
atlanta 4.5
chic atl under 176
stars 5
ind stars under 151
mercury 8.5
sparks mercury under 168.5
4-9 . .. you know it has been going bad when you more than double your season long winning percentage on a losing day.

dallas 7
dallas/mercury under 174
mystics -3.5
dream/mystics under 166.5

Kind of hope the dream have no legs after yesterday. good luck

conn -5
liberty -3
sea 11
stars/sun under 153.5
liberty/fever under 159
lynx/storm under 159.5

Stars 9
stars/fever under 155.5
sky -4
mystics/sky under 166.5
phx -3
liberty/mercury under 167
Should probably 7 games over .500 rather than the other way around. Want to say that was the sixth under winner in regulation that lost in overtime that I have had this season in just 44 wagers. Anyway overtime is part of the game. no excuses.

dream -2.5
wings dream und 171
chi -1.5
ny chi ov 165
sea -2.5
sea sa und 150.5
phx -6.5
phx fever ov 172
jinxed myself into another regulation under winner that turns into a on overtime loser. but the side would have lost without ot so it was the warranted result anyway.


wings lynx over 166.5