10, big play


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
Howdy all.. first big play in awhile. waited it out and got my number with reasonable buy.

SGU -3, -120; 8 units

be around a bit today if there is any interest in dialogue
thought there might be some wind to contend with in Iowa City but as of 8am CST the flags are dead on the pole at Kinnick
One of my games as well today. As long as HACKenburg doesn't throw sixty int's I don't think it can lose.

In the Ferentz era, off a loss, off a bye has been pretty good.. Back to QB rotation for Iowa this week. Breathard was dinged last game (tho not reported before game) and did not play versus Maryland. He will play some today and that changes everything prep wise for NW defense.

Iowa is pissed off and at home. Specifically all American Left tackle Shereff got embarrassed multiple times last week, even getting pancaked on a bull rush. That wont happen again and I think you see an extremely motivated and focused effort up front from Iowa.

Home team has covered 4 straight in this series and NW has failed to cover L6 after SU loss..

If wind stays away, I'd also look at Iowa TT over. I have some peeps at the game so will get wind updates
He better than Reiff in your opinion Tee? Have seen him a couple times this year Rex and he had a real bad game from what I saw
He better than Reiff in your opinion Tee? Have seen him a couple times this year Rex and he had a real bad game from what I saw

Much better athlete. has sick athletic skills.. has some you tube videos that are almost hard to believe.. He will be top five pick in draft and if he competes in combine lifting will demolish some records..
Hope to start seeing you on a consistent basis there bud, especially come bowl season. Your as good as it gets. And my condolences about Oscar Taveras. Kid had such a bright future.