
Solid Night...Congrats ST.

Fucking wiz. leading 17 pt in the 4th and ended up winning by 3 pt with a lucky shot! i thought i had the right play because Bibby was about to be traded. usually this causes a distraction to the team but the situation only made him mad!
Hope Miami can come out strong in the 4th for you Nut, its going to be tough, Mavs don't look like they want to lay off the Heat.
Thanks allsmiley. I feel very fortunate to win that Sac play. Like I said yesterday or 2 nites ago when ur going well u get all the good bounces and vice versa. I have taught myself over time to only concern myself with the final score not how they got there. It will only drive one nutz. Literally came home saw Sac hanging around down 5 pts then suddenly down 16 early 4th...took a shower they were up 1...was like WTF! I thought being together for teams like Chi and Sac would be a plus buts is a pure guess on my part...hope u get a good break soon..
Hope Miami can come out strong in the 4th for you Nut, its going to be tough, Mavs don't look like they want to lay off the Heat.

Be more then happy with the over if I get Miami as well I 'll be dancin on the ceiling...thats so corny...LOL
If (and most certainly) when JWill goes out on the injured list, Riley has to feel a certain confidence in Quinn, what a 4th quarter for him
Hit both 2nd H...as well 2-0 +4.00 more units!! One thing that sucks is all day I forgot to share that I loved Miami in teh 4th quarter tonite...only when Believe prompted me did I recall I had not spoken about it. That may have wound up as one of the easiest plays of the season....

5-0 +17.90 units and 2-0 +4.00 units...another +21.90..nearly +42 units past 2 days......
Hit both 2nd H...as well 2-0 +4.00 more units!! One thing that sucks is all day I forgot to share that I loved Miami in teh 4th quarter tonite...only when Believe prompted me did I recall I had not spoken about it. That may have wound up as one of the easiest plays of the season....

5-0 +17.90 units and 2-0 +4.00 units...another +21.90..nearly +42 units past 2 days......

What a sweet hit for the both of us, my Miami +13 covered, Miami 2H, Miami 4th quarter. Excellent night my friend :cheers:
Quinn has looked good so far this season....another middle for the books ....though alot of Dal -12.5 and -13 out there....
Nah wasnt watching (shocking)...it wasnt shady regardless...Miami played hatrd down the stretch and I have seem much worse situations were a winning team fouls a guy....NBA players are dumb especially when they dont play much
shady or not it was a spineless last quarter by the Mavs, they should've made a statement not crawled back into the hole in the 4th, remember THE NBA FINALS 2006!!! I mean wtf.

I went for -10,5 myself so I got out of it but some of the guys here got burned for nothing.
I cant agree that is pro sports today. Dallas did what they had to ....no one remembers that Dallas blew a 30 pt lead...thats why betting injury games are tough....think about u really dont think a 24 pt halftime lead and winning teh 1st 3 quarters sent a message..?? The way Dal backers could have protected themselves was by taking Miami 4th Q or 2nd H..?? It sucks to lose like that but you have to be aware it could happen IMO
I don't think leading by 30 sends the same message as beating a team by 30. FFS they beat the Rockets a few weeks ago by 30(or similar number) and they never looked back, why doing so now? This isn't just any game, it should've been a statement game hands down. But to allow a 20 point margin erased in the 4th is a disgrace.

And I'm looking at it from a neutral angle:

1)I'm not a Mavs fan
2)I won by taking -10,5 last night.

Still a disgrace. Come on SN, we know backdoor covers are one thing, but in a 2006 Final revenge angle, Miami missing their top scorer... LEADING by 30, and dropping it. I'm not saying they did it on purpose, the books having a deal or anything similar. No way. But what they did was just weak.
Still a disgrace. Come on SN, we know backdoor covers are one thing, but in a 2006 Final revenge angle, Miami missing their top scorer... LEADING by 30, and dropping it. I'm not saying they did it on purpose, the books having a deal or anything similar. No way. But what they did was just weak.

I agree with you Satyr, from a fans perspective, Dallas should have not let off the gas in the 4th. I have to say I was very suprised to see what occured in the final quarter. But then again, from the perspective of the Mavs players who are heading down the home stretch of a long season, a win is a win no matter the spread and if you can do so with giving your starters large chunks of rest it is even better.
I think I am pretty neutral I didnt really have anything riding on this. I just dont see the difference in winning convincingly and winning by 12 thanks to a no effort 4th quarter..? To me thats convicingly when the 4th quarter doesnt matter. Ask yourself does Miami walk away feeling any positives? I dont see how. They were up by 30 on national TV after 3 quarters I would say mission accomplished . As for revenge trust me no satisification is granted when ur playing a team shorthanded. It allows Miami an out , an excuse. This is also the 2nd meeting since the finals so the revenge angle is worn out IMO w/o Wade healthy. Dallas did what they had to do IMO..

The books got fucked with the game opening low and be middled...not something they wanted to see. This is the type stuff conspiracy theorists should recognize as what evens out the shady endings....all the early money was on Dallas ....

I just dont see the incentive for playing hard in the 4th quarter. Does it give the Mavs the Title???
A key player gets hurt in the 4th quarter and you will ridiculed as a coach by those same fans who wanted to see a blowout....
For FRI:

Over 209 LAL/ Bos neither playing a lick of defense.
Over 209 mem / Port same as above. Might like MEM in a letdown spot for PORT after huge SU dog away win.
Over 204 NO / Sea Sonics dont play D and NO getting to the basket more lately
Under 205 Wash / Chi both teams B2B and hard fought. Bulls playing good D and Wash limited offensive weapons..
Over 206.5 NYK

Thats all that strikes my fancy at this moment....be back tmrw