Will Muschamp really teaching his guys a lesson


Beacon of Calmness
The players that were suspended for the opening game have been reinstated for game 2 lol. Way to hold them accountable, Will!!!!

It wasn't a 1-game suspension, it was an Idaho game suspension

This is why college sports has lost its luster to me, it isn't amateur, it's professional. Just pay the bums and call it what it is.
You actually think Muschamp is the only one? FSU guys gets Grand Theft Auto and is suspended 1 game and is reinstated. It happens everywhere
You actually think Muschamp is the only one? FSU guys gets Grand Theft Auto and is suspended 1 game and is reinstated. It happens everywhere

Suspended for a game that isn't played, and then not suspended for the next game (since the first one wasn't played) happens everywhere?
It wasn't just a suspension from the game Lareux. It was a suspension from team activities for the whole week. When you are not on the field every day with your "family/brothers" thats what the point is for them. Just because the game wasn't played means nothing. It was a week suspension not a game suspension
If they would have stayed suspended everyone would be bitching that they are being suspended for another cupcake instead of a real team. Its a no-win situation