Agree 100%. Win or lose, this one takes no research at all from my end. I play this side every time I see it.
I knew who you were on before I clicked the thread.

I hope you get a big, big number. I just want to try to middle this ML.
Number seems to be ticking down most places. I believe I saw a +120 earlier this week and the best I'm seeing now is +115... As we get close enough to start putting stock in the weather, this number is going to shrink. Think I'm gonna get involved a bit with the current number.
I have three different shops that use regularly. Two of them are +2 -110 (ML= +115 and +110)

The third I use has:
Seattle +3 +103 and ML +135
Imma gonna wait at least a week. Would like to make a majority of the bet in Vegas and won't be there until Friday before game. I'll have minimum 10k on this. Likely more. (And if craps tables cooperate perhaps a lot more)
@MarcusESullivan: Former cowboy #JoshBrent sentenced to 6 months in jail for intoxication manslaughter. Mike Vick did 2 yrs for dog fighting. Let that sink in
Interesting, screen flash on my site tonight.

Important Announcement: In the event that Super Bowl XLVIII’s date and/or venue is changed due to severe weather conditions, all existing open bets on the game will stand.

Important Announcement: In the event that Super Bowl XLVIII’s date and/or venue is changed due to severe weather conditions, all existing open bets on the game will stand.
Interesting, screen flash on my site tonight.

Important Announcement: In the event that Super Bowl XLVIII’s date and/or venue is changed due to severe weather conditions, all existing open bets on the game will stand.

Important Announcement: In the event that Super Bowl XLVIII’s date and/or venue is changed due to severe weather conditions, all existing open bets on the game will stand.

Theres a very remote chance that this game will be shifted to another date but they do have a backup plan in case the weather won't allow this game to be played. The NFL is just covering all possibilities. The amount of money that is being wagered on this game, the last thing Vegas wants to do is refund only to retake these bets. Or have millions of ticket refunds. It's a very wise disclaimer.
so, had some insomnia last night so rewatched the Sea/SF game.. On more than half the Seattle defensive plays they had a dedicated spy on CK.. And by dedicated, it was truly dedicated meaning the spy had no intention to be involved in pass coverage and no intention to be involved in the pass rush, especially in second half.. So think about that, basically seattle defended down one player for more than 30 snaps... To put it another way, they know where Manning is gonna be, and he aint going any where so basically vs last week they will have an additional player in coverage or rushing the passer 30 more times than they did last week...
I hear ya Tee, but keep in mind, these are 2 entirely different guys to plan for. You have to spy a Kaep cause he can hurt you with his legs. Manning won't do that, but you better be ready to cover all 5 guys running patterns from the snap. Manning is so quick with his release and reads that they have to game plan completely differently. They knew Kaep wasn't going to make quick reads and get rid of it quick. Different story here. Guessing the Hawks physical corners will have to play press coverage, which means single coverage somewhere on every play. PM is so good at figuring out where so quickly, it makes him very difficult to defend.
I hear ya Tee, but keep in mind, these are 2 entirely different guys to plan for. You have to spy a Kaep cause he can hurt you with his legs. Manning won't do that, but you better be ready to cover all 5 guys running patterns from the snap. Manning is so quick with his release and reads that they have to game plan completely differently. They knew Kaep wasn't going to make quick reads and get rid of it quick. Different story here. Guessing the Hawks physical corners will have to play press coverage, which means single coverage somewhere on every play. PM is so good at figuring out where so quickly, it makes him very difficult to defend.

thats my point bro--- ie one more defender to defend manning cause you don't have to commit a spy... Manning's physical abilities don't worry me.. His mental abilities do.
He's played against 18 opponents this year that haven't had to spy him. He had pretty good success against all of them. I get that none of them had a D on par with Seattle's, but...
He's played against 18 opponents this year that haven't had to spy him. He had pretty good success against all of them. I get that none of them had a D on par with Seattle's, but...

