Yeah, I'll take DeSean Jackson

I like it

woulda liked to have seen them keep 43 and pick up Tyrell Johnson instead of the DT but we'll see...

Also obviously woulda loved for a trade of Williams or Boldin but at least they didnt go soemwhere else in the division

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punt returner:

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I wanted this kid as a raider.

He is perfect for McNabb and imo he s a better returner now then Hester was coming out.

I think the kid is gonna be a star
Ive never understood if you are a Browns fan or a Eagles fan

I'm both. I know, it's a little weird, but I have two football teams.

The good thing about this for the Eagles is that they're a team that's pretty good about getting you the ball in space. That's one reason Westbrook has been so successful. And with Jackson's speed, that could really pay off quick.

Now the question has to be asked, how fast can he make the transition from CFB to the NFL. The good news is, he had a great freshman year in college, so maybe he's smart to the point where he really prepares and thus makes the transitions easier.
Great great draft by the Eagles so far. Would still like to seethem pick up an MLB and some O-Line depth, but great start so far
Yeah, we give a lot of s**t to Andy for drafting O-line every year, but I'd like some O-line depth too.

I wouldn't mind an LB, but I think we might benefit from some secondary depth as well.
Desean will be a great KR for them but not much else. Way too small for WR IMO. But he is a gamebreaker as a return man. Solid pick and I am a Giants fan!!
Yeah, I didnt say secondary depth, but it does need addressed as well, you are very correct....but they have 9 picks today, good opportunity to upgrade a lot of backup spots here
but they have 9 picks today, good opportunity to upgrade a lot of backup spots here

I love reading that.

Oh, and I love that we finally have an actual KR on the roster. Even if he's too small to catch passes (maybe he needs to go to Steve Smith school for a bit) if he can give us a legit threat back there on kicks that'll be the first time for that in like 10 years.
Anything to never have to see Westbrook return another kick. Good way to get the kid killed, and if u draft Jackson for returning alone, its still a great pick
Exactly. All we really need is for one of the tall WRs on the team to pan out and we could have something.

Of course, I'd feel better with Roy Williams on the roster, but you know . . .
I kind of thought that Jackson was the most overrated player in the draft, but that was with him being projected in the late teens/early 20s. 49 is solid value for him and they certainly need a KR.