World Basketball Champs - the Lebanese


CTG Big Brother
Venezuela v Lebanon
The Venal ones are laying 7/.5 points. Now I know diddly squat about either team, but I do know if you have no idea about the ongoing survival, or even whereabouts, of immediate or extended family members (remember, these guys are Middle Easterners, extended family simply have more immediate meaning to them than for (most) Westerners), then your focus on, or belief in, an endeavour like this has to be put into question. Sport is ultimately meaningless, its glory is fools gold. Maybe if the Lebanese were playing Israel, lol, it might be different. But they're playing a better team from halfway round the world, in a cultural environment as foreign to them as they can get. Its not a matter of if their focus is disrupted, but by what extent - Cease-fires/Truces mean nothing when they might fall apart at anytime.

So, how good are Venezuela? and does this spread, in light of that answer, already reflect what these Lebanese players are psychologically going through?
umm i'd be wary. involving politics with sport can be an absolutely dangerous subject. If this was the case why is there still the Asian Cup going on and why are Middle East nations still participating? Involving politics is the same as involving racism. Athletes want the sport to do the talking and now what their governments are sanctioning. I wouldn't put money in any situation on any team that i have no clue whatsoever. Just because Venezula are -7.5 favorites doesn't mean they are far more superior. I'd stick to familiar territories and just see how these two gun it out.
Mike, this has nothing to do with politics, at least with regards my point.
That point being if your (immediate & extended) family members could be dead/in harms way and you do or dont know it (either one is just as bad), how the hell do you continue to play at the highest level in an otherwise meaningless endeavour?
This has nothing to do with Middle Easterners still being involved in whatever tournaments of whatever nature. This is about psychological focus with life & death issues at the foremost of athletes minds.

You're telling me you would be unmoved if your family was in the path of enemy forces and you had no idea about their ability to survive such circumstances? That they could be dead at any moment should an uneasy truce fall apart? I'd say anyone who answers yes to such a query isnt human, but a robot.
BetCrimes1984 said:
Mike, this has nothing to do with politics, at least with regards my point.
That point being if your (immediate & extended) family members could be dead/in harms way and you do or dont know it (either one is just as bad), how the hell do you continue to play at the highest level in an otherwise meaningless endeavour?
This has nothing to do with Middle Easterners still being involved in whatever tournaments of whatever nature. This is about psychological focus with life & death issues at the foremost of athletes minds.

You're telling me you would be unmoved if your family was in the path of enemy forces and you had no idea about their ability to survive such circumstances? That they could be dead at any moment should an uneasy truce fall apart? I'd say anyone who answers yes to such a query isnt human, but a robot.

Ok dude your statement "This has nothing to do with middle Easterners still being involved in whatever tournaments of whatever nature" is complete bogus and i truely disagree. Like I said, DO NOT MAKE A SPORT POLITICAL. You have made this issue a lot worse than it is. First off, you are assuming that the players' families are in harms way. How would you know where they are? if they are in a safe zone or not? 2ndly if the Lebanese players didn't feel like playing, they would not have commited to this tournament in the first place.

Also note that a lot of these players have ties to the United States, meaning a lot of players have family in the US and not Lebanon. Heck the coach is an American as well. It is true it is an uncomfortable situation but the fact that the Lebanese are grouped against Serbia, Argentina, France, Nigeria and Venezula, the only 2 games they can really look forward to competing are against Nigeria and Venezula.

Here's another note to think about, LEBANON FINISHED 2ND IN THE 2005 FIBA ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP. You still think they aren't going to try? I think you should rethink what you wrote.
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another thing i'd like to add is from your first sentence

"Now I know diddly squat about either team"

so why make further assumptions?
Toronto_Mike said:
another thing i'd like to add is from your first sentence

"Now I know diddly squat about either team"

so why make further assumptions?

you need to start capping games somewhere... If you think an outside force is going to effect your team, you play it...

I know I was playing New York teams after 9/11 because they wanted to do well and represent the city. Same reason you picked LSU in some of those early games last year. Outside influences like politics do effect games in my opinion.

BC is just bringing up this could be somethign to focus on, now he's looking for more info on the two teams if anyone else knows anything about them - I know I know jack about em.
Fondybadger said:
you need to start capping games somewhere... If you think an outside force is going to effect your team, you play it...

I know I was playing New York teams after 9/11 because they wanted to do well and represent the city. Same reason you picked LSU in some of those early games last year. Outside influences like politics do effect games in my opinion.

