WIll the Death of Bo Schembechler Affect Ohio State/Michigan Game on Sat?????


All Day
I dont mean this as a cruel thing.. But do you think the Death of Bo Schembechler will have an affect on the Ohio State Michigan Football game?
nope.. he wasnt playing. If a team needs added motivation for a game liks this then they were in trouble to begin with
Exactly.. but i dont mean in MOTIVATION ... i mean.. will it be a block in the minds of the michigan team.... will they try to do too much.. OVERPLAY.... obviously its a big deal... they all got on the bus right after hearing about it.. im sure there all not playing cards and watching tv now... im sure it will be talked about more tonight.. and before the game... It definatly in my opinion has a factor.. It will only be until after the game.. that we find out how....
The oldest player on Michigan, whoever it is, was probably like four years old when Bo stopped coaching. I'm not discounting his status as an icon, but he's not part of their lives. Carr's life yes, but what's he going to do ... coach with more spirit?
Thats like saying will the celtics come out and honor red auerbach with an opening night win at home. KLUNK..

The majority of those guys could care less in my opinion. Sure he was around the program and all, but this is a non factor
So if michigan wins the game, they played inspired ball because of bo?
If they lose it was becuz they were crushed with bo passing...?

I guess we just disagree here..
No im not saying the outcome will be determined on if they are inspired or not... Just stating that It will have some sense of an impact.. whether it makes them a little down,, pumped... Sad.. Angry...

Just a topic to see you guys opinions...

ANd BTW Opinions are supossed to be different ..if not we would all be perfect :)
ALl im saying is.. the "ICON" of Michigan dieing a day before the day.. HAS to play some sort of role in the game
you guys have no idea.
About what hunt? I realize what he means to the michigan program. He is like Vince Dooley at uga ( minus the championships).. Just saying in my opinion the kids have to be motivated for this game.
1) #1 vs #2
2) Winner goes to the ncc game
3) Playing their arch rival

Those 3 factors are huge..
*Cash* said:
HuntDog.. what do u mean?

a UM take on this is it's going to bring out all the emotion they have in em and big emotional edge to UM..

There's two ways to look at it...

That way or too much emotion in an already emotional spot..

If you cap this game on what if's for this reason, I don't think that's the way to go..

Not w/ what's at stake..
ohh exactly.. im not making a bet on this instance... Just courious what the thoughts of the mark it makes on the game
ok, this is a sad day for me so I won't get into it too much.

Bo, had an office in schembechler hall, right down the hall from LLoyd Carr, he had a relationship with ALL of these players and was revered by the UM coaches and players alike. Abcs, your right, UM does not need any more motivation but this is pretty intense stuff for UM football team...I mean it is BIG because of WHEN it happened and how much he was involved with the players and coaches.

You guys just don't understand the magnitude of this rivalry between these two teams, it is HUGE and the game just got bigger.
BTW, I would never cap a football game based on a death...I'm just letting you guys know the impact on the team.
cash, no, he was suffering from diabetes and he collapsed last week also. He was suffering from bad legs and a bad heart. He was going to watch the game at home.
Yea he said he wasnt goin to the game. Guy was in poor health, and said he was done with away games.
ok, this is a sad day for me so I won't get into it too much.

Bo, had an office in schembechler hall, right down the hall from LLoyd Carr, he had a relationship with ALL of these players and was revered by the UM coaches and players alike. Abcs, your right, UM does not need any more motivation but this is pretty intense stuff for UM football team...I mean it is BIG because of WHEN it happened and how much he was involved with the players and coaches.

You guys just don't understand the magnitude of this rivalry between these two teams, it is HUGE and the game just got bigger.


and BO was at the presser on Monday and talked 29 minutes w/out being asked a question about the rivalry...

He's not avg coach who gets out of the spotlight...these players know him..

Remember, he was an OHIO guy and JT has stressed the history of this rivalry..

Both teams know what he meant..

It's a big deal...don't think it gives either team an edge or advantage because of the stakes were already so high..

But sad thing.

Man, what a way to go out though, eve of 1 vs. 2 and the greatest rivalry in sports? He and Woody will be watching together...BO loved Wody like a father.
I think jump is the only one that understands..this rivalry goes so far back, the history is amazing.
Goes back to when the Michigan Territory tried to poach Toledo from the state of Ohio (like anyone would care today) back in 1835. Way before football. Woody and Bo made the football rivalry, Michigan football wasn't a big deal when Bo took the helm.
I agree tippy...your so right.

I didn't mean to exclude just jump and I that only understand..I guess what I meant was that only OSU/UM fans would understand.
Best rivalry in college football, Hunt. Sorry about Bo.

I'm a ND fan plopped for 37 years about 1.5 hours from Columbus and 2.5 from Ann Arbor. Have developed a healthy appreciation for the rivalry and a healthy dislike for both participants.
Don't think the players are going to be affected, but I bet Carr and staff are possibly gonna have some issues focusing.
Its just one of the signs in life...

I was thinking about his 29 minute speech the other day and how he warned of Ohio St pulling their little dog-sniffing trick again. I thought today that stuff like that was going through his mind and he was fighting for his beloved University to the very end.

I started watching UM football about 1987. In was 7 at the time and remember this gentleman on the sidelines. He was an imposing figure to a young child like myself and I just thought he was Michigan. I immediately thought he was one of the greatest men I would know in watching and loving sports. That sentiment holds true today.

