WRs rostered. I’d much rather roll the dice on a young player for my bench rather than some of the older WRs around this area. History shows WR’s decline around age 33. That’s why I don’t include them in my rankings. There’s no reason to draft a guy like Steve Smith as your WR3 when his upside is so low compared to a young guy. Andre Johnson may be an exception. Despite his age, he’s in a unique position playing with a top QB in a year where he should be motivated to win a title. Still, Hilton caps Johnson’s value.

Watkins would be higher but QB play and a run first system caps him out.

A lot of people are talking about Matthews as the clear #1 option in the Eagles offense. He’s a good player, but it’s no lock that he becomes the true go-to WR in this offense. Agholor will start right away and should get plenty of targets. I like his 8[SUP]th[/SUP] round value right now compared to Matthews’ 4[SUP]th[/SUP] round value.

Adams is a guy I’m very high on. He really came on at the end of last season, and Rodgers showed a lot of trust in him in the playoffs. Of course his numbers are capped by Nelson and Cobb. But with Nelson’s injury history, Adams is good guy to target as a bench WR.

Miami’s WR situation is tough to project. That’s why I have three in this Tier. It’s unclear how to rank these guys until we get some camp reports. It’s clear that Tannehill and this offense are poised for big numbers, so this is a situation to monitor. Landry came on late last season. Stills is a burner. Parker is currently hurt but has more potential than both of them.

Tier 5
[TABLE="width: 89"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 89"]
[TD]C Brown[/TD]
[TD]T Austin[/TD]
[TD]T Williams[/TD]
[TD]R Woods[/TD]
[TD]Ju Brown[/TD]
[TD]J Hunter[/TD]

Tier 5 is comprised of bench options. I'm lower on Wallace than others. I expect Johnson to take a major step forward as the true WR1 in Minn. Plus, this team will still be a run first team behind AP. I see Wallace as strictly the deep option. Predicting 600 and 5-6TDs. Not much upside. DGB has every opportunity in the world to become the leading WR in Tenn. Austin is a 3rd year breakout candidate if Foles is serviceable. Moncrief may become a fantasy starter if Johnson goes down.
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After Tier 2, it gets very unpredictable. I still need to look at the RB position this year, but it may be a good idea to go WR-WR in the first 2 rounds. If you can lock up two Tier 1 WRs while your opponent is struggling to mix and match at the WR2 spot, I think that's a huge advantage.
Ben's comments about Wheaton are interesting. Plus, Bryant is hurt. I'm not moving Bryant down yet, but I likely will soon. I added Wheaton to the rankings, and will likely bump him it. This could be a situation to avoid completely.

I bumped Keenan Allen to Tier 2. I went back and looked at his 2014 numbers. He still caught 77 passes despite missing the final game of the season. Eddie Royal, who caught 62 passes last season, is gone. Gates (69 receptions in 2014) is suspended for the first 4 games, and he's 35. It's fair to wonder if his career could be over. I like TE Green, but he's no lock to succeed this season. The Chargers signed Stevie Johnson, but I see him taking receptions away from the elder Malcolm Floyd instead of cutting into Allen's production.

This all sets up for Allen to have a 90-100 reception season even if the Chargers want to give Gordon 250 carries. If Allen can get back up to reasonable 13 YPC, that gets him to around 1200-1300 yards. I think he can get back to 8 TDs in this offense with limited play makers in the passing game. As a 3rd year WR, a breakout to 10+ TDs is not of the question. His floor is higher than Emmanuel Sanders.
Did some tweaking. Watkins down to Tier 4. I can't get behind him as a WR2 in this run-first offense with no QB. Plus, Buffalo added Clay and Harvin. I don't see Watkins repeating last season's numbers.

I added LaFell to the rankings. He had a good year in 2014, and there's not much competition on the outside. Hopefully Brady misses less than 4 games.

Bumped down Michael Floyd. As long as Fitzgerald remains healthy, I don't see Floyd getting many receptions. This team improved the O-line and added another RB in the draft. I expect AZ to run more. If Fitz goes down though, Floyd has potential.

Added a 5th Tier to fill out bench WRs.
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Mike Floyd broken fingers -- out 6 weeks. Great news for John Brown believers. I've also added 3rd year WR Jaron Brown to the bottom of the rankings. Floyd remains buried in Tier 4 as a bench option.

