Wow Are The Yanks In A Swoon


Where the cash flows, matters
Lead off hitter gets on for the yanks in bottom of the 9th trailing 4-3 they put a pinch runner in whe gets picked off 1st. Total lack of concentration & execution by entire team. Men now on 1st & 2nd 2 out with A-Rod up, a chance to save this sinking ship.
bases loaded with 2 out Giambi up, that pinch runner who got picked off should be shipped out, just no excuse for that.
Just no excuse for getting picked off in that situation, Christain should be sent down the road, a message needs to be sent to the rest of the team.
Probably no one has mentioned to the manager that Rivera does not do well pitching in tie games.
Joe G. is losing a grip on this team & something needs to be done to make a statement so the b/s can be stopped. Joe brings Rivera into the game when it is tied which was the 1st bad move, then the pinch runner which I did not understand, then the fucker gets picked off.
Probably no one has mentioned to the manager that Rivera does not do well pitching in tie games.

It is quite odd that he blitzes right through save situations without hardly a hitch, but clusterfucks a tie game rather often.
Joe G needs to get his head out of his ass! Just maybe the Yanks made the wrong manger choice. Donny baseball where are you?
This loss 50% on Joe G , 25% on Rivera, 25% on pinch runner, but Rivera being in there was Joes call & pinch runner was Joes call. Yes the players failed to execute but the coach made all the wrong moves to allow it to happen. Just maybe there was a reason they threw his ass out of Florida!
After this game I wont bet the Yanks unless its a screaming situational angle ...

It's fucking ridiculous they lost and I said it a week ago Girardi is managing this team scared and it shows.

There is absolutely not 1 reason why KC deserved to this win and they did absoluetly nothing to win it . Its a shame. I understand why people took KC here but they really should have lost by at least 5 runs.

Where do you start ?

You get a break to start the game with an error and Damon steals 2nd ? Jeter Ks , Abreu Ks , walk ARod and Giambi flies out ....

Of course KC gets a walk on a check swing which I didnt see but they seemed to be moaning about to start the 2nd inn , a half ass double that was placed nicely and a sca fly ....

Bottom 2nd two nice singles hit well put runners at 1st and 2nd we bunt with Gardner ? Nope he K's.....Bengie Ks and Damon pops out ......

B3 - Jeter singlesto start then steals 2nd after Abreu flies out .....another man in scoring position.....Arod ks and Giambi Ks on what I will say was a filthy changeup on a full count .....

B4- Nady leadoff walk but Cano hits into a DP......

B5th- Molina ground rule double , Damon ground out , Jeter single , Abreu flies out as does Arod .......

Thats 5 FUCKING innings with the LEADOFF runner on and we score 1 run and 3 times we had man on 2nd less then 2 out and NEVER scored ONCE !

B7th- leadoff out , consecutive walks gets mahay pulled , Abreu singles to make it 3-2 1st and 3rd , Arod only a sac fly 3-3 up two out and man on , Giambi flies out again !

T9th- German hits a 1 out double off Rivera , then a fucking IF single and wild pitch score the go ahead run ...

B9th - We get an IF single and put in Christian this kid is super fast no need iMO with Damon running to have him bunt ...anyway he gets picked off , Damon grounds out , then Jeter singkles , Abreu walks , I have NO IDEA what type of ball it was but AROD singles to pitcher (??) and it only loads the bases ...does this not have BLOWN game written all over it ......and Giambi again FAILS flying out ......

The Yanks are FUCKING TERRIBLE now ! TERRIBLE !! KC is terrible and managed to scrap some runs together but NY is TERRIBLE ......

Meche had great velocity but that was it . I saw 2 good offspeed pitches and a bunch of high school curveballs ...he needed 106 pitches for 6 innings !

It was absolutely embarrassing to lose a game like this . They really should have no problem getting 10 runs if they got 2-3 clutch hits problem scoring double digits they had baserunners every fucking inning before we got to 2 outs , it wasnt like they made an out got a baserunner made an out got a baserunner.....LEADOFF hitter in the 1st 5 innings and the 9th ....

