WTF happened to scoresandodds - it sucks!


Goodbye to Romance College Football
I didn't like the revamp they started the season with, but was getting used to it. Now I come home and my tablet apparently updated the app and man, it blows! My phone has the old version I'll keep running as long as it lets me. I'd rather just go to the full website version and delete the apps at this point.

Anyone else use this?
Yeah its the only site I use to view scores. I look at it on my iPhone in safari. It’s fine for me. What don’t you like about it?
I miss the old scores and odds. It’s trash now. And the match up used to be simple but include a lot of the info I use to cap. The new match up stuff is worthless.
Yeah its the only site I use to view scores. I look at it on my iPhone in safari. It’s fine for me. What don’t you like about it?

It's ok on safari. The app on my ipad must've updated. I thought it was an error or something and deleted the app and reinstalled, same thing. First time I noticed it was today. iphone has old version and is same as it was in September at least.

I'll see if I can screen shot the new updated app. It is bare bones and you have to select the sport to see any odds. Before you could see all the odds for the day, now you have to choose one of the 4 main sports.



Ok I see now. Yeah I’m still on the old version.Hopefully it doesn’t update on me.

I tried using the app before but it hardly ever worked so I deleted it.