WNBA court/anthem

Without the backing of the NBA, the WNBA would be nothing. Bankrupt and cancelled within the first month. Nobody watches that shit. Nor does it garner any money or profit.

It can be profitable to bet though..lol. But, yes I agree with your point.
Without the backing of the NBA, the WNBA would be nothing. Bankrupt and cancelled within the first month. Nobody watches that shit. Nor does it garner any money or profit.

That‘s probably why they needed a gimmick to attract the wokies...plus they had nothing to lose — they have no conservative fanbase to alienate. They‘ve managed to outdo baseball and all other sports in showing how into „justice“ they are.
Fuck the wnba. A disgrace is what they are. There are many other ways to show your support. They overdid it.

You don't walk out of the national anthem. If the nba does this too, I won't watch a a single game this summer.
The court looks better than the NBAS.

I refuse to bet this league for the year after what they did during the anthem today. Bush league. At least kneel, but don't walk off.

I have never watched a WNBA game and never will so this is the first I have heard about them walking off. Its absolutely disgraceful but I can't say I am surprised and I fully expect the NBA scumbags to do something similar.
I saw this brought up the other day...but why even play the anthem with no attendance right now?