Yo twink...


Montezuma Mesa Survivor
Watchin the Corrales vs Casamayor trilogy right now. Currently on the rematch. Gotta love Corrales' heart bro. Dude simply had no quit in him.
Loved the guy. The Corrales Castillo fight is still one of the best fights Ive ever seen.
Weeks reffed to perfection...docked Chico for the mouthpeice

just the best ref job, cuz Javier was OUT on the ropes

refs get shit, but Weeks is solid

Yes sir! The best sporting event I've ever been to! The excitement was electric! Crowd went crazy on every punch that landed, since Corrales and Castillo basically traded bombs all nigjt long, from start to finish. That 10th Round was beyond epic! It got so loud I couldn't hear myself think! Corrales finding a way to pull victory from the jaws of certain defeat! I'll never forget it, until the day I die.

I mean does it ever get old

Tec u were there right? CDS were u at the match also?

Good God I wish I was there bro, I had that one by myself on the couch and just watching that video still gives me goose bumps. The best part, and I remember even thinking this when I saw it live, was after the second knock down and Goossen tells Chico " you better fucking get inside on him now!". Such a great moment.