20 Questions for you all on a Sunday...


CTG Regular
OK folks... Let's play my own version of 20 questions...

1. Let's jump right in... Does anyone see ONE GOOD THING ABOUT THE CLOCK RULE? My answer: No. Next question.

2. I didn't get to see many games with volume (nor will I, trying to keep an eye on as many as I can)... What announcing crews struck you as being good, or having a good chemistry? I can tell you off the top of my head that Kirk Herbstreit ranks up there as one of the best announcers in ANY sport at what he does. I saw he was working with Musberger and Davie in Atlanta last night. Patrick and Blackledge had the game in Fayetteville. I'm not sure who the best is, look forward to responses here.

3. Under the circumstances, which team performed better than anyone in the country? I'll give you three. Heads and shoulders above all was Tennessee. They would not have lost to ANYONE - Texas, Ohio State and USC included - yesterday in Knoxvul. Not after last year, not with the addition of Cutcliffe and not with Fat Phil on a mission. I was lucky to realize that and when they tried to make Cal a favorite at halftime, I got all my money back. Honorable mention goes to USC for its throttling and to Ohio State, which I thought looks really good early against a Northern Illinois team that will prolly win the MAC.

4. Along the USC lines, how sick are the Texans now that Davis is out for the year? Suddenly, they need a running back. HELLO, the best potential back in decades was right there for the taking at No. 1, and you passed.

5. My fantasy football draft is tonight. Anyone got any sleepers? I'm clueless, still trying to make numbers for next week's games...

6. Biggest disappointment? I would have to say Utah State for wagering purposes. They were completely outmanned by a Wyoming bunch that I thought would be a bottom-dweller in its league.

7. National level bigger disappointment? Let you pick between Michigan State and Utah.

8. Biggest surprise? Aside from some we already mentioned, I didn't forsee Auburn laying that kind of beating on Wazzou. The Cougs were a tough luck team last year. Time will tell if they can improve on their record but they were outmanned last night on the plains.

9. Biggest overacheiver? Not to us, cause thanks to Al and Denny we knew, but Pitt's offense in Year 2 looks like it could be scary good. So much so that I think they, not Rutgers, are the team that could most threaten WV and U of L in the Big East.

10. Best individual effort? Tough one, especially to give to a loser, but Garrett Wolfe needs to put his Heisman campaign in high gear. He is some special player.

11. Biggest forum game I tried to scream you off of, but you wouldn't listen? Easy. Houston. I'm sure I'll get some answers there about the disappointment/surprise, etc.; but when they try to lay DDs on the road again, wake me up and tell me again so I can bet the other side.

12. Biggest forum game I tried to scream you off of, and I shoulda listened? That's a no-brainer. Nebraska. Good call fellas.

13. How impressive was Mustain in his first drive last night? Jesus. The young man did everything right. The execution on the handoff to Jones, the long pass, the QB draw/run up the middle on first-and-goal. This young man made me say WOW!

14. How funny was it to see him totally misread the defense the next time when he threw his pick? USC dropped 8 back, so he had all the time in the world. Except he didn't see the guy who eventually intercepted the ball. Just goes to show, even after the first drive, you ain't playing Jefferson City anymore, son.

15. Another angle on why to take USC? Well, along the same lines, this was a rookie offensive coordinator, hired from Mustain's high school in Missouri. A little different trying to prepare for and call plays against one of the most athletic teams in the nation.

16. Can someone tell me about the movie The Departed? I saw them hyping the shit out of it last night. Looks like an interesting cast.

17. Best bet you made yesterday? Easy. Same best bet I made all week. The Dodgers. Ride 'em when they're hot, bet the other side when they lose more than 1 game in a row.

18. Favorite game to watch today? I'll stick with the one I got the big bet on, the night game from Louisville. Go Cats!

19. Favorite thing to do on holiday weekends? THere's no Niffel but watching football is so entertaining. Would be nice to spend time with the family, so I'd recommend you guys try getting out and doing that too. I'll settle for a nice steak later on.

