Wouldn't it be CRAZY if the Jets win SU?


Pretty much a regular
No. Really. What would happen? Everyone is expecting the Patriots to

blow out the Jets. Even the oddsmakers got the pubic to think it's gonna

be a massacre. :whip: With a pointspread of 24, who in their

right mind would take the Jets ML?
first , it is the nfl .. all teams are capable of winning or losing a particular game. i dont think you are crazy at all for thinking they can win. of course my hatred for the pats is well documented so i may just be getting hopeful.

secondly, the sport is football. ..... one 99 yard int for a td is a 14 point swing, even if one team is dominating.

they can lose. please ... please.
The weather makes the 24 very enticing IMO..it's the one real equalizer in football...

I'm in NH about an hour & a half north of Foxboro, MA. It's supposed to be a fucking noreaster up here all day Sunday. I think a 3+ TD margin will be very difficult. If I was set up on-line I'd have jumped all over this but I'm sure the local will be around 19 or 20 come kick-off.

I think a tease of NYJ +29 & U 50.5 is a no-brainer & why not throw some spare change on the Jets ML.
I'm in NH about an hour & a half north of Foxboro, MA. It's supposed to be a fucking noreaster up here all day Sunday. I think a 3+ TD margin will be very difficult. If I was set up on-line I'd have jumped all over this but I'm sure the local will be around 19 or 20 come kick-off.

I think a tease of NYJ +29 & U 50.5 is a no-brainer & why not throw some spare change on the Jets ML.
Thanks bro..

keep us updated.
maybe I am alone on this one.

I've been to over 40 Jets games in my life just cause the stadium is 20 minutes away from where I live and I've naturally rooted for them since I was young because I HATE the Giants but I wouldn't consider myself a fan, I am a Raiders fan and have been since I was like 11, it was my first starter jacket, anyway, I would love nothing more than to see a 500-0 score tomorrow, just for shits and giggles. You know, 1 point for every $1000 Bellichek was personally fined
It would be fantastic if the Jets found a way to win.

No it would not! :down2:

I don't get it, why does the general public (and you may have a reason dmoney, I am just asking the forum here) want to see the Patriots lose so badly? Wouldn't the average neutral NFL fan want to see a 35-year record broken, watch history first-hand?

BTW, I am a Saints fan. I just like Belichick, so don't let my avatar lead you into thinking I am a Patriots homer.
No it would not! :down2:

I don't get it, why does the general public (and you may have a reason dmoney, I am just asking the forum here) want to see the Patriots lose so badly? Wouldn't the average neutral NFL fan want to see a 35-year record broken, watch history first-hand?

BTW, I am a Saints fan. I just like Belichick, so don't let my avatar lead you into thinking I am a Patriots homer.

I don't like Belichick - other members of the team are beginning to annoy me as well.

In terms of record-breaking, it would be quite the feat, I agree.

As a Bengals fan, it would also not surprise me if Miami beat Cincy in a couple of weeks, putting an end to that potential record as well.
For those that want the Pats to win - is because you are a fan? Is it because of history? Is it because you believe that they were unfairly treated in the spy scandal?

Just interested in why since Blue Chip posed the opposite question.
For those that want the Pats to win - is because you are a fan? Is it because of history? Is it because you believe that they were unfairly treated in the spy scandal?

Just interested in why since Blue Chip posed the opposite question.
I like to watch special things happen as a fan...I don't mind dynasties for that reason...

It's why I always root for Tiger...jsut loving watching special things happen in sports in a time that we get to see it..
Eric Mangini went ahead, "and crossed the line" by "ratting" out his former

teams antics of filming defensive playcalling. IMO this is the reason the

Pats feel like they need to blow out opposing teams. I belive they are

making a statement saying that they dont need to cheat to win.

This week they play the Jets, who have given them the motivation in the

first place. Bill Belichick is a god to NE fans and their team. Everyone

thinks the Pats will seek out their revenge on Sunday. If the pointspread

was 30, people would still be on the Pats(as of today, it dropped to 22.5)

just because of the revenge factor.

As someone who uses the spread as "entertainment only" :36_11_6: I know

it is possible for the Jets to win SU, but what are the chances? Last I

looked the ML is +1250. Any takers?


I'll take my chances with the +24 Jets, heavy winds, possible rain and snow.
No it would not! :down2:

I don't get it, why does the general public (and you may have a reason dmoney, I am just asking the forum here) want to see the Patriots lose so badly? Wouldn't the average neutral NFL fan want to see a 35-year record broken, watch history first-hand?

BTW, I am a Saints fan. I just like Belichick, so don't let my avatar lead you into thinking I am a Patriots homer.

Heres a few reasons:

Theyre no good cheating bastards
The coach is a smug prick
Rodney Harrison is the definition of a scumbag
Theyre arrogant beyond belief
Theyve been playing the 'we're the underdog and no one believed in us' card for about 5 years too long
Sorry, not sure what happened but all you guys are internet savy enough to find a Boston news station wbz.com for instance & check the weather.
Heres a few reasons:

Theyre no good cheating bastards
The coach is a smug prick
Rodney Harrison is the definition of a scumbag
Theyre arrogant beyond belief
Theyve been playing the 'we're the underdog and no one believed in us' card for about 5 years too long

Amen. I wouldn't piss on these guys if they were on fire. Another reason is that they play in one of the worst football markets in America.

You can click on this link to get the latest forecasts from what I consider to be the most accurate in the region. This weatherman really is personable and will answer any weather related questions you have in all America. I can't tell you how many times I emailed a quick question and he got back in a few hours.

Anyway, on to this storm: Basically he's saying the jury is still out on how bad it will be. Now Foxboro is toward the bottom part of MA, near Rhode Island. He's forecasting a couple inches there, not even as bad as it was here yesterday. BUT the key is this: He says the bad weather should be at it's worst around noon to 3. The game will be at 1, right when the worst should hit SE Mass. Keep that in mind, as the total is already being driven down to 42 at many books.

I'll be leaving town tomorrow, so I'll miss the weather and won't be able to update, but for sure, contact this guy and for the most part, he'll get back to you.
Wouldn't the average neutral NFL fan want to see a 35-year record broken, watch history first-hand?

Not if you're a Miami fan....
If this was the Colts threatening to go undefeated, I think most people would be behind them because they do things the right way, at least as far as we know. The Patriots want you to hate them; they're running up the score on everyone making it them against the world. I cannot understand why anyone would ever root for these guys, they're cheaters, their coach has no class, Boston fans are the most obnoxious fans in the country, etc, etc.
First off, the Pats will not lose this game. Now wether or not they cover is up for debate because we are supposed to get a noreaster (winds coming from the ocean dropping all sorts of precipitation with high winds). It is 3:30 here now and I will tell you the forecast is off so far, no wind and snow showers, I will post before game time with an accurate weather report. I am a Patriots fan, but I feel that of all the major sports I can be the most subjective with footall as I love the game and can/will bet against the Pats if I feel the number is in my favor to do so. I have gone on record weeks ago saying the biggest challenge the Pats will face is week 16 against Miami, which now seems ridiculous considering how pathetic the dolphins are. If the winds are less than 25 mph I will be on the Pats at less than minus 24, with perhaps some money parlayed with an over that has been dramitically reduced due to the weather forecasts which I believe are suspect. If we get a full fleged noreaster all bets are off but a little snow or rain will not put me off the Pats today. Good luck to all with your plays, but no matter the weather the Pats win outright so if you are feeling enticed by a large ML number save your money. :cheers:
they had a shot. cant make those kinds of mistakes against the best team in the nfl and hope to win though.