No way any team at home should lose a game like this let alone a team with there talent ......

Embarrassing and not sure the avg person real understands how bad that game was ....KC had less then NO BUSINESS winning that game...

At least some of you guys made money off that but wow .....:36_11_6:
Probably no one has mentioned to the manager that Rivera does not do well pitching in tie games.

Its been addressed he said whats he gonna do ? Which I actually agree with him on some levels . Its not like its a career long issue its some fluky thing thats popped up in 2008 . I wouldnt have pulled Pettitte after the 7th though and maybe went with Edwar to start the 9th ...

I kinda agree with you that you really should be thinking twice about using him here ...:shake:
SN : I had the over 8.5:hang:for a big bet, no way should I have lost this bet. Both these teams should have had at least 5, but it was the Joe G. that managed very poorly in the 9th. Why put Rivera in? Why the pinch runner? Both moves made no sense at all! I am slowly understanding why Florida shipped his ass when he was winning.
Joe G. is losing a grip on this team & something needs to be done to make a statement so the b/s can be stopped. Joe brings Rivera into the game when it is tied which was the 1st bad move, then the pinch runner which I did not understand, then the fucker gets picked off.

I love Girardi and was happy he got the job and Torre was gone. However he must have been hit with the stupid stick upon signing his contract . he has done so many DUMB things its crazy .

Truth is though you cant blame him in certain ways . Tremendous amount of pressure managing the Yanks and being a former player during this crazy run probably only adds to it . He is making mistakes because he is stressed and trying to make things happen which never works. One day he is bunting is the wrong situation and it fails then he isnt bunting the next day because of that failure in an obvious bunt situation.....

Plus he is a young guy with little experience . The experience he needs to develop is just trusting his instincts not trying to hit the LOTTO with every decision....

Painful to watch as a fan but it really is in a learning experience for him . I hope he gets "IT" soon because there isnt anyone out there I rather have ..

SN : I had the over 8.5:hang:for a big bet, no way should I have lost this bet. Both these teams should have had at least 5, but it was the Joe G. that managed very poorly in the 9th. Why put Rivera in? Why the pinch runner? Both moves made no sense at all! I am slowly understanding why Florida shipped his ass when he was winning.

He got shipped out of FLA cause he fought with the owner . Some incident at a game where he told him to sit down and shutup...which is what I want from him .

Why put Rivera in ? maybe cause he is the greatest reliever the game has ever seen and he is sitting right in your bullpen and its taught that u use your closer in tie games . I fully understand what you are saying and the problem is if he doesnt out Mo in the game and the reliever gets shelled he gets blasted for it . If Joba was out there he could get away with not using Mo but ist a nightmare decision .

The PR thing is terrible and I love Christian speed but him and Gardner a re 2 FUCKING INDEPENDENT LEAGUE BALLPLAYERS ! Actually I dont think Gardner played indy ball but he should be cause he is exactly what you see in those leagues . I dont mind calling up prospects but come on with these two Gardner is a fucking stiff board at the plate .....My point is these kids are gonna be freaked by the brights lights of the majors because they probably dont belong there .....Oh and I guess because of Jeter's foot "injury" that kept him out but we cant speculate on that decision but man think about the difference inBaseball IQ !

Girardi has been managing terrible for awhile now. No one wanted to believe it when I said he was overmanaging the pen well this is undeniable.

You should have esily won your OVER and I was waiting for it all game to cash but didnt play it ...not sure KC deserved more then 2 runs but NYY should have scored 9 easily ..a lousy walkoff HR gets them to 7 runs...

Anyway since I lost some dough on the ML and RL Iknow your pain ....

It is quite odd that he blitzes right through save situations without hardly a hitch, but clusterfucks a tie game rather often.

Its insane at this point and something that just happened in 2008 . He probably successfully pitched 100 tie games the past decade .

It's not that something that has gone unnoticed . He was answering questions about it three weeks ago on NY talk radio and said he was going to continue to go to Mo because alot of it is fluky which holds true today . Also though alot of guys are jumping on his 1st pitch rather then take it and it has produced alot of XBHs.......
Also though alot of guys are jumping on his 1st pitch rather then take it and it has produced alot of XBHs.......

