Yeah, Harbaugh Sucks

Frank Costanza

Co-Inventor of the Man's Bra

I think Harbaugh's bonus # is around $3MM for '21.

If this is what quirky guys do then we need more weird quirky guys. Very cool.

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh has decided to give his bonus money this season back to staff members of the Michigan athletic department who suffered pay cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, Michigan announced 5 to 10 percent pay cuts for most of its athletic department staffers. During an appearance on the "Inside Michigan Football" radio show this week, Harbaugh made the announcement that he and his wife, Sarah, would be dispersing his bonus money to the Michigan staffers no matter the amount. With Harbaugh's announcement, any staff member who took either a voluntary or mandatory pay cut in the past 18 months who still works for Michigan has the chance to receive some of Harbaugh's bonus money.

Jim Harbaugh plans to give his bonus money to Michigan AD staffers who had pay cuts
It's becoming a huge thing, naturally I watch it all the time with Campbell and ISU

Every one of his extensions seems to have come down to extra pay for his staff. Think the really good ones get that their success is completely tied to consistency among staff. Hope that's how some of these guys play the game going forward.
And with the accomplishments so far, it's a shitload of bonus money.

He bet on himself, and it paid off for others.

Incredible graduation rate by the way as well.
It's becoming a huge thing, naturally I watch it all the time with Campbell and ISU

Every one of his extensions seems to have come down to extra pay for his staff. Think the really good ones get that their success is completely tied to consistency among staff. Hope that's how some of these guys play the game going forward.

I'd love to see a list of any others doing this as it's outstanding.

I don't need more reason to like Campbell. But now I have it.