Not over-reacting to the injury, but it is a hand injury to a WR, so it's fair to wonder if Floyd may be eased back into the line up upon his return. And with Floyd coming off a disappointing 47 reception season, it's not like Arians will be wedded to him once he returns.
Grest list here. I worry about Hopkins (I'm an owner). Breakout season last, but now goes to the #1 role and has no run game to support nor a QB. Could be a fall back year, but I hope not. We'll see ....
Happy for John Brown and me as I own him in three of four dynasty leagues. Was already having a great off-season and summer. Hoping for some Antonio Brown magic here.
D jackson gets hurt by an runaway blocking sled. Out a couple weeks. haha.
Grest list here. I worry about Hopkins (I'm an owner). Breakout season last, but now goes to the #1 role and has no run game to support nor a QB. Could be a fall back year, but I hope not. We'll see ....

I like Hopkins because he should get a ton of targets. Houston drafted Strong, who probably won't make an immediate impact. Other than that, they are filling Andre Johnson's void with two journeyman WRs
D jackson gets hurt by an runaway blocking sled. Out a couple weeks. haha.

I saw a tweet about this. I still need to read the story about how this happened. He's a nutcase, but this injury shouldn't really affect him. His bigger concern is consistent QB play from someone in Washington.
After some more research and other camp reports, my opinion on the WR position hasn't changed. It's important to get a couple top tier WRs because the position gets very unpredictable right around #15-20. I like going WR-WR to start the draft to sure up that position and allowing you to start the same two WRs each week. Then at some point in the middle rounds, I like grabbing a high upside WR3 for the flex in PPR (K Allen, Cooks, Cooper). And after that, you really only need one more WR for the bench, who you can take in the very later rounds. This strategy allows you to focus more on the RB position for bench spots.

I bumped Hopkins a few spots. With the loss of Foster, it's clear that Houston's only option on offense is Hopkins. He should see a bunch of double and even triple coverage. The targets will be high, but the production isn't guaranteed.

Moved Sanders back into Tier 3. Increased run game and more targets for Latimer cap Sanders' numbers. He's solid but doesn't have the same potential as the Tier 2 guys.

Moved Bryant back. As mentioned before, I think he and Wheaton cancel each other's values. They are more WR3 or WR4 types with upside. I'm not avoiding them, but no reason to reach.

I added some names to Tier 4 and 5 and moved some guys around in Tier 4. But honestly, I don't want to have to rely on any of those guys as early season starters. The goal with the Tier 4/5 WRs is to draft upside and hope they come on after a few games and become trade chips.
Mike Floyd broken fingers -- out 6 weeks. Great news for John Brown believers. I've also added 3rd year WR Jaron Brown to the bottom of the rankings. Floyd remains buried in Tier 4 as a bench option.

Not over-reacting to the injury, but it is a hand injury to a WR, so it's fair to wonder if Floyd may be eased back into the line up upon his return. And with Floyd coming off a disappointing 47 reception season, it's not like Arians will be wedded to him once he returns.

From what I was told by Floyd's nephew, his fingers were dislocated. In a cast and will miss first 2 games most likely. He came into camp in fantastic shape - down to about 210 and with improved speed. It's a contract year for him and he was really excited coming into camp. really tough break for him. I'll share as I hear more but he's at least able to do full conditioning drills.
From what I was told by Floyd's nephew, his fingers were dislocated. In a cast and will miss first 2 games most likely. He came into camp in fantastic shape - down to about 210 and with improved speed. It's a contract year for him and he was really excited coming into camp. really tough break for him. I'll share as I hear more but he's at least able to do full conditioning drills.

Thanks. He still can have a big role in the offense. But if John Brown blows up in the first few games, he will steal plenty of snaps.
Just heard that Kelvin Benjamin was carted off the field. Knee injury. I'd this is true, it hurts Scams value
That's why these early drafts are risky. He wasn't going to be on any of my teams anyway
That's why these early drafts are risky. He wasn't going to be on any of my teams anyway

Yea it's tough. I have one of my home league draft's this weekend (one week earlier than usual). Not happy about that, but it's the only time we could get everyone together for live draft.
Yea it's tough. I have one of my home league draft's this weekend (one week earlier than usual). Not happy about that, but it's the only time we could get everyone together for live draft.
You're right. It's getting everyone together is usually the 1 sticking point.
Always prefer an early draft ... Rookie or re-draft. It's where I have an advantage over most of the people I play with. The closer we get to the NFL season the less of an advantage I have bc everyone becomes smarter. Players getting hurt is part of the bidness.
Always prefer an early draft ... Rookie or re-draft. It's where I have an advantage over most of the people I play with. The closer we get to the NFL season the less of an advantage I have bc everyone becomes smarter. Players getting hurt is part of the bidness.
Cant disagree with that. it just sucks to lose a player you drafted before 1 game has been played
Thanks. He still can have a big role in the offense. But if John Brown blows up in the first few games, he will steal plenty of snaps.
Floyd got stitches out the other day. Definitely were no pro ken bones - just a dislocation. Still planning to miss first couple games at least.
Any Rookie WRs worth taking a stab at besides Cooper & Agholor?
Dorestt Indy
Crowder Wash
Beckham Tenny
Last years Baylor WRs which have been turning out some good WRs recently. (wright, Williams, Gordon)
Goodley Dallas
Reece Cincy
Norwood Chi