20. Anyone know how long the USC game took? Three hours and 45 minutes. Speeding up the game... suurrrrrrreeee.... How many instant replays SLOWED IT DOWN??? The end.

1. Let's jump right in... Does anyone see ONE GOOD THING ABOUT THE CLOCK RULE? My answer: Dont care about it

2. I didn't get to see many games with volume (nor will I, trying to keep an eye on as many as I can)... I loved the abc crew with brent and herbstreet

3. Under the circumstances, which team performed better than anyone in the country? I knew cal was overrated and they werent that talented. Stats and records dont lie.. I was impressed with nebraska

4. Along the USC lines, how sick are the Texans now that Davis is out for the year? USC has 10 rbs on that roster who all have nfl talent, they will be fine.

5. My fantasy football draft is tonight. Anyone got any sleepers?
Drew Bennet, Ben Watson will own the league

6. Biggest disappointment? Michigans offense still sucked even with all those returning players. OU looked horrid as well

7. National level bigger disappointment? Oklahoma.. I could throw better than thompson
8. Biggest surprise? Aside from some we already mentioned, I didn't forsee Auburn laying that kind of beating on Wazzou. The Cougs were a tough luck team last year. Time will tell if they can improve on their record but they were outmanned last night on the plains.

9. Biggest overacheiver? South Carolina.. I dont think they are good at all

10. Best individual effort? The rb from wvu..

11. Biggest forum game I tried to scream you off of, but you wouldn't listen? Easy. California. I said it at least 100 times. Tedford isnt a good coach, they cant win on the road, they are soft, and they didnt deserve a #9 ranking
12. Biggest forum game I tried to scream you off of, and I shoulda listened? I dont understand the question, i dont tail anyone..

13. How impressive was Mustain in his first drive last night? Big Deal, it was usc's third string in a prevent. How about his awful pass in the second drive. Stafford will be a better qb.

14. How funny was it to see him totally misread the defense the next time when he threw his pick? See above

15. Another angle on why to take USC? Because USC has the most talent and the best coach in cfb. They are a better team this year than last

16. Can someone tell me about the movie The Departed? No

17. Best bet you made yesterday? All of them, thats what happens when u dont lose a game
18. Favorite game to watch today? I love watching Brohm play, the guy was a born to be qb, sort of like carson palmer.

19. Favorite thing to do on holiday weekends? No need to answer this one

20. Anyone know how long the USC game took? Thats what happens when you keep on having to punt and usc keeps on scoring touchdowns.

16. supposed to be modeled on the life of james "whitey" bulger...fugitive for the past 11 years...head of irish mob (south boston version), reason behind all the fbi woes in the boston area.......a rat....murderer...bully....brother of ex mass senate president and umass president, billy
ABC's, appreciate the time you took to answer all the questions but not particularly enamored with your "holier than thou" attitude.

Congrats on a winning day but more than one person is a little fed up with some of the gloating you do after wins and rubbing noses of people in the dirt who lose.

Pertaining to No. 12, you obviously understood the question when you responded that you don't "tail anyone".

It's not about tailing anyone... I don't blindly tail either, but the Nebraska game was one I should have been on, that's all I'm saying. If you don't think you can benefit from what others say on here, then what is the point of contributing. All you're doing is spending your time trying to help others and getting nothing out of it in return. You'd be better off doing that as a volunteer at a hospital or something.

Anyway, GL next week...
#2. saw bits and pieces of the BC/CMich game....craig james and doug flutie working together....flutie will not make it as an announcer....he continually criticized qb decisions...he should of done this...he should have done that...and the station keep showing the three announcers in the booth like it was monday night football....

think he may have a better shot at playing drums in a rock band...LOL
CollegeKingRex said:
Houston. I'm sure I'll get some answers there about the disappointment/surprise, etc.; but when they try to lay DDs on the road again, wake me up and tell me again so I can bet the other side.

is it really a road game when it's a 5 minute cab ride from one campus to the other?
SoCal: Just weren't playing at home. It was at the other team's stadium, plain and simple.

