Worst Coached Game in NFL Playoff History?


This claim is disputed
Webb 12 pass attempts ( plus sacks ) at the half
Peterson 12 rush attempts at the half.

6 minute drive running it to start game with a FG and get ball back after that and somehow coaches go away from what worked for remainder of first half. A possible MVP for the league at RB ( who has destroyed GB this year with a crappy QB in Ponder ) and Webb who hadn't thrown a pass all year at QB. You shorten the game and give it to AP.

I cannot think of a worse job of coaching in an NFL playoff game.
Im struggling with this one. No diss to Minny fans....I think they were a great situational cover team all year and have plenty to build on.

They were losing this game....all day

Leslie did a great job this year....AP had a helluva a year....

This had the makings of an ass whooping....then they get Joe Webb LOL

No reason at all why Peterson shouldn't have had 35 carries.

The guy had 22 carries in a game that was out of reach at the 9 minute mark of the 3rd quarter. That's not too horrible.

Packers did well containing him.
Vikes had to play from behind.
Webb was garbage.

Vikes were simply screwed all around.
My problem is with the first half though emg. They have to shorten the game precisely because they are short handed and overmatched. The TD right before halftime I only occurs because Minnesota mismanaged the game.

Twink ... I am not saying that I think the vikings would win if it is all AP all the time. I am saying that is their best chance to get into the 4th for an opportunity.
Webb couldn't hit the Atlantic from the shore vk, I don't think it really mattered what the coach did.

The coach was in over his head. Backup qb negated whole gameplan in general.

Ap was held in check. Gb made adjustments defensively every series it seemed.
I don't think I am making my point clear. I have no fan interest in vikes, no money on them and I am thankful that his idiocy aided my under... but that was just so bad that it has to be addressed.

Explain the lack of an onside kick.
Coughlin back in 2005 forgot he had 1800 yard rusher Tiki Barber and let a young Deli throw the game away at home while Barber got 13 carries.

Thought Barry Switzer didn't have the Cowboys ready in the 94 NFC Championship game and if Jimmy Johnson had stayed coach one more year the Boys would have won that game and been the only team in NFL history to 3peat.

I remember thinking Levy did a poor job in the Bills first super bowl when they were the better team but lost to the Giants and backup qb Jeff Hostetler. Perhaps that is due to what may have been the greatest postseason coaching job ever though by Bill Parcells.
I don't think I am making my point clear. I have no fan interest in vikes, no money on them and I am thankful that his idiocy aided my under... but that was just so bad that it has to be addressed.

Explain the lack of an onside kick.

Maybe he figured his best chance of scoring was if the defense was on the field
The 1998 NFC Championship game comes to mind, yes it was the Vikes, blew a huge lead in 2nd half with shitty play calling. Any Vikes fan (sadly) remembers that fucking game. Blow me Brian Billick.
I don't think I am making my point clear. I have no fan interest in vikes, no money on them and I am thankful that his idiocy aided my under... but that was just so bad that it has to be addressed.

Explain the lack of an onside kick.

I had kots of money on it and his idiocy did not aid me, however I am with hunt.

Establish the run, they did, expect the defense to react and make adjustments, they did, which should open up playaction passes galore with linebackers covering only the front edge of their drop zones.. Thats where the problem was--- Webb was missing receivers by 10 yards... cant coach that.. defense knew it, and its a disaster scenario..

Regarding the lack of onside kick. agree but if you watch it again what they were attempting was a pop up over the front line and well short of return guy. Agee they should have done a traditional onside kick but the kicker did not execute what was called IMO... And IMO what leslie frazier did to get that team in the playoffs was remarkable.. And hey, I am quick to bash coaches, just dont see this one.... Fucking Vince Lombardi couldn't have gameplanned this one... Feel bad for Webb actually.. Good kid and sure he feels he let the entire team down
You must have had the Vikes. In my thread I siad they suck on the road. ON GRASS
i actually thought this was going to be about lewis and gruden for the previous game. some time in the second quarter, BGE was averaging about 14 yards per carry and yet he only had 3 carries. much better to drop dalton back in the shotgun and just have him throw every down. that'll work. green wasn't trageted until the 3rd quarter. who's aj green anyway. he's no gresham. i saw maualuga singled up with owens and foster in coverage multiple times. i saw a defensive end in single coverage on kevin walter on a 3rd and 12.

i do think we saw the worst coaching performance in a ong time yesterday, i just think it was the other game.

on the other hand, it looks like kubiak actually spent the week preparing for the playoffs. foster had more carries than he did all season. foster had more catches than he did all season. daniels had more catches than he did all season. houston had a gameplan to take advantage of huge coverage mismatches and to take pressure off shaub. i have no idea what cincy's plan was on offense or defense other than to put all the pressure on dalton and use green as a decoy for much of the game.

i say that was the worst coaching performance we've seen in a long time in the playoffs, maybe ever.

as for minnesota, it was bad but that was an impossible situation.
Agree with VK on all counts. Now that I'm somewhat sober, I'll add my thoughts.

