Winston suspended All game

So...I can still get +20.5 in a pick league I'm a part of. Is there any logical reason I shouldn't A) take it as one of my 10 picks and B) make it my "lock" pick for the week (double points)?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>FSU release: Jameis Winston now suspended for the entire Clemson game. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Andy Staples (@Andy_Staples) <a href="">September 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
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It stayed on the books at Heritage for a full 40 minutes tonight (at 14) after the announcement was made. Can't believe someone didn't take it off sooner.
It could be a big problem if Tallahassee PD actually is conducting an investigation now
Lol way to take one for the team glb..

I bet coker is kicking himself right now..

and the parents of the backup gave their tickets away cause they didn't think the kid would play lol.. Sucks for them I guess
That's interesting about Tally PD. I wouldn't doubt that those hypocrites jump on this change in wind direction and cover their ass and go after him hard.
@PeteL_FSU: So the main rumor is Winston lied to Stokes when questioned about the Tuesday incident and Admin wants him suspended for the year.
Yeah I would prefer the under muchhhhh more than the side but you should get a chance to buy off even if you have to wait for it live
@PeteL_FSU: So the main rumor is Winston lied to Stokes when questioned about the Tuesday incident and Admin wants him suspended for the year.

Rachel nicholes
Am being told increased penalty for FSU's Jameis Winston came after school discovered he'd not been entirely truthful with them.

How hard is it with any of these schools/nfl teams to gather all info then serve punishment?
You don't pick up another half of football suspension for not being "entirely truthful"

I agree there is more to the story here. Now we will never know if the defense at Publix truly is better than that of Clemson's.
For all of these hypocrites in this situation it pales in comparison to the scum that Steve Biscotti, AC PD and the non profit football league. My buddy worked for that arrogant fuck Biscotti at Aerotek. He is a big "family man". That wanna be mafioso is garbage.
@BruceFeldmanCFB: SOURCE:Winston's suspension due to FSU administration finding discrepency w/ his account of where he was standing when saying theobscenities