BC is just bringing up this could be somethign to focus on, now he's looking for more info on the two teams if anyone else knows anything about them - I know I know jack about em.

see there are 2 sides to this, either the team can worry about whats going on back home, or they can do their country and family proud and put up a good performance. So what psychological train of thought is correct? Neither because either or can happen. BC is stating he believes the War will have too much of a negative impact on the players for them to compete while i believe the players can use the current issues at home as a driving force to compete harder. Like you said outside influences do come in, but how they effect is another issue. A death of a team member or someone involved within the organization could mean that team is dedicating that game or that season to that particular member. ARe they going to pack it in and lose? Of course not because they are DEDICATING that game/season to the loss one.
who knows what exactly goes through the minds of these players and any other human being, but we cannot assume one thing, you will have to look at the bigger picture. I still stand by my case that this team is the FIBA Asia silver medalist, they have proven they can play at a top notch level. Those are the facts and not an assumption
Lebanon beat Venezuela 81-79 in a prep game, and were paying +800 for the S/U win (no I am not kidding here) and I can only go by what I have read but both were at full strength whatever that means. So on face of it they are getting too many points.

This is a suckers game to bet on IMO and there are plenty of clearer bets on the Saturday and Sunday cards. Best to stay away.
Toronto_Mike said:
Ok dude your statement "This has nothing to do with middle Easterners still being involved in whatever tournaments of whatever nature" is complete bogus and i truely disagree. Like I said, DO NOT MAKE A SPORT POLITICAL. You have made this issue a lot worse than it is. First off, you are assuming that the players' families are in harms way. How would you know where they are? if they are in a safe zone or not? 2ndly if the Lebanese players didn't feel like playing, they would not have commited to this tournament in the first place.

see there are 2 sides to this, either the team can worry about whats going on back home, or they can do their country and family proud and put up a good performance. So what psychological train of thought is correct? Neither because either or can happen. BC is stating he believes the War will have too much of a negative impact on the players for them to compete while i believe the players can use the current issues at home as a driving force to compete harder. Like you said outside influences do come in, but how they effect is another issue. A death of a team member or someone involved within the organization could mean that team is dedicating that game or that season to that particular member. ARe they going to pack it in and lose? Of course not because they are DEDICATING that game/season to the loss one.

Politics in and of themselves are irrelevant to my initial post, which is about adverse circumstances negatively affecting a team's performance. Those circumstances might be due to a volcano thats about to blow at anytime, or an earthquake, tsunami, civil riots, whatever. Whats behind the negative circumstances arent relevant here, all thats relevant is that they exist in the first place to (possibly) wield such an affect.

You say I dont know if families are in harms way - how do you know theyre not? I'm bringing up obvious possibilities/angles that could affect the players minds. Israel was striking into the north with the dropping of bombs, basically ANYONE was in danger - and theres still gunfire being heard in the South while this *truce* is going on, a truce that could end at any moment. The bottom line is the circumstances in this region are still very volatile. As for the Lebanese players feeling like playing, who is to say theres not massive fines for pulling out at this late stage? New Zealand was threatened with massive fines (running into the millions) by the International Cricket Board if they pulled out of a tour to Zimbabwe because of Mugabe's criminal treatment of his own people - The ICB said it was no excuse not to go (dont mix politics with sport). Whose to say it wasnt more viable to play on than pull out for the Lebanese basketball federation? And do you know for a fact individual Lebanese players havent pulled out because of whats going on? Its true these events may galvanise the teams players, but unlike the 9/11 situation, which was a one off event where football players didnt have to worry that their families might get hit in their apartment blocks by planes while they themselves were playing, thats not the case for the Lebanese players and the threats faced back home (unexploded cluster bombs on normal streets are already taking their toll. No doubt the Israelis mined the shit out of whatever ground they occupied and knew they'd be giving back).
You say I cant assume, yet I've studied psychology & philosophy for over 16 years - I know damn well aside from any other reaction, that any one of those players who cares a damn about any family or relatives they may have living in harms way (or if they dont, have especially strong homeland ties, as opposed to long being Americanised and have a weaker National patriotism), are going to have concern for those people, a concern thats present and ongoing and as such takes up what ever amount of conscious energy it will, energy that therefore cant be spent preparing for an entertainment fixture, because we as humans have only so much conscious/emotional energy to spend on any given day.

