Worst Timeout Call Ever?

In the post-game interview Carr said that the timeout "definitely" shifted the strategy...maybe Vegas would have run out the clock? But he also said that they wanted to win (obviously he had to say that).

Did Staley forget that Chargers get in with a tie? Why would he have tried to drive downfield with the ball back, 30 seconds left, and no timeouts left when his team gets in with a tie??
He called timeout, I assume to avoid the situation that occurred. He was thinking raiders would punt if stopped rather than risk the loss on a long missed fg. he wasn't calling timeout to try and go down to score. Terrible timeout but I think that is what he was thinking.
Brandon Staley Trifecta of Analytics - 3 PT Game early goes for 4th and 2 from own 18, down by 15 29-14 scores and goes for two risking leaving himself on 9 and two score deficit and luckily makes it, calls TO at end of OT when Raiders obviously were running down the play clock to mitigate their own risk. That trifecta should have his ass fired imo....he let his team down irreparably.....
Ill be honest I don’t think either coach had a clue how to play those last 2 min. Raiders couldn’t decide if they wanted to go for the win or settle w the tie. Sd had a tie set up and basically told the raiders no go ahead. Try to win. Lol
i been screaming all year this dude a bum, it not the timeout that was pathetic, it was he called it to "get his best run d on the field", then proceeded to get gashed yet again, this dude supposed to be a defensive guy and his defensive philosophy is to allow teams to destroy them on the ground!! he is a analytics genius tho!! lmfao. a retarded Mouse could have coached this team into the playoffs, chalk another one up for the progressive thinkers who say analytics the be all end all!! this guy is the poster boy!!