Would You Have Fired Rob Ryan?

Never do know...
maybe he thought rob should have stayed on for the next staff.......
I'm not a Rex fan by any measure, and had been saying that he shouldn't be fired after this season because that's just what a horribly run franchise does...keeps changing the coach every couple/few years and wondering why they still suck. Rex is the epitome of a players' coach, and he always takes the heat when things aren't going well, not sure he ever deflects the blame to anyone.

Having said that, his decision to punt on 4th and 2 in OT on Saturday, when ONLY a win helped keep their slim chances alive, and his defiance toward the criticism by saying "every coach in America would have done the same thing there," coupled with his defense getting gashed on the ground again (and just being pretty much horrible all year and last year), was the final straw and I can understand why he was fired. Still don't necessarily agree with it, but I can easily see why. Rex is just stuck back about a decade ago with his coaching philosophies and decisions. Now all he needs is a good common sense coach (how have we STILL not seen one of these coaches brought on board) and he would have been fine as they would handle when to punt, when to kick a FG, handling of the clock and timeouts, challenges, etc.

How Doug Whaley still has a job as the GM is the more important question. Outside of him being black, and the Bills liking that look, Inhabe no idea how this guy is still a GM. Not to mention, if you're going to keep tweaking things every couple/few years, at some point you HAVE to clean house and start anew.
How Doug Whaley still has a job as the GM is the more important question. Outside of him being black, and the Bills liking that look, Inhabe no idea how this guy is still a GM.

He has done overall a better than average job of getting talent in here than many before him. Look back at his moves, are they really THAT bad? Totally missed on EJ, but parlayed the extra pick into Shady who was the entire offense (and most of the time the only reason I kept going to games). Quite a few players on the cheap that ended up being big contributors. Should have stuck with Dustin Hopkins I guess after Carp's season... I'll never understand trading up to grab Watkins, though it's evident he's special. Terrible move there even if Sammy can get healthy for a full season. I guess I'm conflicted.

I think the fact that Rex didn't pan out made Whaley look better- to me it was evident Rex wasn't his idea/he had advised against the Rex circus. Now Whaley gets to be in charge of the search for hc so he bought at least 2 more seasons. l find the whole thing comical. Hard to see them winning more than 8 next year unless they have the best draft ever with the little they have.
He has done overall a better than average job of getting talent in here than many before him. Look back at his moves, are they really THAT bad? Totally missed on EJ, but parlayed the extra pick into Shady who was the entire offense (and most of the time the only reason I kept going to games). Quite a few players on the cheap that ended up being big contributors. Should have stuck with Dustin Hopkins I guess after Carp's season... I'll never understand trading up to grab Watkins, though it's evident he's special. Terrible move there even if Sammy can get healthy for a full season. I guess I'm conflicted.

I think the fact that Rex didn't pan out made Whaley look better- to me it was evident Rex wasn't his idea/he had advised against the Rex circus. Now Whaley gets to be in charge of the search for hc so he bought at least 2 more seasons. l find the whole thing comical. Hard to see them winning more than 8 next year unless they have the best draft ever with the little they have.

Outside of Shady, who has he really brought in here that he can hang his hat on? Horrible move for Watkins, as you mentioned. Horrible pick in EJ which you mentioned. Dareus has been as much trouble as he's been good. Gilmore (his pick isn't it?) is probably on his way out. I just don't see what he brings to the table that he's untouchable, which is what it seems he is.

The Shady pickup was great, but only happened because the Eagles were looking to get rid of him, and regardless of how well he's performed, throwing the money at him they did at his age, is usually a horrible proposition. He's been fantastic so it looks like a great move, but how much credit do you get for trading a LB for Shady? The Eagles are to thank for that deal, not Doug. I also don't get the Ryan hire as being good for him in the respect that it doesn't even seem as if his opinion means much if he was advising against it and they hired Rex anyway. What the hell is he doing as the GM if no one is listening to him?
And how about the press conference today when they left Anthony Lynn all by himself on an island to answer questions about benching Tyrod? Who does that? How fucking unprofessional can a pro sports team possibly look?

Listen, Uncle Terry was the savior and everyone loved him buying the Sabres and then the Bills...but Pegula is nothing more than a fan with money (lots and lots of it too). It's almost the perfect experiment in what happens when a fan is given the reigns of a pro sports team they've always been a fan of. Honestly, the best thing that either franchise has done since Pegula took over is the Sabres tanking to get Eichel. Seriously....losing on purpose is the best thing that's happened. It's such an embarrassment it's not even funny...
I think he's a moron, but I would have kept him another year or two. Let's face it, as long as Brady is in their division they are fighting for a wild card every year. 10-6 is the target and this team has enough talent to win another game or two. I know there are exceptions, but generally you need stability to succeed in the NFL (a great QB and some luck help as well). Now they will be on another 3yr plan.
tyrod seems to be a good grab for the organization. Not an incredible passer, but there are so many "supposed to be incredible" passers who have failed and Tyrod at least makes the smart plays and keeps the team competitive. What are your expectations, really? I would think making the playoffs would be incredible for the franchise and beyond that you're kidding yourself, but to do that you have to be the wildcard cuz NE isn't giving that division away until Brady retires

also twink would mix up the name in the title of a thread that exists as the most important words lol
tyrod seems to be a good grab for the organization. Not an incredible passer, but there are so many "supposed to be incredible" passers who have failed and Tyrod at least makes the smart plays and keeps the team competitive. What are your expectations, really? I would think making the playoffs would be incredible for the franchise and beyond that you're kidding yourself, but to do that you have to be the wildcard cuz NE isn't giving that division away until Brady retires

also twink would mix up the name in the title of a thread that exists as the most important words lol

He should have been given a third year but he was also grossly unprepared at times and that's a no-no in professional coaching.

The Bills had 10 guys on the field when Ajaya gashed them. He played not to lose in a game they COULD NOT afford to tie!

I would have supported him for Year 3 up until letting Matt Moore gash me for 35 points and over 500 yards.
The way they are treating Tyrod is really ugly

By benching him this week? The only reason they're doing it is so he doesn't get injured and they end up on the hook for next season and over $25M.

You may not have meant solely that though, and I'd agree that they've treated him pretty horribly overall. That's what happens when your franchise has poor ownership and poor management...they do most/all things poorly.
Anthony lynn will probably get the coaching job. I don't see how they don't keep Tyrod but everything points to them moving on from him. I think it's clear to see he can perform when the playbook is open.

As far as rex...Buffalo just didn't have the consistency at dl and talent at lb to run the 3-4. CBs couldn't be on an island because the line couldn't get pressure half the time. Yet he was stubborn and ran the same predictable defense.