The point of this thread was to ask how good are Venezuela to take advantage of any lack of focus or energy the Lebanese will exhibit in this tournament. The Venezuelan ml has already dropped 3 cents at 1 of my books since I started this thread. I dont think anybody backing such low odds (now -380) would not know the result related in this thread already between these 2 teams leading up to this tourney. And as BG said, the spread isnt in keeping with that result.

my next question is, was that warm-up game before or after the hostilities started?

I was looking to play the same angle here with Venezuela. I don't see it as a political issue at. From a handicapping standpoint, you are simply trying to get an edge.

Venezuela v Lebanon

SENDAI CITY (FIBA World Championship) - Venezuela are looking no further than this game and have called it the one that will decide their fate in this group.

Nestor Salazar's men have had to say the least a tough preparation over the last two months, which included a run of 11 defeats in a row in the lead-up to the FIBA World Championship.

Venezuela captain Victor Diaz has called tomorrow's opening game a "life or death" situation, a notion backed by Salazar.

"We are so focused on the first game that we haven't looked at our second game against Nigeria yet. But they will play tomorrow after we do so I can study them then," Salazar said.

Venezuela were dealt another blow with the news that influential players Hector Romero and Diego Guevara will miss the tournament through injury.

Meanwhile Lebanon come into the competition still trying to get their mind focused on basketball and putting the conflict back home in the back of their heads - however tough that may be.

An official with the team said the players were in good shape and had successfully completed a run of eight warm-up games - including a win over Venezuela - before arriving in Japan late on Thursday night.

Lebanon held their first training session earlier today and had no major injuries to report.
You know, I almost forgot the main point in this discussion: If Venezuela lost 11 straight, including once to Lebanon, THEN WHY ARE THEY 7 point favorites?

smh212 - that question becomes even more vexing when they're missing two leading players.

WTF? How isnt Lebanon +7/.5 a gift
BetCrimes1984 said:
TM, I say I didnt lose a cent on it, thanks to info provided by others regarding the question I posed.

Thanks BG and smh

wow what a slap in the face, i provided info on the Lebanese squad and you just cancel me out? Nice one. I guess you can't take it that you were wrong on this account
Toronto_Mike said:
wow what a slap in the face, i provided info on the Lebanese squad and you just cancel me out? Nice one. I guess you can't take it that you were wrong on this account

I didnt read anything from you on the Lebanese squad. So if thats here, then I didnt read that particular post, probly because I was replying to your political angle.

As for admitting I was wrong, this championship isnt over, its just started. Venezeula are obviously a pathetically weak team, losing 12 straight says nothing about any quality they supposedly possess (and missing key players obviously doesnt help). So their ability to take advantage of any Lebanese lack of focus was obviously lacking. We'll see whether superior opponents can do otherwise. Any team, even lacking focus, can win a game if their opponents *suck huge fat ones*. If the Lebanese string together a sequence of results above whats expected of them, then I'll acknowledge that whats taking place in their homeland didnt unduly influence their play.
Toronto_Mike said:
wow what a slap in the face, i provided info on the Lebanese squad and you just cancel me out? Nice one. I guess you can't take it that you were wrong on this account

Taking yourself a little too seriously here?

Since their first match, the Lebanese have lost by 35 to Argentina (but given their starters got irregular minutes, thats not a complete suprise), but by 47 to without a win Serbia. Heres a quote from a Lebanese fan from a basketball message board I'm visiting to *steal* opinions from...

08-21-2006, 01:48 PM
lebanon lost with a biiiiiiiiig biggggggg difference to serbia i think this was the worst game we ever played ... even that we lost esterday vs argentina @ least we played with heart .. but today no heart no organization no systems .. even fady el khatib was bad .....

Keeping in mind the fact that Serbia lost to Nigeria, and lost to France, who themselves only beat Nigeria by 11 pts - so Nigeria are playing tough, and Venezuela beat Nigeria, and of course Lebanaon beat Venezuela. Through this lense, theres no reason why Lebanon couldnt at least have covered the point spread for their Serbian game, instead of losing by almost 3 times its amount.

Seems to me that now the tourney is entering its grind period, first game enthusiasms for the Lebanese are forgotten, giving way to some other kind of inertia. Wonder what that could be.....
well not much can be said about Venezula who got their arse kicked yesterday. You got the Kiwi's covering against Spain but yet losing pretty bad to Angola? So really this tourney is all about picking the right match ups. Teams just seem to be more interested in putting an effort against a team they have a chance against rather than put up a fight against a huge spread. Its getting really confusing to cap these games