Coates Pitt (Behind a lot of good wr)
Lockett Sea (Harvin replacement)
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Any Rookie WRs worth taking a stab at besides Cooper & Agholor?
Dorestt Indy
Crowder Wash
Beckham Tenny
Last years Baylor WRs which have been turning out some good WRs recently. (wright, Williams, Gordon)
Goodley Dallas
Reece Cincy
Norwood Chi

Coates Pitt (Behind a lot of good wr)
Lockett Sea (Harvin replacement)

funchess in Car with kelvin benjamin out
Overall...you're looking at the five RB1, then all WR1 (I'm assuming we're not drafting top TE/QBs)... how do you mix your RB2s compared to your WR2s???

I have the 5th pick in an 8 team draft. I know Aaron Rodgers is going #1 and Leaf, Gronk, and maybe even Russell Wilson/Peyton Manning in top 25 picks. I'm assuming I'll grab Bell/Charles/AD at 5 (with Rodgers/Lacy not making it to me for sure). I'll grab top tier WR at 12, but would you grab lets say a Lamar Miller or Ashon Jeffrey at 21? Pretty sure I'll get a RB2/WR2 at 29 as well. Probably grab a 3rd RB at 37th as well which likely be another RB2 type of guy. With top WR/TE at 45 in 6th round and best WR/RB/TE in 7th round at 53rd pick. 8th and 9th round go back to back QB or something that drops down. Figure that should get me two of Brady, Romo, Stafford, Newton, or Eli (if not another guy dropping). Then back to grabbing every falling RB/WR until taking a defense and kicker last two rounds.
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Fondy. Whoever drafts Leaf may win the league.

It's horrible... 5 guys, 3 girls... all shaker's family. I took 2nd last year to one of the two non-handicapped teams. I bitched about the league so much last year but giving it another go. They bumped up scoring this year on QBs to 6pts a TD even though the 9th and 10th overall players last year where free agents at the end of the season (Eli and forget other QB) and 14 of top 18 players were QBs with our league scoring already. I've been talking up about everyone will have to take QBs early if they want to compete and I know there will be 2-5 QBs going in first round and a few teams will have two QBs before I take one.
Gorgolon....I guess Jordy's injury pushes Cobb back into Tier 1.

Yes it does. The Jordy news dropped after I finished my second beer before one of my home drafts last night. So I didn't have too much time to think over his affect on the Packers. I had pick 2 in a 10-team league. Obviously I took RB in round 1 (Lacy), and then my plan was to settle for whichever Tier 1 WR dropped to me in round 2. I faced a tough choice: Cobb or AJ Green? I also had to decide if there was any downside of having both Lacy and Cobb.

I chose Cobb with only a minute or two of thinking. Looking back, I would have made the same move. Injuries and QB play held AJ back, and the unknown upside of Cobb was an important factor especially in PPR. Calvin went a pick ahead of me in round 2. Had he been there, I'm not sure what I would have done. I'll have Cobb in Tier 1 in updated rankings -- Probably as #6 WR especially in PPR.
Any Rookie WRs worth taking a stab at besides Cooper & Agholor?
Dorestt Indy
Crowder Wash
Beckham Tenny
Last years Baylor WRs which have been turning out some good WRs recently. (wright, Williams, Gordon)
Goodley Dallas
Reece Cincy
Norwood Chi

Coates Pitt (Behind a lot of good wr)
Lockett Sea (Harvin replacement)

I still like Parker and Perriman as late round fliers.
Overall...you're looking at the five RB1, then all WR1 (I'm assuming we're not drafting top TE/QBs)... how do you mix your RB2s compared to your WR2s???

