Young Talented Up-coming Franchise vs Roid-Raging Banged-up Senile Old Men


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JETS ML +145 (2 units)

JETS +10/Falcons ML Teaser (1 unit) (-120)

yessir. the day has arrived, and it's time to even the score after they embarassed us at the meadowlands early on in the season.
but the jets are a much improved team since then, and i actually think we have the element of surprise on our side.

schottenheimer was a lot more conservative w/ play calling early in the season and favre had to get accustomed to the playbook/system....
(he also took a lot of shit from it from the NY media and jets fans as well)
whereas now he's opening it up and going to the spread more often, where favre is comfortable, 3 step drop from the gun.

jets are going to employ a much more aggressive offensive gameplan and NE should see a lot of looks and formations they didnt see in the first game.

this roided-up defense is full of cheating, banged up old men, just lost adelius thomas, and they're going in to this game on the short week and just played 4 days back.
jets have a much younger and athletic squad and this should benefit them.

favre just seems to get up for these types of games....
primetime game and huge divisional rammifications for both sides. winner basically controls the east, and if the pats win theyll be 2-0 H2H against the jets this year and fuck us in the tiebreak.

GL fellas:cheers:
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Really hoping we can establish the run early and open favre up for the big play action pass to cotch , brett really gets up for and loves these primetime TV, division rivalry games and is gonna rebound from that horrible performance earlier in the season

Injury updates are posting in shark's thread. Dont want to re-post.

Fuck Lamont Jordan!!! ex-jet and he is a jets KILLER... good thing for us, he was just downgraded a little while ago to doubtful though so i really hope he dont see him. would rather see sammy morris/that green- ellis fucker with 4 hyphenated names lol
This is the New York Jets chance to turn the corner. Let's hope they deliver, Cap.
panos- one fuckin timeee. our squad gets better every week, especially that secondary. what a big win this would be tonight!!!

cogen- GL on em man lets cash

shark- uhh go fish??!?!?!:hang:
glad to see you on my boys tonight
(also tums but i dont think they go good w/ liquor so prolly lay off those)

heres what i got for the night, LETS GO JETS!!!!!

yes, yes it does

blowing them out in a grudge match rivalry that we never win? yessirrrrrr
:bow:Fuckidn jets yeah baby yeahhhhhh

:bow:first place in the afc easdt!!!!!!

:bow:coin flip winners in OT

:bow:dustin keller getting open up the middle all day on 3rd down

thanks yanks!

for me it wasdnt about the moneyline or coverting the spread, was just great to see them not laydoiwn after the cassel game tying drive to force OT

the jets oft the past sure would have!

favre looked more poised then hes ben all season and was on same page w/ recievers all night. most comnfortable hes been in the pocket since GB. a fgavre turnover would have been the difference helping NE to a vicotory, and eveyrone was waiting for him to throw one but he didnt! was shocked there and happy

loved the gameplan shotty employied on offense, kept NE guessing early on and gave us that big lead

and hte jets are now in the drivers seat in the division, justmakes me happy. all my fuckimng teams have been in "rebui;ding" years for the past decade, about damn time they start winnig some big games!

J-E-T-S! glad yu cashed as well! lets cleanup this weekend with ATL:cheers:
thanks s ir

only neeed to hit the next 39 of these plays and ill be even on all the money thies team and homer plays have cost me in the past:smiley_acbe:

Haha, I think I know what you mean, bro. But, when Feeley hit that, all the bad losses were forgotten. At least for 10 days. :)