I thought today about where it ended. They were getting ready to tape the pregame show for tomorrow. The reason I always watched that pregame show was because of Bo. You could feed off his energy and he would not be bashful in criticising Michigan for bad play or poor sportsmanship. You really could feel his aura and wisdoim being channeled directly into you through a TV set.

This man isn't only UM, he was a OSU guy as well. Thats prolly what made the rivalry come together so well when he took over at Michigan. Now, most of us are 35 or under at this site. We cannot really judge this mans career due to our age. We have historical perspectives and what we have tried to learn about the history of such a great sport. It dissapoints me to see guys 23-24 yeards old think they can put a label on a mans legacy when they only know half the story and were prolly still wetting their bed when he retired.

A great man has passed today. A true icon and someone that many looked up to. You saw Hunts story about getting a football signed. That is the kind of stuff that last in a childs mind forever. Just like what he has taught student athletes over the years at UM whteher he was coach, AD or just hanging out in his office in recent years.

R.I.P. Bo
B.A.R. said:
Its just one of the signs in life...

I was thinking about his 29 minute speech the other day and how he warned of Ohio St pulling their little dog-sniffing trick again. I thought today that stuff like that was going through his mind and he was fighting for his beloved University to the very end.

I started watching UM football about 1987. In was 7 at the time and remember this gentleman on the sidelines. He was an imposing figure to a young child like myself and I just thought he was Michigan. I immediately thought he was one of the greatest men I would know in watching and loving sports. That sentiment holds true today.

I thought today about where it ended. They were getting ready to tape the pregame show for tomorrow. The reason I always watched that pregame show was because of Bo. You could feed off his energy and he would not be bashful in criticising Michigan for bad play or poor sportsmanship. You really could feel his aura and wisdoim being channeled directly into you through a TV set.

This man isn't only UM, he was a OSU guy as well. Thats prolly what made the rivalry come together so well when he took over at Michigan. Now, most of us are 35 or under at this site. We cannot really judge this mans career due to our age. We have historical perspectives and what we have tried to learn about the history of such a great sport. It dissapoints me to see guys 23-24 yeards old think they can put a label on a mans legacy when they only know half the story and were prolly still wetting their bed when he retired.

A great man has passed today. A true icon and someone that many looked up to. You saw Hunts story about getting a football signed. That is the kind of stuff that last in a childs mind forever. Just like what he has taught student athletes over the years at UM whteher he was coach, AD or just hanging out in his office in recent years.

R.I.P. Bo
:shake: Yea i saw that speech as well and was impressed with that. Tough loss for the rivalry.
Its this kind of shit that makes our petty little shit talking seem useless to me. At least for the rest of today. We can commence again tomorrow.

BTW...as far as impact on game...

I think the biggest impact..and i am not a very religious person is that some higher power has something special in store for this game. I am not proposing that UM wins. I just think something incredible will happen. Maybe Tress and Uncle C will run the ball on 1st and 2nd down all game long and the final score will be 13-12
B.A.R. said:
Its this kind of shit that makes our petty little shit talking seem useless to me. At least for the rest of today. We can commence again tomorrow.

BTW...as far as impact on game...

I think the biggest impact..and i am not a very religious person is that some higher power has something special in store for this game. I am not proposing that UM wins. I just think something incredible will happen. Maybe Tress and Uncle C will run the ball on 1st and 2nd down all game long and the final score will be 13-12

I thought about that in the car....

They were talking about how Bo cant stand going to ND/Um games and it takes it so personal....and watches alone in his library..

I was thinking, seeing as this is the biggest game we've seen between the two, maybe he wasn't supposed to see a UM loss tomorrow...

We know he was on his last leg, and that woulda got him down good..

I don't know...

and I'm not overly religious either..
You can think of it in so many aspects.

It could be like you said.

It could be he will be hovering over his team tomorrow and give them that extra lift

we have no idea about the emotional aspect, there is a lot at stake for both sides.
Nope, not enough to overcome the poweful Buckeyes. I'm not a wagonjumper, but I attend Ohio State Univ. and took part in the Mirror Lake jumping Thursday night along with about 55,000 other drunk, crazy students. This is definitely one of the most anticipated, if not the most anticipated game in rivalry history. This place is nuts and the city is going to burn win or lose. Buckeyes will roll in this game. Put the spread aside because I'm not sure whats going to happen, but Buckeyes win. Too much adrenaline, emotion, diehard attitudes down here in Columbus, OH this weekend. GL to all. :shake:
It goes both ways Steed...must be awesome being a student down there now though.
I totally agree. It does go both ways and I know Meeeechigan is a helluva team this year, very solid. I just can't get away from the Buckeyes playing home. At Michigan, they have the edge, but here, I dunno......we will see. LOL And YES, being a student is quite some fun, but the smart ones will get out of town this weekend...GL BOTH WAYS--LOOK FOR A GOOD GAME
I see his death as a motivating factor for the Michigan team. Bo was to Michigan like John Wooden is to UCLA. I guarantee every one of those Michigan players not only knew Bo, but they knew why they should have known him.

I see them dedicating this game to him and playing with a lot of emotion tomorrow, as if it were not going to be emotional enough already.

I'm not betting this game at all. My respects to Bo and his family . . . .