You Own The Pelicans.....


In transit, arriving late.
Fire Monty Williams and Dell Demps?

Just one?

The Benson family has so much turmoil right now, it may be on the back burner.

I doubt they sneak in and grab the 8 from OKC(would be a travesty.....Shit I want to see the best player in the league keep playing too!!!)

NBA guys....the talent is here. Something ain't right>

pelicans win games we shouldnt and lose game they should win. we have a losing record vs the east and winning record vs the west. its mind blowing.

having said that... I still dont think Monty and Dell are doing a terrible job. Dell dealt with ownership that didnt want to spend to Benson trying to win a championship asap and over investing in players who at the time didnt deserve the money they got (I say that bc I think Tyreke has been well worth the money the way he has played this year) Monty has had so many injuries to deal with and the core of the team is extremely young. pretty sure the pelicans are amongst the five youngest teams. AD is only 21 still. theres a ton going for us if this team could stay healthy.
Haven't watched any Pelicans games, I think I missed the ones against the Cavs, but another lottery pick would be nice, right? Isn't that the way this stupid league works?
a couple of initial thoughts based on your timing of the posts- losing last night to the C's - a young hungry team that got called out after being embarrassed by Cleveland just last week...

I am not a fan of Monty as he was trying to grind out(slow) the game down with so many athletes on his team, but with that being said he seems to have loosened that up a little... - still not sure if he is a good head coach or not.
- your starting pg has been out for a very long time,
- eric gordon finally looks healthy but is playing a ton of minutes - not sure he is ready yet..
- Davis being out so much
- your 6th man Ryan anderson being out... that is 3 of your top scorers...
- I am a big fan of tyreke and he is been nothing short of awesome all year.
- still a young team.. like the pick up of cunningham, Ajinca, cole on the bench..
- bottom line for me-- see what they can do when all healthy --
- Thibs will probably be available at end of the year -- if you want to make a coaching change...
Say what you want about Monty, but his team is leading the league in points after time out - he got to get some credit for that:
I've read/watched a good deal of Pelican basketball this year.

1. As long as the Benson family owns the team, the franchise will never get the support it deserves. For example, Jrue Holiday: Sixers trade Jrue to New Orleans and about 20 games into the season he has steel rods placed in one shin, then the other. He wasn't healthy when they made the trade, yet the Pels haven't done shit about it.

2. The loss of Holiday: It's a total loss, because I don't think he plays again this season, and going forward, I don't think he will ever be fully healthy. He is their best on the ball defender, and a very, very good PG. If he was right, this team is a 50 win team....easy.

It appears the players have bought into Monty as they ball out for him every night. Demps missed on the Rivers kid, but bringing in Cole, Poindexter and Cunningham this season were moves that basically saved the season. Neither deserves to get fired. So for me:

- Seek compensation for Holiday, and then figure out how I'm going to get a quality NBA starting PG. Tyreke has played better at point this year, then at any other position. In today's NBA, no reason, he can't be your starting PG. Sure, he will struggle in some defensive situations, but he also creates match up issues.
- Move Eric Gordon: Gordon has a player option for 2015, which he will likely exercise, but he comes off the books in 2016. He is a one trick pony shooting 46% this year from 3 (on 219 atts), and 38% from 2. When you have a stud like AD, to be paying a guy 16M a year who has a usage rate of 19.9% is a BAD thing. That money could be used elsewhere. To put things in perspective with Gordon: O.J. Mayo makes 8 mil per year and has a usage of 24.3%.

Solving the SG and PG position is not going to be easy. The FA market at those spots is limited in 2015, unless you are wiling to go hard for Brandon Knight at PG, the moves will have to be done via draft or trade, not to mention that potential FA's will be intrigued by Davis, but ownership will be a major turnoff.