11-11 playoff QB and in those 11 losses, he hasn't seen a defense near this good.. And many of those 11 losses were in his prime with much more velocity and physical abilities... Don't get me wrong.. I love Peyton Manning and what he did this year is amazing BUT this is one of the best super bowl defenses in history, maybe THE best.. In questionable elements at best, with a leaky defense missing several key components, against an all time defense.... Manning will have to be a GOD to pull this off.. And if he does, I'll smile and tip my cap.. But I have sided him too many times in the playoffs and seen that ELI look on his face at money time--- not again vs this defense getting points..
This is the best D they have faced all year hands down....no one in the AFC near SF/Seattle defenses IMO. Chargers and Pats did solid jobs against them and the talent on those D's are a joke compared to Seattle. I know Manning threw for 400 last week but the red zone struggles continue....
@MarcusESullivan: Former cowboy #JoshBrent sentenced to 6 months in jail for intoxication manslaughter. Mike Vick did 2 yrs for dog fighting. Let that sink in

The difference between one extremely stupid mistake and years of purposeful malicious behavior.
The difference between one extremely stupid mistake and years of purposeful malicious behavior.

He killed someone, and gets 6 months ???

Fucking disgusting. People get longer sentences for crimes where another person isn't even harmed.
The difference between one extremely stupid mistake and years of purposeful malicious behavior.

theres also a difference between animals and humans.

and im an animal lover, and think what vick did was disgusting and actually think he got the right sentence...just think its absurd that Brent only got 6 months. people have done more for smoking weed
I understand Gandolfs point regarding intent. Clearly Brent didn't have the intent to hurt his friend or anyone else. But he did and a human life > 100,000 dog lives... let alone however many Vick hurt. Vick had zero intent on hurting someone else and didn't. The Vick case was a modern day lynching.....
Perhaps if there was a dog in the car with the mom he would have gotten jail time??

On Oct 19, 1998 -- his 24th birthday -- Little spent the night celebrating with teammates. On the way home, he ran a red light and collided with a car driven by Susan Gutweiler of Oakville. Gutweiler died the next day.

Authorities said Little's blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.

The NFL suspended him for eight games, and he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. He plead guilty in June, and began serving a 90-day sentence in the city workhouse, and performing an assigned 1,000 hours of community service.
Aside from Little's off field problems, if Clowney were to give the Rams the same results on the field I would take him. Personally, I think Clowney has a much better career than Little.
I have to think like Fisher in this situation, there isn't a player in this draft that would improve his team instantly more than Clowney. You have to remember, Quinn is on the other side.
Perhaps if there was a dog in the car with the mom he would have gotten jail time??

On Oct 19, 1998 -- his 24th birthday -- Little spent the night celebrating with teammates. On the way home, he ran a red light and collided with a car driven by Susan Gutweiler of Oakville. Gutweiler died the next day.

Authorities said Little's blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.

The NFL suspended him for eight games, and he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. He plead guilty in June, and began serving a 90-day sentence in the city workhouse, and performing an assigned 1,000 hours of community service.

And then I believe had another DUI a couple years later. Didn't learn his lesson. Just a huge pile of shit, some people are.
Need to get this thread back on the field:

So we have the #1 offense (points scored) vs #1 defense (points allowed).. Thats happened 4 others times.. Defense has won 3 of the 4 times

18 top ranked Offenses have played in the SB and their record is 10-8

15 top ranked Defenses have played in the SB and their record is 12-3

I'll take the Defense
Need to get this thread back on the field:

So we have the #1 offense (points scored) vs #1 defense (points allowed).. Thats happened 4 others times.. Defense has won 3 of the 4 times

18 top ranked Offenses have played in the SB and their record is 10-8

15 top ranked Defenses have played in the SB and their record is 12-3

I'll take the Defense

How about when the 10-8 & 12-3 overlapped, top offense vs. top defense? Just out of curiosity. aplous just posted one that the teams that led the league in scoring are 0-7 SU in the Super Bowl … I found that kind of surprising. And also surprising that only 7 out of 47 have made the Super Bowl.

Like every other square in the world, I keep envisioning a big game out of Manning. Quick releases and long handoffs to the receivers.
How about when the 10-8 & 12-3 overlapped, top offense vs. top defense? Just out of curiosity. aplous just posted one that the teams that led the league in scoring are 0-7 SU in the Super Bowl … I found that kind of surprising. And also surprising that only 7 out of 47 have made the Super Bowl.

Like every other square in the world, I keep envisioning a big game out of Manning. Quick releases and long handoffs to the receivers.

Noted in 1st paragraph. Happened on four occasions and top defense won 3 of those 4 games
What do you think of my visions of Bronco long handoffs all day long?
Just spoke with my 82 year old mom. She thinks broncos win. I asked her why? She said "because Peyton is such a nice guy". She said everyone will be cheering for him. I asked her if she's ever heard of Floyd mayweather. She said she had not and gave me a puzzled look.