I have the 5th pick in an 8 team draft. I know Aaron Rodgers is going #1 and Leaf, Gronk, and maybe even Russell Wilson/Peyton Manning in top 25 picks. I'm assuming I'll grab Bell/Charles/AD at 5 (with Rodgers/Lacy not making it to me for sure). I'll grab top tier WR at 12, but would you grab lets say a Lamar Miller or Ashon Jeffrey at 21? Pretty sure I'll get a RB2/WR2 at 29 as well. Probably grab a 3rd RB at 37th as well which likely be another RB2 type of guy. With top WR/TE at 45 in 6th round and best WR/RB/TE in 7th round at 53rd pick. 8th and 9th round go back to back QB or something that drops down. Figure that should get me two of Brady, Romo, Stafford, Newton, or Eli (if not another guy dropping). Then back to grabbing every falling RB/WR until taking a defense and kicker last two rounds.

That decision is probably most important in fantasy this year -- What to do in round 3? I was grabbing Miller in round 3 in all my mocks, and he was there at 3.02 in my home draft. Like you, I got a Tier 1 RB and a Tier 1 WR in the first two rounds. I think you can make arguments for a Tier 2 WR in round 3 especially in PPR. But I just think the gap between Tier 2 WRs and Tier 3 WRs is not that great. For instance, could you see Cooks finishing higher than Hilton? Could you see Matthews or Evans finishing higher than Hopkins?
P-Unit. So basically Adams is worth a 6th or 7th round pick then.

I got him in round 8 last night. That was probably because many people forgot about him and/or weren't able to process the impact of Nelson's injury within only a few hours. I think by this weekend, he will move into that Tier with Matthews, Cooks, and Evans -- 4th or 5th round territory.
I got him in round 8 last night. That was probably because many people forgot about him and/or weren't able to process the impact of Nelson's injury within only a few hours. I think by this weekend, he will move into that Tier with Matthews, Cooks, and Evans -- 4th or 5th round territory.
How did your draft turn out?? My draft today my starting WR corp is T.Y. and Keenan. My bench is Davante Adams and Charles Johnson. I got Adams in the 7th. Hopefully, Adams or Johnson pans out.
How did your draft turn out?? My draft today my starting WR corp is T.Y. and Keenan. My bench is Davante Adams and Charles Johnson. I got Adams in the 7th. Hopefully, Adams or Johnson pans out.
Johnson has a great thing going with Teddy. I think he will have a nice season.
How did your draft turn out?? My draft today my starting WR corp is T.Y. and Keenan. My bench is Davante Adams and Charles Johnson. I got Adams in the 7th. Hopefully, Adams or Johnson pans out.

Picked #2 in 10 team PPR...At WR, I got Cobb, Cooper, Adams, and John Brown.

I'm not a fan of high pick this year. In round 2, there's no guarantee that you'll land a Tier 1 WR. If you do, it's likely going to be AJ Green or Cobb.
Picked #2 in 10 team PPR...At WR, I got Cobb, Cooper, Adams, and John Brown.

I'm not a fan of high pick this year. In round 2, there's no guarantee that you'll land a Tier 1 WR. If you do, it's likely going to be AJ Green or Cobb.
Good Luck Bro. I read what you had to say on RBs and i was a little disheartened. I have CJ in the 2nd round on 1 of my teams. On that team my WR corp is questionable at best.
Antonio Brown went #1 overall in my draft last weekend and the guy that took him traded up to #1 from #3 to do so. I believe as many as 4 people there would have taken him first.
Antonio Brown went #1 overall in my draft last weekend and the guy that took him traded up to #1 from #3 to do so. I believe as many as 4 people there would have taken him first.

I've seen some rankings have him that high. If you take him that high, the TDs really need to be there. I think he comes back down to 8-10 TDs.
Most if not all of those fantasy nerds are way more sharp with fantasy at this point than I am
Bell catches 70+. Cobb prob catches 120. I'm sure there are a couple others. Without Murray I bet dez hits 100 this year. Thomas could get 110. Julio 100+. I just don't see brown how everyone else does, I guess. I'd rather have dez Julio demarius or Calvin. I want a guy that gets it inside the 10
And I said that bc he traded up. Taking him at #1, ok whatever. But sacrificing another pick or two in your draft to do so ehhh
Shit Julio could catch 130 in that offense with no one else around him and Ryan having most attempts in NFL last year. Didn't garçon have like 140+ in it?
Tough blow for M Bryant. Situation was already shaky with Wheaton in the mix. It's tough to draft either guy at this point. If Bryant fell to round 10, I'd give him a look. But otherwise, will avoid. Also it's a blow to Big Ben and arguably a benefit for A Brown.