Yao / TMac Injury Report

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Everyone, I posted the article in my thread. Per Houston Cronical:

Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming, both of whom have been suffering with aching backs, said Saturday that they felt fine and should be ready to go in tonight's game at Sacramento. "I feel better than (Friday) night," Yao said. "I'm going to try and play in (tonight's) game."
McGrady went through drills Saturday, but that doesn't mean he will play.
"Yeah, I feel a lot better," said McGrady, whose lower back stiffened up seven minutes into Wednesday's 11-point loss to Golden State. "I don't know (if he will play tonight). I wanted to play (Friday), but coach kept me out of the game.
"It's his (coach Jeff Van Gundy's) call. We'll see. I practiced (Saturday) a little bit and ran through some drills. We'll see if he lets me play (tonight)."
Judging by Van Gundy's harsh criticism of his team, and importance of getting home court in the playoffs, we have to assume TMAC will play.