Worst ran Fantasy league ever


Pretty much a regular
I have been in the same FF league since it was the 1st one I did about 10 years ago. It has started to go down hill the last couple years as the commissioner takes it upon himslef to mend rules throughout the season as he seems fit. Last year he changed someones lineup because they forgot to after the game had started because he said that he didnt have the right players in even though the owner told me that he forgot to change his lineup.

Now to this year. We all voted to change the scoring up a little and it has become a disaster. Everyone fighting and complaining. So this past week 2 owners make a trade and it gets vetoed. They put the same trade through again and it got vetoed again. The commisioner said that no one had a reason to veto the trade because it was fair and put it through anyway on Sunday after it was vetoed 2 times. The league is in diseray and everyone is bitching. Needless to say I will never be part of this league again and was just wondering if anyone has ever had a commissioner change rules mid season and pull some shit like this? Oh ya, this is a league of all kids that went to schol together and were all friends.
Not sure why. I didnt vote either way. The majority of the owners didnt think it was fair i guess and voted against it.
Trade should never be vetoed unless there's collusion. Shouldn't matter if they think it's fair or not. That's on the league, commish did the right thing letting it through
This is the problem with vetoing....first off this is a league with friends...it should be fun...a specific owner doesn't get to determine the value of willis mcgahee or tony romo or cecil shorts...maybe he's a cle fan...maybe he has manning and romo is gravy and has jackson/ridley/mjd as backs and needs a starting tailback therefor he can do without romo and needs the rb...draft day values mean nothing when the league starts..its why only obvious collusion situations should be vetoed....fair is not a predetermined value...

You start vetoing and feelings get hurt...commish wants all sides happy and it's impossible to do....if there's cheating, sure veto..otherwise its a losing proposition in almost every case..
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agreed with above about vetoing. but changing rules mid year is a no no
depends on the scenario...i've seen cases of a commish setting a lineup based on site rankings if an owner has quit participating or intentional not playing to aid an opponent...normally there's something in the bylaws of allowing the commish to regulate the integrity of the leauge or something to allow this to happen that everyone agrees to prior to the season.
U don't change rules period once the season has started. There had been trades that were vetoed earlier in season and they didn't get put through. Needless to say I won't continue in this league.
It was last year as well. I said that I wasnt going to get in this year but with it being the league that I started playing FF with I decided to give it another shot which has turned out to be a disaster. I plan on either starting my own league with the guys that are not doing that league again next year (more than half the guys) or just finding another one to get in.
if everyone is going to veto trades for no reason then the same thing will happen in your next league.
Well I agree that anyone can veto a trade if they feel like it. You can never control that. But if a trade gets vetoed you cant just put it through or just dont have the veto process and just let the commissioner decide that. I am in a total of 4 leagues and trades get vetoed in all of them but then they just rework the trades so they go through. No issues in any other league I am in besides this 1.
you're in some dumb leagues then no offense.. you shouldnt have to modify the trade because the rest of the league thinks one side is unfair. it's not up to you to decide what values others place on players.
We will again agree to disagree. When you pay your $$ for a league and the league rules state that all trades have to have majority approval to go through you have the right to vote no on anything that you think is not fair. The rules state that, Bottom line!!
I hate trade veto in any league. I can understand it when guys don't really know each other like a CTG league, but that cuts both ways. You always have a pain in the ass or two standing in the way of a trade just because he doesn't want someone improving his team. The presumed purpose of the trade. Unless it's like Peyton Manning for Greg Little, I let 'em all go.
I also do not veto any trades unless it is just way too lopsided but if it is part of the rules than you have to stick to it. You cant change them mid season just because of an arguement. The funny thing is that I didnt even know that the trade had been made until it was vetoed. I understand that people draft people just because of value and to trade them later in the season which is why I usually never veto any trades. But in the same token I play mostly in total points for the season leagues rather than head to head because the best teams win instead of the teams that are most lucky. The CTG 4 league is only league I have now that is H2H.
And again it takes half of the league to vote against it for it to be vetoed. If 5 of the 8 teams (2 making trade dont get vote) say no how can you just put the trade through if thats how you have the rules set up. If it is just 1 person or 2 people the trade still goes through. This was the majority of the league (which are mostly friends) that said no.
Just eliminate that stupid veto rule and you won't have fights. Vetoes cause more issues than trades going through.