IMO, that's the best chance of having success against him to begin with. Any guy at the plate that is a better than average contact hitter should realize that he's going to throw a strike the first pitch and swing for it. Once you get 2-3 pitches into him, you might as well flip a coin because he's the master at setting you up for failure. The first pitch is about the only one you know about where it's going to be. . .
The sad part of the past 5 years is SIMPLE. The Yankee lineup is STACKED but it always a close game where the pitching needs to make the crucial plays rather then VICE VERSA. You can believe what you want but a half decent lineup given the same opps wins this game 8-3 rather easily . KC really had no business winning this game. What did they do on offense ? They had one solid half inning where they plated 2 runs after NYY wasted 4 leadoff runners in the first 4 innings which 3 were on 2nd base before there was 2outs .......

If the idiots hit then its not a 3-3 game to start the 9th . Giambi had a terrible game . He stranded like 10runners maybe more w/o counting .
IMO, that's the best chance of having success against him to begin with. Any guy at the plate that is a better than average contact hitter should realize that he's going to throw a strike the first pitch and swing for it. Once you get 2-3 pitches into him, you might as well flip a coin because he's the master at setting you up for failure. The first pitch is about the only one you know about where it's going to be. . .

Absolutely agree . Not to make light of your opinion but its commonsense . Well at least to the 2 of us . What took hitters 13-14 years to figure this out ?

Pretty simple . He throws an explosive cutter . Well with a 0-0 count the most important pitch for him is always STRIKE 1 . The quicker he gets it the quicker he can just let his cutter loose and watch it move like a wiffle ball at 95 MPH or 93 the past few years . before he gets a strike batters dont have to swing at anything close . Pretty obvious he is going to have sacrifice some movement to get a strike . So yeah I am 100% with you just amazing its taken so long for me to see hitters do it . Just like SWH should hit RH vs him ....

SN : Rivera is 4-5 when brought in when game is tied allowing 7 runs. He is the best ever , I completely agree, but not when game is tied. Joe G imo has regressed as a manager since coming to NY, he just keeps making one poor decision after another. I like you SN live NY & see all the games, the Melky demotion should have taken place 2 months ago imo. The Yanks center dilema should have been taken care of 2 yrs before Bernie finally retired, Beltran should be playing CF for the Yanks not the mets. When the chips were on the line tonight Giradi blew the game & the Christian kid should be shipped out, a message needs to be sent that this shit will not be tolerated
Cash : I am with ya . At this point I would not use him in a tie game he is just getting bad breaks or pitching poorly . I mean he gave up a double with 1 out but followed by an IF hit and a Wild Pitch ? Thats BS especially when Yanks have 2 men on every inning and cant manfacture a run.

The Yanks are broken . Have been forever . In some ways Hank was right injuries have destroyed them but the offense should hit . NEVER , EVER does ! Its the same shit during every losing streak. Arod is the epitome of the Yanks ! Great fucking stats on a baseball card but when it comes to get it done never happens . For all the shit Jason Giambi has endured in NY and he fucking killed us today , the guy has alot more walkoff HRs that were bombs to boot then ARod ever has clutch hits . Teach Cano how to work a fucking count and a pitcher to get a pitch he can handle . Play Giambi every FUCKING day he is healthy whether its a RH or LH. When jeter is swinging at everything fucking chew him out ! Tell Abreu its great to work a count but zone out the 1st pitch rather then allow the pitcher tojust get ahead with strike one.

Christian probably shouldnt be on the team period . His speed is intoxicating but this kid probably doesnt know the game and it was probably a fluke today because the kid has done some good things . Why fucking betemit PH anyway ? The guy is Pedro Cerrano flesh and blood ! If he gets a hold of it will go 450+ plus feet but throw him a curveball and he looks foolish. he can ht fastballs and fastballs only . Why not Pudge ? You have a HOF hitter on your bench and you go with Wilson betemit ? That went unnoticed and please if ots because he is LH then god there is no hope .....

