12/13/06 NBA Sides/Totals


Friend of CTG
Miami Heat +11 +104 4 units
Indiana Pacers +3 -105 4 units
Toronto Raptors +9.5 -102 4 units
Portland Trail Blazers +5.5 -102 4 units
Minnesota Timberwolves +9 -105 4 units
yeah hope to see a nice dawg type night. favs been coverin decent lately an i havent liked many favs. dawgs need to start comin through soon, hopin its tonight. good luck on tha twolves lets cash em
renew orleans and i are currently monitoring this thread for possible late plays :D
thanks everyone, hope tha twolves can hold on for tha cover here 2nd half.

i had a strong lean on tha lakers an clips both but not strong even for a play.

made dallas -8 an utah -3
abcs said:
Its always a sweet day, when your operating with stackola

no doubt, id take operation stackola over "operation plasma tv an a nice sound system" every day of tha week
thanks man, las week an a half have been an every day struggle. hope to see tha blazers an twolves hold off for a good night for a change. 2-4 this week comin into tonight, december hasnt been that well sofar like november was. good luck on anything u got pendin
The Twolves are absolutely laying down....unreal 19 points in the 2nd half with 3:35 to play