As a matter of principle, don't try to lay DDs with bad teams on the road, now matter how bad their host might be.
CollegeKingRex said:
ABC's, appreciate the time you took to answer all the questions but not particularly enamored with your "holier than thou" attitude.

Congrats on a winning day but more than one person is a little fed up with some of the gloating you do after wins and rubbing noses of people in the dirt who lose.

Pertaining to No. 12, you obviously understood the question when you responded that you don't "tail anyone".

It's not about tailing anyone... I don't blindly tail either, but the Nebraska game was one I should have been on, that's all I'm saying. If you don't think you can benefit from what others say on here, then what is the point of contributing. All you're doing is spending your time trying to help others and getting nothing out of it in return. You'd be better off doing that as a volunteer at a hospital or something.

Anyway, GL next week...

:shake: I didnt understand #12. When you say I does that mean that you personally told me not to play? I dont know? I mean i dont remember all of your writeups, so like i said i dont understand the question, the one game that im mad i didnt play was UCLA, because i told everyone in the in game thread that theyd win big and easily.

I look at everyones picks, I see if they have valid points and if they do then i will look into the game, and vice versa.. ( like the houston, michigan first half and Utah game where 98% of the forum was on it.. which made it a no play for me). I like discussing football that is why i post. When i see comments like Cal has a better coach, then Yes i disagree'd and debated it, and by doing so i convinced myself to add more to my particular play.
As far as rubbing it in someones face when they lose, would you like to point a thread out where i did that? If I make fun of Cal, i am making fun of the team not the people who lost money on it. I am sure people lost money betting the Colorado game and there were threads started about that game.. and by your opinion that is rubbing it in!! I didnt go into anyones threads and say oh what a shitty week, or you sucked this week.

Not sure about the gloating problem either. I will bump my thread if it wins or loses. There is a lot of people that I see have losing days and they all of a sudden quit keeping records etc.

And the part about working in a hospital.. I do work there :cheers:
8. Biggest surprise? Aside from some we already mentioned, I didn't forsee Auburn laying that kind of beating on Wazzou. The Cougs were a tough luck team last year. Time will tell if they can improve on their record but they were outmanned last night on the plains.

That Houston play was just horrible. It was one that looked so good on paper in every way, and yet, it just wasn't as good as it looked. Ya'll know what I mean by that, we have wagers that sometimes go that way. You make the best bet according to the info you have, and sometimes it still doesn't go that way. If it didn't, we would all be 100% handicappers and there would be no books anymore because we would have broke them all.
pags tried to get me off that bet since late July, but I wouldn't listen. Oh, well . . . . . . . . . . .
That is the second time I lost money betting on Houston at Rice, first time in 2004 and now in 2006. I was wary about past history but made the play anyway.

Let me tell you about C-USA. I thought that I UTEP and Houston would be 1 and 2 but they both played poorly, even by that conf's standards.

Now I'm looking at Tulsa. Didn't play a D-1 opponent but get BYU next week. That will be a good game and a good test.
I know one thing i learned after last year is that I will never bet a MAC game. Those guys are some point shaving bastards!
the departed looks damn good!

great thoughts rex, I need to contribute some later.
alright I won't wait...one of my biggest surprises is the way AUburn handled WSU.

OSU and USC dominating as well.

I love herbie as an announcer, brent is my man though..what a degen.

individual effort is definitely Wolfe and Steve Slaton is a beast as well.

I really like that freshman at UF..Percy Harvin, kid is lightening fast and has excellent hands...FLorida's O is sick.

I DESPISE the rule changes...horrible..BAR and I talked a lot about this, we hate it! It is like the NFL.
for sleepers, consider Frank Gore of the 49ers. Don't take him when you could have gotten one of the big few, though...Tiki Barber, Shaun Alexander, LT, etc.

