Worst umpiring calls I have seen


Pretty much a regular
The ump behind the plate in the sox/yanks game last night made the worst calls I have ever witnessed watching the bases.

Both the yankees and the sox were obviously upset with Kupla's calls during the course of the game. He was as inconsistent as any ump I have seen....just terrible

3-2 game in the 9th when Papi comes to the plate with the bases loaded and works Miller to a 3-1 count. It was obvious that Miller did not want to throw hime anything (can't blame him) Miller throws one outside off the plate that McCann catches just barely off the ground (it actually almost bounced) for ball 4 and the tying run. Kupla calls strike. Papi loses his mind (he never does) and has to be restrained. Now its 3-2 and Miller throws a ball down the middle about 4" below the strike zone that Papi checks his swing on. Another incredibly obvious ball 4 and Kupla calls strike 3. All hell breaks loose and Papi and Farrell get ejected and Hanley strikes out to end the game. An absolute disgrace

Be careful when Kupla is calling the balls and strikes. In my estimation he just wanted to go home and wanted to get the game over with but we will never know. He should be suspended without pay for several games
He has one of the highest strike %s in the league. I loved Ortiz's comments.

Boston manager John Farrell and Ortiz were tossed by home plate umpire Ron Kulpa for arguing balls and strikes in the ninth, closing a frustrating game for the Red Sox (17-12). Ortiz had harsh words for Kulpa after he called a 3-1 slider a strike that would have tied the game if tabbed a ball. The bad thing about it is that the whole world watches these games,'' Ortiz said. ''The umpire was having a hard time in the game. It's a situation when the game is on the line, and (he's) got to focus better.''
Looks like a ball but it isn't near the worst ump call ever.

Part of me wants to admire the eye of Ortiz in laying off but most good hitters are going to defend the plate on a pitch like that.
Do we have the pitch before that one. I have a feeling it is the combination of the two that probably had Ortiz go crazy
I'd be curious to see the previous pitch as well. Last pitch, meh. These players allegedly know the umps and their zones like a religion and it's no secret to any of us that Kulpa has one of the biggest zones of any ump, so that last pitch being called a strike isn't shocking at all to me.
That pitch NBA fan posted wasn't the call that set Ortiz off, it was the one before that that should've been ball 4. I believe.
Worst umpiring of balls and strikes for an entire game is a runaway winner. Joe Brinkman, game 6, 1995 WS. Tribe hitters would have needed 6' bats to hit Glavine's "strikes" that night.
sorry about that


It's never too late in life for a lil back n forth '95 world series smack
That 3-1 pitch was a ball no doubt. He should've drawn a walk and tied the game. He got hosed.
It wasn't that bad. It may have caught the corner, and the ump's view is truer than the centerfield TV camera's, both side to side and up and down. I wasn't watching the game, but by BJP's account, both teams were griping about balls and strikes all night long. So don't have a fit if the 3-1 pitch isn't on a platter and you don't like the call, and you better swing the bat on 3-2 after showing him up. Ortiz thinks every pitch that isn't a meatball is a ball.
Price and Sox hitters bitching about balls and strikes again today. That'll get 'em exactly nowhere. (But go Sox, on 'em today.)
3-1 pitch was a strike....catcher was crossed up and it looked outside but the overhead shows it caught the corner.
Ortiz should know better, after showing up the ump and the count is now 3-2 you better be swinging at anything close because you are not getting a call unless the ball is thrown over your head to the backstop.
Plus Ortiz is Dominican. Swing the bat, all Dominicans know no one ever walked off an island.