Joe makes alot of mistakes . Mistakes I thought where dead and buried when Torre left town. I am not sticking up for him as much as I am saying alot of it is a NO WIN situation for him. Even with Mo's struggles say he leaves Edwar on and he allows 3 runs , then tmrw its all about how come Mo didnt pitch ...from the media and maybe from the dipshit owners ......

Melky has been terrible and needed to get shipped down but lets put our 9 best out there . Even if it means letting Pudge DH and Molina catch .

As afan I am disgusted cause even with our busted SP we have solid enough pitching to win games . Our pen is full of stud arms if we use them correctly and designate roles for them.....

Losing a game when the SP is laboring at home is JUST inexcusable with that lineup .

SOLUTION - SIGN MANNY ! That means Abreu has to go . Sign Giambi for 2 years to play 1st base and put Giambi in the 3rd spot , Manny 4th and DickRod in the 5th spot with Nady 6th , Cano 7th , your catcher and CF filling it out . Get a CF who can cover ground and hit some .....Aaron Rowand has been the perfect fit for years ... Posada and Molina is more then adequate at catcher . Thats about as stacked as you can get be honest at the moment I would hit Nady 4th and Arod 6th ....

SP- Hope Wang and Joba are helathy going forward , hope Moose and Pettitte can continue on as solid vets and hope Phil Hughes get its together and stays healthy .

The pen is set IMO for the next few years as long as Mo holds it together to close .....

SN: Funny what you mentioned about Giambi, I have said that for the last 2 yrs, if anyone deserves to play every day it is Giambi. I respect him most for his honestly & owning up to his actions . A-Rod needs to play more team ball instead of always trying to be the hero. Jeter imo is & has been playing hurt all year, but he is such a gamer/leader that he does not bitch he just plays, unfortunately it has cost his batting ave about 30+ pts. What a role model Jeter would be for good young players to be around, to bad the yanks are lacking in that dept. I agree the pitching staff is ok but some offensive chemistry needs to be found, hard for the Yanks to pay a guy 25 mill & bat him 6th, you can get those guys for 8-9 mill. They should have traded Melky when he was hot early in the year when there was value for him. The yanks need some young talented hungry players like Ellswoth & Pedroia. sad part they are not far away from being good & real good, but the Yanks brass keep screwing it up.
Its a pipe dream of mine to hit Arod 6th but then again we pay Gianbi over 20 million to sit vs LHs. Yanks just need a clutch hitter and Xavier Nady much to my suprise seems to be that type guy . What made us great was we had so many fringe stars and role players who were major contributors in the clutch . Guys like Chad Curtis or Shane Spencer who platooned but delivered key hits . O'neill became a star in NY rather then diminished his stardom like so many that have followed . For the ups and downs of Tino Martinez another clutch hitter . The list is long from back in the day . Now we have a struggling Jeter , an unclutch megastar in Arod , a continued GOAT in Giambi ( no one else ever sits but him) , a budding superstar ( Soriano -like??) in Cano who has regressed , a young player in Melky I actually like who just doesnt know his place , and so on and so on ....Abreu has regressed as well from his arrival . I would really shake this team up and try something different .

Pudge DH

To me this gives us great protection and balance ......

Joey G you reading this !!!!!:36_11_6:Who cares if we play both catchers last I checked rarely does the catcher leave injured so 1 freaking game you lose your DH who cares ....
SN : I disagree with you on Melky, he is not what the yanks need from a CF. As it stands now the entire out field is a joke, I am very disappointed In Abreu, I honestly thought hewould do well in NY, but not the case. I would send Melky,Abreu, & Matsui down the road just to get the revamping underway. This really imo is a simple fix, they just have to get rid of the 3 I mentioned to start. As bad as they are right now with the right tweaks they could be the best in 2009. Cashman & Steinbrenner just need to do the right thing & make the right moves & I am betting they won't. Just wait & see at seasons end when they don't resign Giambi, that will be the beginning of another yanks debacle. If they sign Giambi & get rid of the 3 I mentioned there is a chance. BTW I would not resign Mussina for any money, regardless of what he is doing right now, LET HIM GO!!! Let someone else pay him 15 mill