I hit the AD carries prop for a small amount (o23.5 carries) and it should have hit by the end of the 3rd quarter. This game started out without a single pass on the first drive. It was surgical. Pack had no answer for the read-option. Vikes get a FG. Next drive AD opens with a 4-6 yard carry on first down and they pass on 2nd down. Sack. Pass on 3rd down. Near-sack or sack (I don't remember as I had a buzz going). Punt. Next drive AD got 1 carry I think (on second down after a pass on first down). Punt. On and on it goes. This fucking OC Musgrave is a goddamn toolbag. They only ran the read option perhaps 5 times total. They should have run is 25 times. I looked at my buddy after the first drive and told him we should play this one like Denver did with Tebow last year - maybe 5-8 passes all game.

Leslie and Musgrave killed any chance of winning by letting Webb throw. Nobody said he could throw the ball - but his running ability clearly gave them an advantage that they didn't exploit until the game was out of reach.

And for those that said "I told you so" on backing the Packers - think about the fact that they got at least 11 points from an offsides penalty extending a drive (2nd drive) and a 12 man penalty that resulted in another TD late. Throw in the fact that there was a blatant push off by that soft ass Nelson on the 4 yard line that was inexplicably not called right in front of the ref that gave the pack more points that they might not have got. As bad as Minny was on offense - the pack were damn fucking fortunate to cover any number that was out there (7.5 to 11).
I did feel fortunate, P. Wasn't the A-Rod show I envisioned.
So if you are a manager in a baseball game and are overmatched it is ok to intentionally walk in 7 runs because it probably won't matter anyway?

BTW field goal unit with 12 on the field at this point in the season is a result of more bad coaching.
Coughlin back in 2005 forgot he had 1800 yard rusher Tiki Barber and let a young Deli throw the game away at home while Barber got 13 carries.

Thought Barry Switzer didn't have the Cowboys ready in the 94 NFC Championship game and if Jimmy Johnson had stayed coach one more year the Boys would have won that game and been the only team in NFL history to 3peat.

I remember thinking Levy did a poor job in the Bills first super bowl when they were the better team but lost to the Giants and backup qb Jeff Hostetler. Perhaps that is due to what may have been the greatest postseason coaching job ever though by Bill Parcells.

agree.. Best offensive line of all time.
Agree with VK on all counts. Now that I'm somewhat sober, I'll add my thoughts.

I hit the AD carries prop for a small amount (o23.5 carries) and it should have hit by the end of the 3rd quarter. This game started out without a single pass on the first drive. It was surgical. Pack had no answer for the read-option. Vikes get a FG. Next drive AD opens with a 4-6 yard carry on first down and they pass on 2nd down. Sack. Pass on 3rd down. Near-sack or sack (I don't remember as I had a buzz going). Punt. Next drive AD got 1 carry I think (on second down after a pass on first down). Punt. On and on it goes. This fucking OC Musgrave is a goddamn toolbag. They only ran the read option perhaps 5 times total. They should have run is 25 times. I looked at my buddy after the first drive and told him we should play this one like Denver did with Tebow last year - maybe 5-8 passes all game.

Leslie and Musgrave killed any chance of winning by letting Webb throw. Nobody said he could throw the ball - but his running ability clearly gave them an advantage that they didn't exploit until the game was out of reach.

And for those that said "I told you so" on backing the Packers - think about the fact that they got at least 11 points from an offsides penalty extending a drive (2nd drive) and a 12 man penalty that resulted in another TD late. Throw in the fact that there was a blatant push off by that soft ass Nelson on the 4 yard line that was inexplicably not called right in front of the ref that gave the pack more points that they might not have got. As bad as Minny was on offense - the pack were damn fucking fortunate to cover any number that was out there (7.5 to 11).
P you my boy, but cmon bro. The Vikes were lucky to be in the game. The game/situation BEFORE Ponder was out set up perfect for Packers. Minny wasnt goin to win this game in Lambeau. When the news came out that Ponder was out and Webb was starting I added. I couldnt believe the forum honestly...and Tony Dungy. Sayin Webb bringhs some kinda magic/uncertainty. Green Bay coulda named the score, no disrespect. They COMPLETELY let off the gas. To say the Pack were fortunate to cover the number is ludicrous P.

I apologize/bash/try to rationalize for a certain CFB coach too much it seems(more than I want).

You all had the coach of the year out gunned. out situationed(word lol), and fuckin with Joe Webb

Just be optimistic that u gotta good coach goin forward and had a nice run dog:shake:
P you my boy, but cmon bro. The Vikes were lucky to be in the game. The game/situation BEFORE Ponder was out set up perfect for Packers. Minny wasnt goin to win this game in Lambeau. When the news came out that Ponder was out and Webb was starting I added. I couldnt believe the forum honestly...and Tony Dungy. Sayin Webb bringhs some kinda magic/uncertainty. Green Bay coulda named the score, no disrespect. They COMPLETELY let off the gas. To say the Pack were fortunate to cover the number is ludicrous P.

I apologize/bash/try to rationalize for a certain CFB coach too much it seems(more than I want).

You all had the coach of the year and he was out gunned. out situationed(word lol), and fuckin with Joe Webb. Dont blame Leslie

Just be optimistic that u gotta good coach goin forward and had a nice run dog:shake:

He looked so confused on the sideline the whole game. Give him the benefit of the doubt that he was overwhelmed by not having Ponder, but still.....