Don't take fred taylor. You know he'll get hurt.

There aren't many good reliable QBs left. Over half the NFL teams are breaking new guys in. If you can get Peyton, good for you. Even Tom brady (I have him) may have troubles this year cus he has no receivers...

having said all this, I dunno wtf I'm doing either. We'll see how smart I am when my league gets going.
Ben watson will be a top 5 te EASILY
I forgot David Carr.. he will have nice numbers. As well as andre johnson if he stays healthy.
Good luck bud.. I wouldnt touch tiki, corey dillon or warrick dunn though.. tiki since jacobs gets all the goal line carries and dunn since he will get hurt this year.
1-20...here we go

1. Hate the Rule. Its like NFL to much now. It sucks.

2. Kirk does a helluva game. I wasn't paying enough attention. Brent is brent. Gotta love him.

3. As far as looking best. OSU offense was real nice. The defense against Wolfe was not good. Either way, they are crisp on offense. I don't have a favorite here. The top dogs were all impressive.

4. The Texans may well get entered into Portland Trailblazers HOF(sam Bowie..UK guy Rexy)

5. My draft is tomorrow and I made my final board today and I may change it again. We use team QB...but I like McNasty and Mason for Ravens. Chester may suprise as well in Minny.

6. Biggest dissapointment. Utah St pissed me off as well. It went from 10-7 to horrible in a blink of an eye. Sparty lacklusterness was weird. Utah, wow, I expected more.

7. The response above answered that..lol

8. Biggest suprise...Montana St..lol...um..I thought UM would be sharper with passing game. I thought OU defense would play better.

9. Overachiever. Idaho, no doubt.

10. Garrett Wolfe hands down. What a player.

11. Biggest forum game. Well, I had Rice..so that was nice. Utah just looked to easy and I finally got weird about it yesterday but I wasn't gonna hedge..shit happens. You live and you learn.

12. LOL...This shows what teams in 2nd/3rd years of systems can do. FLA,PITT,NEB...WOW

13. Mustain was so impressive he even ran that draw with his teddy bear in his other arm

14. LOL

15. Great point about the O-coord...didn't get mentioned enough..thats huge.

16. I am really excited about the 'departed' after reading this thread. Saw a 60 minutes interview from one of Whiteys guys...intense shit

17. Forgot to give you/your muncie connection props on that Niners play..thanks

18. FAV GAME....same as you..because I remember in 2003 me and Razor were IM'ing and you called him from game at halftime drunk as hell and I was trying to see if you got arrested in second half for public drunkeness

19. Holidays are nice...Sunday can be a party night...saw parents today and rest of family tomorrow

20. USC game was an exception. UM-Vandy was under 3 hours and MSU was right at 3 hours.
OK folks... Let's play my own version of 20 questions...

1. No

2. nd love on abc was terrible

3. even though ESPN is determined to pretend Oregon doesn't exist, WATCH OUT FOR THE DUCKS. A 48-10 beatdown over a decent stanford team is very very impressive. Everyone here will know the name Jonathan stewart in a month or two. But most importantly, the Defense which has a lot of qustions shut down one of, if not the best QB/WRs in the Pac 10. Disclaimer: I am a huge duck fan but I have watched about every game for the past 6 years and haven't been this confident since 2001.

4. With the first overall pick in the nfl draft, the texans select Adrian Peterson, RB Oklahoma

5. Wali Lundy, starting rb HOU

6. Colorado. Defending Big 12 north champ, new high profile coach and a loss to Montana St.

7. California, Still no QB, same mediocre team from last year

8. UCLA, im shocked

9. hopefully ucla

10. jonathan stewart, rb, oregon or erik ainge qb, tennessee

11. Houston and Utah. i was pretty confident about both

12. cashed with nebraska

13. didnt see

14. ''

15. Anotusc is beatable this year

16. nope

17. nebraska

18. baylor-tcu

19. football

20. its not gonna work in the pac-10